Mille Lacs Lake report 6-14-06

Mille Lacs continues to put out some nice walleyes at a pretty steady pace day or night. I had the opportunity to fish with a long time friend Joe Dockendorf and his son Michael Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. We started out at 5pm rigging out on the mud flats with leeches in 24-32 ft. With zero wind the knats and fish flies swarming, it was less than prime conditions.

After 20 or so minutes our prayers for a little wind was answered and the bite was on. Joe started with a fish at 23" and shortly after Michael landed his personal best 25", Nice fish Michael. It was great watching him. His dad takes him fishing often and it was evident watching him take on this fish. Without a doubt the best stick I have seen at that age. We fished the mud for only a few hours as we wanted to set up in the rocks for the sundown bobber bite. We did manage 5-6 walleyes well over the 20" mark, with one monster snapping Joe off that we never got a look at. Here is another 23" Michael showed for the camera.

We set up in 16ft on the rocks for the bobber bite with Michael seeing most of the action. He landed his limit before we knew what was going on and we called it a night shortly after. We wanted to get up early and find the big fish the next morning before we all had to head back to town by 9am. We again landed the boat at 5am and went on the hunt. Wind was plentiful with a waking wet ride to the deep flats. We only managed 2 fish with a couple misses before we had to call it a trip and head back to the landing. The fish started coming and showing on the graph just after 8am so I am sure we could have had a much better morning had we had more time. Joe pictured with a 23". We used nothing fancy in our set-ups, colored hooks with 5-6ft snells. Joe and Michael have already talked about setting up another trip soon. It was a great time and I really enjoyed fishing with you guys, Thanks.

I talked with George, owner of Hunters Point resort a bit on Tuesday. He runs open launches a few times a week in the evenings. So if you would like to get out on an inexpensive worry free fish adventure give them a call at (320)676-3227. If you’re looking for a vacation cabin give them a call for that also. They run a great operation there. Click on the banner at the top of this report for more information. This last picture is the one that got away. Sure would have liked to seen that fish Joe!

Good fishing all.

Click on the pictures for larger image.

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Doug Ertl

I have a cabin on the east side of Mille Lacs, and fish as often as possible. I live 6 miles south of St.Cloud and fish the Horseshoe chain, Pleasant, Grand, Koronis, Browns, Rice and Clearwater. I also fish old Full Bio ›


  1. Great report Dman

    That first picture is an awesome one. Does it get any bettter than that.???? Congrats Micael, that is a beauty!

    DMan, what are you doing taking off on these midweek pond runs?

  2. Looks like you guys had fun. I have fished with Joe and Michael before, and Michael is a very serious fisherman. I can remember being out on Ramsey, near Maple Lake, in January, and Michael was all business. Most kids would go play in the snow or look for trouble, but he was manning a jig and watchin a tip up. Good job guys !!!

    big g

  3. Quote:

    DMan, what are you doing taking off on these midweek pond runs?

    Life of a car salesman. When I get the chance, I point the truck and boat north.


    maybe Michael would take you as his partner next year for the D Classic

    Shrum- This is being considered.

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