My line was slack, but with the 5 to 10 mile per hour wind tonight that was the norm. So I reached over, picked up my favorite custom rod from Hooked on Fishing and started to take up the slack. About the time the extra line was in, I felt a little extra weight. It certainly wasn’t the 2 oz no-roll sinker…so I set the hook into what was going to be my personal best St Croix Sturgeon. All 58 inches of her.
It felt like small fish…27 to 35 inches and she came to the boat like a trained dog being called to heel. As it came closer to the boat, just like a switch she turned on me and it was all I could do to keep the rod in my hands. The rod tip was bending to the water and the 80 pound test Power Pro was singing out the guides. I just love that sound! My partner in crime tonight was Mr. Catten Addict and he quickly became my anchor man/net man as my dinosaur wrapped around the back anchor. That anchor wasn’t doing us much good as this mighty fish was pulling the back of the boat around with ease. Sean did a great job of pulling up the anchor and freeing the big one…then it was on to the front anchor as it wrapped around that line too. Did I mention this “little guy” was having his way with me? After a long battle, Sean netted her, we taped her got a couple pictures and released her for others to enjoy. WHAT a CREATURE!
The bite is so light with any kind of wind a person has to watch the line and the rod tip very closely to detect a bite. Here’s Catten Addict trying to gain control of his first fish of the evening.
His 45 inch sturgeon pictured here is quite common on the St Croix with many, many smaller fish being caught.
The bait of the night was cut sucker on a 2/0 Gamakatsu Octopus hook, 8 inches of 20lb test mono, a swivel, a two or three ounce no-roll sinker and then 80 lbs Power Pro making a connection to the Garcia 7000 reel. The rods need a backbone and a very soft tip action to see the bite.
Sunday night was a rain out, but about 8:30 pm I thought I would fish close by home in case the rain started. I was heading to a sturgeon hole but as I pasted over a trough the came out of 40 fow to 10 fow, I thought I would give it the once over. Pictured here is the largest of the 12 channels I picked up in two hours. She came in at 10 pounds and some change. If you look closly in his mouth, there’s a tail of her privios meal sticking out! I think it was a walleye or sauger.
I picked up one sturgeon that night. A little guy compaired to the big guys tonight.
Other Sturgeon Info:
My website isn’t updated with the sturgeon info at this time. The only real difference from cat fishing is the time and location. We’ll be launching from Windmill Marina in Afton at 5 pm and docking around 10 – 11 pm.
Check out Moores Bait and Tackle’s Sturgeon contest on Sept. 16th. >Contest<
Sturgeon Come Surgen Back! >Link to DNR artical<
Nice fish Brian. Sounds like one of those fun and crazy battles!
Not bad, Brian! That’s a beast. I’ll look to one-up you tomorrow
I hope so Ralph!
I’m waiting for the first 60″ fish to be posted on IDA!
Way cool report BrianK,I think you could of stretched her to sixty if ya wanted.
Looks like a great time!!!
I remember everyone was using crawlers up on Rainy this spring, right? So is it crawlers early in the year and cutbait in the fall season?
I would say the majority of the fish we picked up Sunday night came on crawlers. We also picked up fish on shad, but I’ll bet 75% of them bit on crawlers. Of course, this could be because my crawler rod just happened to hit a hot spot, but they’re not gonna turn down a gob of crawlers in their face.
BK, if I get a 60, you’ll be the first to get a text message
Nice one Brian!!
Looks like you may be the one to watch out for in the contest!!
Whisker Hooked…most people…just watch out for me!
I’ll be creating havoc at Evert’s Resort this weekend…so no state record eel for me!
Great job Brian!
Where and how how you getting the shad you use for bait? We caught 12 sturgeon Sunday but nothing over 40 inches. We had one good one on but lost it on the anchor rope. Fishing can be quite good on the overcast light to medium rain days.
I get shad at Moore’s Bait and Tackle.
I can see another trip in the making maybe next year. Nice fish dudes
Just reading the report put a bit of a burn in my forearms 
Bret, I have tummy bruises today.
I fished for just over an hour tonight…and I didn’t get a bite.
It’s not to work that way!
Brian, I need to stop by and remove the GPS I hid in your boat before the contest this weekend……
Great report and Pic Mate!
Thanks for sharing!