Well I’m back, but way behind at work after getting done with my 8 day POND-A-THON. It was a great week to be out fishing Mille Lacs, as I can’t tell you how many Walleyes were caught during the week of fishing and pre-fishing for the Wacker Tournament last Thursday and Friday. I learned a ton about the lake and tournament fishing, especially the Wacker. After a dismal MTT showing on Saturday June 3rd, I knew I had my work cut out for me if I wanted any shot at placing in the money at the Wacker.
Saturday, Calvin (Ranger 29) and I fished the MTT and boated some awesome fish but no fish that could be weighed in at the tournmanet. We had 3 fish that went from 20 to 20.25” that were just a tad to long to bring to the scales. We found some beauty 24-27” fish that Calvin had the knack of bringing to the boat, but come day’s end we ended up with zero fish in the box. The school of 18-19” fish I was on Monday was gone and nowhere to be found.
During my pre-fishing Sunday-Wednesday I experienced many Sunny but windy days. I also enjoyed days ending from this sunset in the second picture, to being chased off the lake by fronts and storms like the one pictured here in the 3rd picture. My bite had a similar range as I found some real nice big fish 24-27 ¾ “and finally connected with some smaller schools of 16-20” fish. Monday, my little brother joined me for a day that was cut a little short due to the storm that chased us off the lake as we worked a bobber and rigging spots I had located Sunday. Tuesday, I fished alone as my other brother backed out last minute, so I went pulling spinners and crawlers on the south end deep gravel trying to locate some good slot fish. All I could find in my spots was 14-15” fish and 21-24” fish. These were not quite the fish I was looking for. On Wednesday, I pre-fished with my Wave Wacker partner Clayton as we tried to put a game plan together for the tournament. We found some real good pods of fish on the North End. Our game plan was to fish the North end schools of fish and try to stay off any flat that had a crowd as we figured these fish have been pummeled all week form all the tournaments.
Thursday came real quick and I was raring to go in my first real big tournament.
Man, I remember at take off you could cut the intensity of all the boats with a knife, as everyone was in anticipation of the next two days of fishing. Just hoping their well laid out plans worked and things fell into place as the dreamed about all week and would have a chance @ the $75,000.00 first place prize. We made it to the North End with a NE wind that caused for some big rollers out of the gate. We rigged and pulled spinners most of the day on Rock / Gravel transitions and Mud Flats. We had a real tough time getting our bigger slot fish to go. We only weighed one 19” and 1 18” fish the first day with the rest of them being 16-17” fish. We had to sort through a gazillion 15-16” fish to get our keeper slots and did not put the 7th and final fish into the box until a half hour before we had to be back. We ended up 61st after the 1st day with 11.13 pounds. We felt we had a good day and made the right decisions and left us in a spot where we were still in the hunt for some good money. The second day was one that would test the most die hard fisherman as a cold front had moved in and we were worried about getting enough bites. Along with the cold front came a very stiff North East to East wind, that made some pretty decent rollers out there especially out in the middle of the lake. The front brought rain and colder weather. Our plan was not to keep anything under 17” that day and to hammer the North mud with spinners. It was soon apparent that the Cold front had no effect on the fish as they were hammering our spinners. Come days end we threw back some 16 ¾” -17” fish we wish we would have kept, but still that would not have put us in the money. We boated in the neighborhood of 70-80 fish and at 3 pm we had five 17-17.5” fish in the box and had to scrounge the last hour or so to put two 16”ers in the box to fill our 7 fish. We had a rough boat ride come the end of the day to get back from the NW corner to the Warf in those waves. This second day we threw back a gazillion 16-17” fish. As a whole we were on better fish than the day before, but no kicker fish to jump our weight. Again we boated some awful close 20” fish that had to be measured, re-measured and measured again before throwing them back
We ended up weighing around 10.66 pounds the second day that dropped us to around 72nd I believe.
Well, in the end, we did not quite reach my goal to be in the top 50, but we were less than 2 lbs out of the money. There are a TON of good sticks in this tournament, it is a true test of your knowledge of this lake and a little luck could help you out. We just never got that big fish or had it figured out well enough to boat the bigger 18-19” fish consistently. I learned a lot from some great fisherman and looking forward to hopefully fishing this again in the future. If you want to compete in this tournament you need to put in a good # of hours pre-fishing and find some good bites. Congrats to the money finishers and it looks like I have some more work to do before next year.
I would like to thank my partner Clayton for inviting me to join him this year for this event. I had a great time. Also thanks go out to Allegis Corporation, Game Hide Outdoor Clothing, and Stone Construction, Inc..
The bite on the lake is exceptional. Rigging or pulling spinners on the gravel or mud is taking fish and a lot of fish right now. Speeds were 1.1-1.5 mph for pulling spinners. Rigging or spinners it don’t matter these fish are ing anything they see for the most part. There are times I’m just dropping the rod tip back while rigging and setting the hook. There is no giving line.
The corking bite early and late in the day is producing both on the mud and shallow rocks. The shallow rocks in 6-14 FOW have been giving up corking fish with a glow jig and leech. Up next for me is the open water trolling bite, as I will be hitting her hard and heavy come this Saturday as well as pre-fishing for another tourney come the following Saturday. Until then, have a great and safe time on the water.
What a poser
My brother with the Storm moving in. This storm was a moving fast, as we barely got off the lake. It was closing in fast on us and we had the hammer dropped and going mid to upper 40’s across the lake. We were out on the mud and I barely got the boat tied up as the winds hit.
I had some camera / moisture problems, this is the only other fishing pic that turned out half way decent.
“Liven on the Edge” ey Rip
Nice recap/report!
You gotta love it when they are hitting rigs aggressively, lean tip to water and set hook
Nice report Lil Ripper!
It was interesting to read about your pre-fishing and tourney experience.
Sweet pics…
I like that one with the thunderhead behind you.
Kinda like the Croc hunter guy… “behind us is a mean mille lac thunda head mate.. “oh she looks like a good one.” I’d get closa if we had me yamaha”
My ribs hurt Derek. I’m sure he was sweatin when he looked back saw he had a Merc, just hoping it would fire.

Just kidding Lip! Great report as usual.
Great pcs and report Rob
Great report Rob. See ya on the pond this weekend maybe. By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Nope Derek…. if I had a Yammy, I would have been off the lake when everyone else got off.
Knowing I had the “Black Power” behind me, left me on the lake to enjoy the Pre-Storm feeding frenzy. We boated 3 fish over 25″ in about 20 minutes. Our last one I boated and just cut the line and tossed her back as that storm was getting awfully close. The first storm of the day went around the North end of the lake and looked like it might get us, but there was no question with this one matey. She was coming, coming fast, with nowhere on the whole cripp’in lake was safe. She bared her ugly head with 40-50 mph winds perhaps better. We stopped about 3-4 miles out to take a few pics, before dropping the
again on the Black Power to get us to safety. If I had a Yammy, I would still be at 25 mph putting along on that no balls blue thing.
Crike’y Mate, with that storm, she would have engulfed me whole if I was running a Yammmy. 
That pic of your bro cracks me up.. big smile with a t-cracker in the background..
Rob,great report.Those pics of the storms are great!! Take care.
Ryan Hale
Great report! That pic of the storm looks excatly like the one I have. I was at Carlsona and made the run to Nitti’s. Unfortunately I didn’t quite make it, hell of a ride when we got to the dock and somehow put the boat on the trailer without dumping it on Nitti’s landing. Ask Bongers, he was belly up when we got to the bar.
Brian, Do you run a blk Lund tiller? three guy’s went by my house as Dman and I were out front watching the storm on shore!!! It was blowing and raining pretty good at that time…………
I run a black Lund Explorer ss wheel boat. I’ll admit it was the worst I’ve been in on the pond, and stupid for not heading the warnings. One more drift isn’t worth it!
Did that storm do that to your hair?
All kidding aside- great report- that storm sure looks spooky!
Well….it could have been a SS, You could not see you in the boat very well at all!!!!!If that was you, you ran inside and near the lakeside breakwater b4 heading south around Picard Point where I live….
Watching a wall cloud on Mille Lacs is pretty cool, as long as your not on the water and it does’nt cause any damage.
Good to hear you made it back safely.
Yeah that was one cool, but scary looking cloud. I actaully thought it was going to be worse than what came.
Dumb move! 
You’re right, I thought about heading into Lakeside but decided not to.
Cool pics Lip!
Its amazing how fast those clouds can creep up on you.
That storm in the background looks like a morning when we fished the Red Door tourney a few years ago. They let us go out in the morning and within 2 hours the sky looked just like that. Yeah…I pretty much soiled myself.