Mississippi River Pool 7 Bass Fishing Report

It’s not too often I get to fish with my good friend Troy. When we do get together, the night usually provides some great fishing, good laughs, and a broken pole…This night was no different. The best part of the night was Troy boating his personal best in the Largemouth Bass category.

Troy stuck this beauty on a scum frog in open water no less. It measured 20" on the ruler and could have easily approached the 4lb mark. A very nice fish indeed.

I found these fish about a week ago fishing with IDA Guide James Holst. At the time the fish weren’t too much into biting. We got a few, but not nearly as many as we pulled on this outing. Not all of them were true hog LM Bass like the one Troy caught, but for what they lacked in size, they surely made up for in numbers.

The key for us to catch these fish was cast right to the edge of the bank with a scum frog or Stanley Ribbit and slowly pull it into the open water. The frog Troy had on would dive an inch or so under the surface when pulled steadily. For some reason, they didn’t want the lure fished like a regular scum frog should be fished.

I was fishing a Stanley Ribbit in the same fashion. Throw it up on the bank and drag it into the open water. My best bites came when I would pull the Ribbit across the top of the water for couple feet and then stop it so it would sink ever so slowly, while falling, give it a twitch so the legs kicked. Many times the frog was almost out of view when I would feel a hearty jerk on my line. To say it was too much fun would be an understatement.

We tried a variety of other baits like spinnerbaits, cranks and plastics, but nothing worked quite as well as those frogs. Who am I to complain.

It was a great night to be out and as usual, we had a lot of laughs, many, many fish, and of course a broken pole.

Now is a great time to get out and try slop fishing. Don’t be afraid to throw that frog into the open water. You may be very surprised what happens! I know Troy was.

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I am married to a wonderful wife and we have two beautiful children. I grew up in Dresbach MN on pool 7 and have fished it for over 20 yrs. For work quotes click the email addy below.[email protected]


  1. Looks like fun Blue. I’m not much into the bass thing but, I’m sure it is cool when the water explodes around a frog

  2. Was that blue fishing in slop for bass or with slop bass?
    Which one would be more fun?
    Hey Great Report and looks awsome!

  3. Four pounds is a lot of bass!

    Looks like fun! (did I say that out loud??)

    Good weather, good friends and good fishen…don’t get much better!

  4. Quote:

    Should I be looking for a St. Croix rod order?

    Nope, it wasn’t my pole this time. If there’s any saving grace in braking a fishing pole, it’s braking one while fighting a fish.

    Troy will be alright. It’s Father’s Day this weekend, I’m sure his kids will treat him right.

  5. nice fish fellas…blue i’m waiting for your annual report of smallie fishing on mille lacs with mr. holst.

    as for your business, do you do any car decals/stickers? we are looking to put our logo on our truck as well as our website on the back tailgate etc. let me know.

  6. Fishing frogs is one of my favorite ways to fish! But, I can’t say that I have ever tried them out of the slop. You learn something new everyday on IDA! Great report Tom!

    Ripper- nice avatar photo!

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