The original plan was to take Jerrett aka StCroixer and his friend Bill from Co to the St Croix Sturgeon fishing. Thursday, I received a call from Jarrett asking about Catfishing on Pool 4 and the plans changed to launching out of Evert’s Resort where the two of them planned to spend the weekend doing some big cat fishing.
Although we were targeting Flathead catfish and Channel cats we ended up with the best of both worlds!
Here’s Bill with my boats best Sturgeon and his biggest fresh water fish…a chunky 61” Lake Sturgeon…..but there’s more!
We started the evening expecting to fish in the rain all night. It turned out to be a beautiful evening with temps in the 40’s and not a stitch of wind. We motored up the Vermillion River for our first stop. We put out one rod with live bait for a chance at a flathead, but with the water temps in the 50’s, I’m guessing they’ve all moved out into the main river channel.
The channel cats gave us plenty of action with the largest from the vermillian pictured here at 9 lbs.
After a couple hours of pulling in channels, I felt we had a better chance at hooking into Mr Big in the main river…so off we went to the Pool 4 dam area.
Shad from Moores Bait and Tackle in Mpls seemed to be taking most of the fish although this chunky 12+ pounder came in on cut sucker. The bait must have hit him on the head as I barely sat down after casting and we had FISH ON!
The rigging was the normal catfish set up. 3 oz no roll sinker, swivel, 6-8 inches of leader and a 2/0 Gamakatsu circle hook.
It was getting late and just about ready to pull the plug when one of the rods started to bend over. As Jerrett swept back on the rod and it loaded up…I said….Bill get the net and light…I’ll get the back anchor…here we go again!!
Here’s Jerrett with his 51-inch Lake Sturgeon.
The Lake Sturgeon season is not open on P4. We were targeting channel cats and flatheads. One of the bonuses of fishing this area is that because we are using the same bait, there is a chance of running into a sturgeon as we did last night.
All fish were carefully released to fight again another day.
Thanks Jerrett and Bill! It was a great night of fishing with a couple great guys!!
Good going guys,way cool report.
Nice fish and a great report
Hi Brian,
I met you out on the water last thursday night with my fishing buddy outdoors4life. I finally got web savy enough to get a handle and post. Nice job guys on Pool 4 but where are the Flatheads. We tried for Flatheads later that evening we saw you on the St. Croix, no luck however. Do they move closer to the main channel when the water levels are low and current flow is slower? I always like to find snags when I’m fishing them but I never have fished them in the fall yet. Have a good one.
Brian great report. Left me drooling!
I’ve been trying to get CastandBlast on here for soo long….welcome aboard!
It was great to kind of meet you Brian. Well kind of meet next time I’ll know it is you sooner. Nice fish down there too!
Welcome to IDA Castandblast!!!
What a night!!!!!!!
Well done!
That is a huge sturgeon guys. Must of been a blast to reel in.
Welcome to IDA castandblast!!!!
Thanks for the report and pics. Sounds like a fun night.
Thanks, Bill
Welcome C&B!
Mike, he was “man handled” by a sturgeon!
It’s so fun to watch someone (and listen) hook into these guys! The fish dives down…the rod tip follows and then all you hear is grunts of the rod butt in the stomach! Good time!
So true!!

Nice fish guys!! I wouldn’t be suprised if my monster is beat or at least matched soon!!