LEG 1& 2 of the Cast & Blast

LEG 1 of the Casting & Blasting weekend found us on the Pond Thursday night. The C&B weekend was in order due to my long time buddy from College flying in from Florida. We get together a few times a year to enjoy what we used to do day in day out back in school. This consisted of hunting, fishing and enjoying some beverages . Scott’s plane landed in Minneapolis @ 4:12 on Thursday afternoon and we were on the water on Mille Lacs around 7:30 pm. For this 1st leg of the C&B we were also joined by good buddies and frequent visitors to IDA Torre & Chris. This was my first time on the pond in over 2 weeks, so I had high hopes. We had a beautiful calm late October night to fish with the moon only coming out for a very brief moment before the clouds came in and the moon set. The water temps were hovering around 42 degrees and pretty much no wind to speak of. We were working the NW side of the lake and even mad a run to the North end for a few hours.

It took us awhile to either dial it in or for the fish to bite. Chris pulled the first one to the boat a nice slot fish with a Fire Tiger HJ12. From there on out the favorite lure of choice for the fish was a steady dose of Tennessee Shad. What was surprising to me is that we had a number of fish biting on the “Outside Turn” or on the “Rod Sweep” forward. Typically I would say 99% of the bites this time of year would be on the inside turn, but this was not the case for us on Thursday. We found the most active fish in St. Albans bay. We did make a run up to the North end for a few hours, but only found 2 fish up there. However one was an absolute Tank 24” fish. I threw this fish on my digital and it came up 6 lb 13 oz. This was the fattest fish I have seen. We found fish, but the “BIGGER FISH” eluded us that night as the biggest that came to the boat was 26”. It was great just to be back out and nice seeing Cal, Slip Sinker, Brett, and NeverHome up on the pond that evening.

For Leg 2 of the Cast & Blast weekend I had booked a Pool 2 trip for a few hours with Steve Dezurik. Scott and I found ourselves scrambling Friday just to make it home, fillet our catch from Thursday night eat a little breakfast/lunch at Perkins and make it to the 494 ramp a few minute later for our Pool 2 trip. It never ceases to amaze me the knowledge the Guides here on Ida are willing to share with you on a trip. I’m a rather novice on Pool 2, but have caught my share of fish. The tips and technique’s Steve shared with Scott and I really jumped up my learning of the Wing Dam Pitching Bite. Thanks again Steve for a great evening. Here in the 3rd pic is Scott with a tank of a fish. We never measured it, but it was a fish I know Scott will remember.

Well that just about does it for the first 2 LEGS of the Cast and Blast weekend. If you would like to read about the 3rd & FINAL LEG, CLICK HERE.

Well, I’m switching gears and the next month I will be focused on chasing monster bucks with bow and gun. Looking forward to sharing some time in the woods with my family especially my Dad as we have a few weekends we will be sitting in the woods. I have not hunted as much as I wanted to this Fall , but hopefully I can make up for it here in the next month. Good Luck this weekend to all you gun hunters and I hope everyone has a fun but safe opening weekend. Until next time, Lip is out!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Thanks for the report Rob. It was nice to see you out on the lake that night! I will be trying to get out Thur, Sat and Sun. nights.

    Good luck with the monster buck hunt


  2. great report as always rob. nice looking eyes.my dad and i are heading to pool 4 on thursday.
    good luck buck hunting,every buddy i talked to this week end saw bucks. lots of small ones,so the big boys should be moving real soon

  3. Thanks Guys!

    Yep JJ October 15th to Novmeber 15th no better time in the whole year. We got the last half to go. Time to drop the on some big boys. Good luck to everyone that gets out fishing or hunting the next few weeks.

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