Tis the season and I couldn’t bear to stay home thinking about what may have happened on Mille Lacs. I spent the entire weekend scouting the lakes ice in order to see what ice will be available for the weekends to come. I did manage to fish a fraction of the time also. Friday I attempted to reach areas from the West side of the lake only to find a dangerous situation for someone to be in.
As I was saying, the ice on the east side of the lake is very unpredictable. The main sheets of ice have shifted many times during the first freeze from the strong north winds. It appears that the large shifts of ice sheared some of the main cracks and pulled the ice open which has left areas of very thin ice. I found several areas of 1.5 inches and made an easy decision to let the West side be and be patient for another good freeze before venturing out. Heading to the east I found great ice conditions and beautiful weather. In this scenario, I had to drop a line.
From the East side, I headed out of Hunter’s resort and was greeted with a steady 10 iches of ice in the bay. I felt confident and safe heading out 3 miles at which I was finding 9 inches of ice. I didn’t say a solid 9 inches though. This weekends warm weather had the ice expanding at an incredible rate. Many have heard the ice popping and snapping, which is usually a welcomed sound while below freezing temperatures. That was not the case on Saturday. The ice was very active in that it was shifting, snapping and heaving. There are a few mainline cracks that are active and need to be approached cautiously.
Alright, alright,….you’re wondering about the fish. I finally began a serious approach to finding some fish on Sunday mid day. I was in search of deep water from the start with access to a higher feeding ground. I did find just that and began my search starting on top and making swiss cheese ice on the way down the break. The fish were found from 24 to 31 feet of water. The biggest fish of the day was 18 inches. A meal of 14 to 18 inch fish was not hard to come by. This is completely acceptable for those pursuing slot fish. Regretfully I don’t have any big fish quite yet to share with you but that will come as I have more options on the ice. Places to fish were a bit limited because of breakers and cracks. Most importantly today was to keep moving. I was able to fish fast using go devil spoons. All fish were caught using these spoons. Agressive fish were rare today, but with a bit of coaxing Roger Koshiol and I managed under 20 fish, all under 18 inches. So tonight Roger has a happy frying pan. Good to fish with you Roger.
The fish are there and so is the ice. With a bit of help mother nature, we can hold the ice that is there. Grab the gear and go!
Nice walleyes Matt!! Great report!!
Looks like a good pair of ice skates were in order!
Great report Matt. Very informative. I can’t wait to get up there.
Great to see ya Matt,
As Matt stated in his report we have some cracks on the eastside that are moving with the temperature changes. I had plans to fish a spot Saturday evening only to have a crack from preventing it from happening. You do need to use more judgement this time of year than later on. Please don’t take any risks and put yourself and others in danger. A fish is not worth it…….once we get abit of some colder weather to sure up these areas. we are in for a good ice season!! There is a large number of the fish that Matt reported on above. It’s going to be a blast catching them!!
Make sure to check in with the resort that you are planning to access from and get the most current lake conditions.
Thanks for the report, Matt. I was thinking of getting some of those devil spoons from B Fish N with my next order. What size(s) do you recommend?
I use the 1/8 oz constantly for perch and walleye.
Thanks for the report Matt.
Nice fish I wish it would just get cold again so we could put these ice concerns behind us.Weather like this would be welcome in Jan with 20in ice
Well now I know what and where to start this up and coming Saturday. Thanks Matt
Nice report Matt
I hope your guys ice hangs in there. What ice we have here is taking a beating by mother nature
I can’t wait for a chance to be on the pond this winter 
Guys please be careful, I would hate for someone to read my report and go running out of hunters at 40 mph only to hit a heave or crack.
Go slow and watch where you’re going. On a 4 wheeler 5 to 10 mph is plenty. Allow yourself stopping distance.
When we’re only working with 10 inches on Mille Lacs, it can change anytime.
When you guys are out there contemplating crossing an iffy area, stop and ask yourself if its worth it. I just don’t want to see the “IDA’er falls in thread”.
Thanks for the report Matt.
Great job.
Very,Very Nice walleye can’t wait to be there!!!