Thursday and Friday all I could think of was getting to Stoddard (pool 8) to finally get onto some ice and chase the first ice gills. I did a drive by Friday afternoon and couldn’t believe the amount of people. It looked elbow to elbow. After some thought and knowing it was only going to be more crowded for the weekend, I decided I didn’t want to drive 50 minutes and play in the crowd. I elected to stay closer to home and target walleye and crappie and try Reel Weeds for my first time.
I was set up by 2:00PM Saturday. I set 2 beaver dams in 11fow along an edge that jumps up to 5fow. I then headed out from the edge still in 11-12fow and set up my reel weeds in an arched shape. At first my MarCum LX-5 was marking a big fat zero, half hour later a few fish started to show now and then to take the bait. One hour later my screen looked like I was fishing on top of a Christmas tree. I started catching one crappie after another. No monsters (which I know are in this area) but I had something to do while waiting for a flag. Speaking of flags, I had one flag and broke off on a very nice eye that I seen through the clear ice
I kept a few of the medium crappies to make a start on a fish fry. The crappies were inhaling a Purple Little Cecil tipped with a waxie. I have to believe it was the Reel Weeds that were holding these crappies in the middle of no where! Day one ended a bust for the tip ups but a lot of fun using Reel Weeds and catching crappies.
Sunday I was meat at the local bait shop by JP Mason just before 6:00am. After a cup of java and shootin’ the bull we headed out on the ice. First thing I did was get the tip ups in, then we headed out a ways from where I had spent Saturday hoping to find some of the larger crappies. We were setup just before light Reel Weeds and all when I had my first flag. It was a nice 20” eye. Before the first eye even hit the ice my second flag was up, another eye at 15+
After it became light the only Walleyes still hitting were 8 – 13 incheslong. We were meat by JP’s neighbor Eric and Mike C. around 8:00 and the 4 of us were catching small crappies every now and then in the Weeds. They were not holding like the day before and the biting fish were running smaller than the day before. We split up and went hunting. JP Mason found the spot holding some fish. Still nothing to brag about but we were on fish. Green Little Cecil was the color of the day for me. JP Mason was nailing fish with a Chartreuse Rat Finky. Mike C was using an Orange/Yellow Little Cecil and it was working also. It was a lot of work but I was able to weed enough crappies out to finish off the fish fry and Mason and Mike put one together also. Just as I was leaving for the day JP Mason landed a snot rocket on his jig stick. It sure looked like fun
Day two ended with tip ups winning for me
A word of caution; we were fishing on 5 inches of clear ice but the shore line is getting soft in a hurry. With the warming temps and the not so cold nights things are going to get wet and soft
Creepers are also a must if you want to stay upright! A hard fall will turn what could be a fun trip into a pain!
Good luck, be safe, and say a prayer for some cold!!!
Great report Bret!! How did those first ice fish taste!!??
NIce report!! Gotta love the walleyes on flags.
Very nice Bret and crew

After this report it is official, the rats have beat me up enough, now it is time to get the fishing gear out
Thanks for the report Bret
.They will for surely “make some poop”
Thanks for the report and pics Bret. Sounds like a very good day on the ice.
Thanks, Bill
Looks like alot of fun.
Thanks for the report.
Bret Nice fish, If you don’t mind where is a place closer to home a guy can fish tip ups? Love to fish them but the River doesn’t have many places where I can do this, at least that’s safe and I know of. PM if you can Thanks RB
Nice fish report Bret. Bret was kind enough to invite me along on this trip, but as it was a time thing with me that day I said no, I had a couple hours to fish with my bro-in-law and well we caught a few but it was slow for the most part. Of course Bret informs me they caught some nice eyes. I told him the next time it doesn’t matter whats going on I will go along. Again, nice report and hopefully next time it works out.–John
It was alot of fun being on the ice. Thanks guys!
I will find out tonight how the fish fry taste Luke. I’m sure it will be very good.
Keep trapping Wats, the ice is really taking a beating with this rain and warm weather
You always crack me up with the poop line Tony
There will be another time John. I’m sure then it will be a bust and you will wonder why you took me up on a fishing trip
great report, looks fun out there on the ice