Mille Lacs Trolling 9.30.06

Wow, I can not wait for the rest of this month. The bite is extremely good and only getting better each night out. This report is from Saturday night when I shared my boat with my brother Rich, buddy Torre and my girlfriend Stacie for some last hours of September and the first few hours in October trolling. We had fellow IDA’er Angie Bristow, her husband Chris and buddy Jason in another boat join us in pursuit of aggressive Fall walleyes. Our plan of attack was to troll some weed lines breaks and rock breaks trolling with mainly stick baits (Smithwicks and Husky Jerks) as the water temps are getting to hit the mid 50’s. You couldn’t have asked for better weather this time of the year for our adventure to Lake Mille Lacs. My brother is pictured here first, with a dandy, his first 2006 Fall Eye. A great way to get started Rich.

After getting on the water a little after 8 pm, our first spot did not quite produce enough or large enough fish warrant staying so we hopped to our second spot fairly quick. It did not take long to figure out that these fish wanted chrome, metallic baits and they preferred the Clown Rogue. Stacie just happened to have selected that lure and proceeded to but a good ol’ fashion whoopin’ on to us guys. The speeds the fish seemed to prefer that night were right around 1.6- 1.7 mph, with the inside turn (rod) producing most of our fish through the “S’ turns. We focused keeping our baits in 5-8 feet of water. We focused on a few certain rock humps that even registered 4.something readings on my sonar. The weed line we worked seemed to be quite thick. I did not see this weed break during the day, but appeared to be quite dense on my sonar. The fish pictured here in the 3rd pic came from this weed break and I remember ‘rippin’ my rod and stick bait through the weeds, to get free when…….. “KABOOOM”…… FISH ON I expect these weed to be dieing off here as the water cools and getting a little more sparse as we leave these 80 degree air temps this week.

Like usual in the Fall at night… “trolling stick baits at night…….. aint’ just a walleye thing”, as shown in the last picture with Stacies 2nd biggest Northern of her life. Torre also boated a decent sized Small Mouth which happened to be his first one ever. Congrats Torre. He did not have his usual stellar performance on Saturday night but promises to have his ‘A’ game back next time and produce some picture fish. Angie feel free to post any pics you guys have of the night here or forward them to me and I’ll put them up.. One thing is for sure 99% of the fish that I’m seeing coming to the boat aren’t shy or timid when it comes to eating. These fish are really starting to pack it on and I’m feeling some aggresive and violent strikes right now. These fish for the most part are just the cranks. Let me tell you, if you have not felt a walleye absolutely hammer a crank in the fall you are missing out. That by far is my favorite part of fishing.

Well, that is all for now. I spent last night and will be spending the next 2 nights out on the water doing something that you folks are going to enjoy seeing, just trust me and look for James next report. . I plan on spending the majority of the next 2 weeks out on the water chasing these ‘big girls’ and for that fish of a lifetime. I look forward to seeing anyone and everyone that will be up in the next few weeks. I hope no one has put that boat in storage yet, because the best is yet to come. Until I report again, have a good one, be safe and hope to see you all real soon.


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. I call this FISH, “Insault to Injury”. After whoopin our already, Stacie had to land this one and final fish to end the night.

  2. You rock Rob, nice report I’m heading up Wwed. PM. Can hardly wait Nice to see Stacy is able to kick your must have been a little crowded in that boat with 4 But it sure looks like it was fun. until Wed. I’m stuck downtown working and waiting………BB

  3. Stacie
    Rob, I hope your good luck continues to get better in the next 2 weeks! Gotta love the pics and reports.


  4. Nice fish Rob . That really gets my blood going and even more excited to get my up there.

    What kind of numbers are you guys seeing up there mixed in with the bigger eyes. I have to know what to expect

  5. Thanks Guys.

    Man, WOW is all I can say. We were out again last night and they are just on the chew. I’m also a walking zombie. 2-3 hours of sleep for the last week straight has me wore out. Tonight is the last night for me, then I’m off sleeping for the next 2 nights and I will be back on Friday night. Can’t wait to get back up there and I look forward to seeing you also Ben, Wade and everyone else. Man does it get any better than this??????

    Perhaps sticking that Boone and Crockett….

    Can it be October for 8 months of the year?????

    We (Tuck, James and I) had Multiple Pike over 40″ and Multiple 29″ Eyes. Look for some real cool things and reports and other goodies from James after tonight and he has time to get a few moments to actually get on the computer. I know his guide trips start rather quickly and will be in full swing here over the next few weeks. There also will be some very exciting things happening here at IDA in the very near future, but that is all I have been told from the GAPO.


    Dustin, I was experiencing very good numbers for late September and early October. The #’s really have been exceptional the last few nights, but I must say that is probably due to my fishing partners (James & Tuck) and probably not so much me. Not many “STILL” pictures from the last 2 nights, but I promise you will like what you see when it is done. I do believe we did capture a few snap shots of Tucks 29”er that I’m sure he will be posting a recap or a report on, when he has the time.

    Until next time, Lip is out.

  6. Quote:

    Stacie just happened to have selected that lure and proceeded to but a good ol’ fashion whoopin’ on to us guys

    Figures…next she will but arrowing bigger bucks than you Rob!!!

    Great report!! I am glad to see Stacie is keeping you in line!!

  7. Not me. I like Falls better.

    Here are a few pics from Angie’s boat that night.

    First one is Angie. Nice Fish Ang.

  8. just one quick question, do you guys tie your lures directly to your line, or do you use a small snap? I have heard both ways, but what do you prefer? Thanks

  9. Our buddy Jason with his First Mille Lacs Fall walleye. This was Angies and Jasons first trip up for this Fall Madness Bite. I’m sure not their last.

  10. Chomps I use a cross lok snap. Not to small with cold hands a little bigger does not hurt. I like to be able to change in a flash. Less hassle and I do not think it matters. It may even help.

    Bob, I know. I like the scenery better in the Summer, but the fish are better in the Fall.

  11. Great report and pics Rob, them are hog eyes in any bodys book
    Nothing wrong with getting a whoopin from good looking girls


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