With all the guys itching to get out this weekend, here is a quick report.
We did not get a real early start, hit the water about 11:00. The fish were waiting for us though. With the late start we thought are best option was the vertical bite. Started off with a couple of passes up by the dam. Hooked up with fish right away in the 20 to 23ft range. Although the bite was ok, we opted to see how the action was downstream. We found the bite to be faster and the quality of fish better below the Y.
On our first pass we hit three nice fish in the 13 to 16 ft. range. The overcast conditions may have had something to do with the fish being shallower. We continued to work that depth range and continued on down to 23ft. Catching fish in all depths but the shallower water held better fish.
Chart/pepper Doos again was the hot bait for the day. Fished either on a glitter or sour apple head. Running a close 2nd was white hair. I did not do too well with ringworms until later in the afternoon. Around 3:00 pro blue ringies started working well. The key for us today, with all the baits was to hold it almost touching bottom.
Must have been just cold enough to effect the camera. Most of my pictures did not turn out. Have fun this weekend and I will see you on the water.
Thanks for the report and pics Don. With the warmer weather a guy just doesn’t know whether to hit the open water or the hard water. Am going to hit the hard water Sunday but still appreciate seeing that open water and eyes.
Thanks, Bill
Bill,It’s a good problem to have though. Good luck and be safe on the ice.
Thanks for the report Don…you will keep me pumped up until I return in march!
Hey nice pump up for the weekend.
Say I heard you were up there again on Saturday. You must be running that invisible Crestliner. Sorry I missed you.
Well I hit the water Saturday about 1:30 pm. I was trying to get Dean to rent me a T- shirt and a pair of shorts, but he was out of Sun screen so I thought best not.
Can you believe that this is Dec.
Anyway the vertical bite is still very strong, for my boat. Ringworms, SuperDoo’s and Livin eyes, were the ticket for me today. But hey I think that they would hit about anything you put down. Best depths were 18 to 25. Also the area that I worked for a couple hours the bigger fish came on the tail out of the hole.
Here is a shot of a 5:15 pm eye that fell pray to a Firecracker chartruese tail on an 1/8 oz sour apple head. Pitched to a rock drop.
Nice fish! We had to pull off the water by 2:30, if I seen your boat I would have came by to say hello. The bite was stronger for my boat Saturday. We were still finding nice fish in the 13 to 17ft range. Had a few in the livewell for pics but my camera is not working so ended up just releasing them.
Redneckjr. was working the same area maybe he got some pics.
Ya I saw Chris at the landing. They looked like thay were havin a great time.
My camera works but my ambition to take photos was very slow. That was the only photo I took yesterday.
So I just sneaked it in on you. That way I don’t have to type as much.
Hope to see ya next time.
Staying home today playing house cleaner and may try and become a football fan later if time permits.
How’s the music business??
Have a great weekend.
Knock it off you guys as you are making me homesick for the River.
Nice eye Greg. How do you like those night lights on your hat visor? I just bought some as they looked like they would be better than my ones that strap around my hat/head. This nice warm weather is great yet stinks at the same time as I want to do some ice fishin.
If it keeps up I might just have to give it up as boats are still in the driveway as they haven’t made it to storge yet. 
Thanks, Bill
Hey Bill,
I do not know if those lights are better because I do not have anything to compare too I have never used the others.
These are more a cheap convenience for me. They are easy to use and light up what I need to see in the boat. They do not shoot very long distance for casting to shore like the others will. But they work for me..I can also use them when I am working on my washers and dryers to keep my hands free and still be able to see.
Wow the boats are in the drive way…I bet they would look and feel better in the River.
Take care, Hope the weather holds I want to hit the water on Wednesday.
Good talking to you guys again. We had a great day on the water. I spent most of it with my brother-in-law, dad came later in the afternoon. We caught lots of fish, some being a little on the small side but there were a lot of 15-19 inchers too. Our best depths were 22 or less, it was always just to the inside of the group, every time that we caught a fish the “pack” would move in a little and so would we. I think that there were enough people that the fish were being overwhelmed and moving to the edege where we were waiting. We used 5/16, 1/4, 3/16 jigs in gold glitter, black, and orange/chart. There was an assortment of colors that worked today. Paddletails and ringworms were top for most of the day, but once Dad got there he showed us how to really work on the fish with chart. peper superdoos. The colors that worked the best were; catalpha, fire-n-ice, electric blue, black/white tail, and chart. peper. I was amazed at how many different colors worked. I was also how amazed as I always am at how hard the fish will smack the bait. If you are a minnow fisher I challenge you to try plastics, once you do you will never go back. The fish that hit especially hard was this one pictured. It is 22″ and I’m guessing somewhere around 4 lbs. It just about took my rod and reel out of my hand. I kept meaning to try hair but couldn’t bring myself to stray from the plastics.