McGregor Area Lake Bassin’

Well, I finally made it back up to the Cabin on Minnewawa after May and June’s steady dose of Mille Lacs. I’m also finally getting around to posting my report. I did not spend a ton of time on the water due to some chores that had to be done and the heat that we all experienced last weekend. I spent Saturday morning fishing with my cousin Scott and my brother (Thunda’ Head) Poc Ron. We tried pulling spinners with crawlers for an hour in the am for Eyes, but only found some perch. We quickly switched over to pitching and flipping docks for some Largies.

We went to my favorite stretch of docks on the lake to pitch a variety of baits to and around the docks for some of those things you guys call "Bass". We started out with one guy pulling spinner baits, one with top water and the other one with a plastic worm using a very slow retireval. The bite was a little slow until the sun crested over the tree tops hitting the water causing the docks to cast a shade below them. From then on, the bite quickly picked up. There was no question the bass wanted a slow presentation of the plastic worm. With a miss by each one of us, I was the first one to boat a Bass that is pictured above. My brother took one on top water and then we watched as my cousin "Hook and Release Scott" went on a tear. He definitely had the right worm and color on, the problem was he would hook the fish, the Bass would catch air and throw the hook. This happened not once, not twice, not three times, but at least 6 times. Man did he get a good razzing every time he would hook one. He went the whole morning with out boating a Bass, even though he had over a half dozen on. He did catch a very nice Snake on the worm that had us thinking he had the big bass on until it never jumped. Here is Scott pictured with a decent pike from our lake.

The morning went quick with our 4 hours on the lake and it was time to get back to the kids on shore. We did get to see and listen to soemthing that I have never saw before. We had a "flock" of Loons very near us. I have seen a couple of loons together at once, but we were privledged to have 9 total (8 in the pic) singing their morning song. Now that is very relaxng to this MN boy.

Although I spent a total of only 2 hours chasing eyes on Saturday, this lake continues to stump me after the 4th of July. I have a very hard time catching eyes after the 4th until first ice. Someday I will figure them out. The bass bite we were on, was just starting to heat up when we had to head in. Flipping to that stretch of docks has yielded some very nice fish in the past. I think if we stayed and let the sun heat things up we would have boated a few piggies. This lake is a hidden gem if you ask me for those largies. There are some very nice fish (3-5 lbers.) in the lake, that does not seem to get very much pressure. It was good to be up there again, I just wish I had more time to fish it. Here was the Sunset we enjoyed Saturday to cap off a very hot day at the lake! I’m headed to Lake Kabetogama this week for a 4 day weekend with some friends. I’m hoping to get a ton of fishing in but we will see. One thing is for sure, I will have some great pics to share with you next week. Until then, be safe on the water.


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Young man if you keep playing with those green things…
    Thanks for the report Rob, the loons and that sunset are neat pics, even if the walleyes were elusive


  2. Silly Rob- everyone knows you don’t start off the morning dock fishing for bass . PM me if you want your next “bass report” to show some early morning bass beauties!

    I would love to see and hear that many loons right by me. That had to be awesome. Nice report .

  3. D-Nort, If you learned how to read….. I started the Morning off fishing for eyes and hit the Bass right before the Sun crested the tall trees and hit the water. Jeeeez, you Bass guys can’t read either. If you read on I stated the bite was just getting good, but we had kids and other chores awaiting. Thanks D-NORT

    Emover, those Greenies are fun to chase every once in awhile . I usually only do it once or twice a year. As I stated, there are some nice ones in our lake. So come July the eyes don’t like me very much, so I will spend afternoons and late mornings chasing these Greenies, because we all know how EASY they are to ctach.

  4. Hey Rob. Great report! Glad to see you guys were able to get out and do some fishin’ last weekend. Looking forward to the trip this weekend! Hopefully the fishing will be better than last year!


  5. Rob,
    I didn’t mean to sound condescending, just concerned You remember how mom always warned you about some things , I just don’t want anything bad to happen Your thumb could fall off from lipping those things , or your baby blue could have an anxiety attack

    Good Luck on Kabetogama next week


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