Fall Fishing On Lake Zumbro

Fall can be a great time to be on the water. Add a good friend, fish, and warmer temps and you can have alot of fun. Read on to see just how much fun you can have.

Mike Smith joined me to take in some fall fishing on Lake Zumbro. Now Mike is use to fishing out of the red Lund when he fishes with me which has alot more room in it than the 14 foot jon boat we fished from. By the end of the outting he knew what cramped legs felt like as you are sitting much lower than comfortable air ride seats and Smooth Moves seat mounts. lol. Back to basics was the equipement and for me this day and it felt great to be back in this little rig as its alot of fun even though you do feel cramped as two big guys have to sit still or overboard you go. LOL.

We started our search mission where I had fish going before but nobody was home. Don’t you just hate that when the hot bite fish move. lol. I think Mike was getting tired of fishing my once hot but not so hot anymore spot so we moved to another spot that both Mike and I have had alot of good luck at. [Mikes suggestion]. Oh no….here comes another maybe not hot anymore spot, we hoped not. We started working the side of a point and bam fish on! Ah, did it ever feel good when we both started catching fish as it sure made the cramped feeling feel better. lol. Next time I’m bringing another seat cushion along to sit higher up when we are in the boat with heavy clothes on.

This day was really alot of fun as we both had a great time fishing together. Heres for some more fun stuff. [thumbs up]. Mike was using jigs and plastics and I was using bucktail jigs with a crappie minnow on. Now normally I don’t add a minnow but we were searching and even though I didn’t want to take away much from the bucktail hair doing its thing I wanted alittle meat for taste and smell to attract fish. The bucktail was catching alot of fish [stripers] and the plastics [different kinds normally not used] but someone just didn’t want to switch lures. You see, I was to use the bucktails and Mike was to use different plastics experimenting. After catching fish after fish, even took the crappie minnow off and still caught fish [and rubbed it in,] but the size of the fish went down without the crappie minnow on. Once the meat was added back on the size of the fish got bigger again. It was like the big fish down below were telling the smaller fish to leave the jig with the minnow on it alone as it was his or else. By this time Mike was ready to put on a bucktail AND a minnow which before he repeatedly kept telling me he wanted no part of as he was experimenting with different plastics. Ok…now if you look close in the first two pictures you will see a little minnow container sitting back there by me. I kept it there for along time too because I loved hearing the words ”I NEED a minnow.” lol. Boy did I ever have fun with that one. I just loved hearing those words and kept telling him that each time he said ”I NEED a another minnow.” With the experimenting over Mike hammered the stripers too. He must of had in his mind that he was sticking with experimenting because he even stuck with it alot longer than this stubborn guy does. lol. It was a very fun day on the water. Yes, we finally found the fish, moved around and searched out the area more and really found some nice big ones and had alot of action but the best part of the day was the FUN, not just the catching. When people go fishing to have fun you find alot more enjoyment than just catching. Be sure and mix the FUN in your day next time you are on the water. [thumbs up]. This last pic is of two deer we saw swimming across the lake. We thought they were nuts with the water temp at 44 degrees but they made it with ease. Even though I hate it when the time to quite fishing for the day comes it sure did feel good when we got back to the dock and were able to stand up and stretch out those legs more. lol. We felt much more safe standing up in the boat in three feet of water than in twenty plus feet of water. lol. Mike, next time I promise you that you will have MUCH more room to move around in when we hit the water again. LOL.

Be sure and get out and enjoy the fall fishing this fall. Its alot of fun. And you might even see an eagle and some deer like we did. Hope to see you on the water.

Thanks, Bill

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IDO Reporter, Walleye Searchers of Minnesota Member


  1. Nice report Bill, I wondered where Mike disappeared today. I was pretty sure he was fishing, just didn’t know where. Did you find the crappies again (deep)? Looks like you found some dandy stripers. Are you telling us Mike didn’t do well with his normal “plastics”?

  2. No crappies Frank. Crappies would of been nice but didn’t happen this time. All were stripers and some of them were very thick and heavy feeling. Mike was trying out some different bigger plastics hoping to kick the bucktails but in fall bucktails are king for ”vertical jigging.” They are really great jigs anytime of year. I love fishing bucktails. I’ve just opened my thinking alot bigger the past couple years and been trying different plastics myself. Would of been nice to see what some of those bigger size Mini-Mites would do in this outting but we didn’t have any with us. Mikes a panfish plastic geru so you know its hard to beat him when hes using his favorite plastic. It just ain’t going to happen most days. I plan to hit Zumbro harder next year as I want to expand my knowledge of this body of water. I was away from it for years chasing walleyes on pool 4 but the past couple years I’ve found myself spending more and more time down there. Gotta mix the two places and have more fun. Will be interesting to see how the B-Fish-N Tackle plastics do down there too as they sure make great plastics. Mike [HOF] just got in a new shipment of the hot colors of them too. Have you been down there lately? I think the last time we talked you were taking the grandkids down there fishing. Gee, time flies. What happened to summer? Won’t be long and fall will be over too. Gotta get down there as much as possible as time goes by too quickly. Take care. Hope to see you on the water.

    Thanks, Bill

    ps. If you stopped in at HOF today [Sunday] the young man who waited on you is my youngest son Nate. Hes the one that kicks my behind on walleyes all the time. Hes working Sundays for Mike to earn tournament fees for walleye tournies. He will be deer hunting next Sunday but after that he will be back in there on Sundays.

  3. Nice Bill!

    How did you get Mike to run the camera all day!(inside joke )

    I know that ice season is coming soon…(I hate when I say that out loud)…Mike, are you going to order a larger supply of the secret color of Mighty Mites this year? If you recall, I was dipping in to your personal supply last year.

    …and PLEASE don’t mention purple as the secret color. If the word gets out…Lake Zumbro will be a mad house!

  4. Looks like you guys had a good day!I am glad to hear you mention that live bait made a difference……somedays it sure can make the difference in your catch! Nice pics too, thanks!

  5. BrianK just loves the color purple. I think I saw him Saturday wearing a purple dress and a red hat going into the Rochester senior Center. The pink dress must have been at the cleaners.

  6. Quote:

    BrianK just loves the color purple. I think I saw him Saturday wearing a purple dress and a red hat going into the Rochester senior Center. The pink dress must have been at the cleaners.

    Brian does love those pink dresses! It’s pretty embarressing when he wears the pink dress ice fishing with the long johns under it…..

    Good Fishing,

  7. More like sinking lures as the fish were all on the bottom in 20 plus feet of water. The big ones are sure fun bringing to the surface with the way they like to fight.
    Thanks, Bill

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