Mississippi River Pool 5 Pike/Bass 6-1-06

He’s Baaaaack! Greg Vandemarks’ nephew, Mike Anderson is Back in Wabasha for the summer. On his 1st day back Mike agreed to help me do some scouting for some upcoming guide trips and a tournament. The tough part of the mission is when you find some fish you have to leave em alone. We did rule out some water and found a few bass but in general it was a tough day. However, some reasonable size northern pike did cooperate. Mike’s holding the best one of the day.

We found them in two different types of cover. A few came out of slop on horny toads but the most came out of a deep area with very little current. The fish were deep enough that we had to go to slow rolling a ½ oz swimming jig to get down to em. Many of the hits came as you started reeling the jig up for another cast so you know they were tracking the bait.

The fish weren’t huge but they were big enough to be lots of fun. We probably had 15 fish and the largest were around 10 lbs. The bass bite is changing and the one I’m holding is one I hope to see in a tournament. She was in a snag that I flipped and as soon as I set the hook she jumped twice on the other side of the log she was on. Talk about a fire drill!


  1. Welcome back to God’s Country Mike!

    I bet those pike were a good time. Did John put the blind fold on to stop you from telling Greg whre you went!

    Great guy on what I bet was a great day. The nice part is there is many more to come.

  2. Nice Fish John.
    Thanks for taking Mike along he is very proud of his Northerns.
    I think he is getting his casting arms back.
    He was a little green early in the week.
    But I think he is back in the saddle again.
    Take care Thank-you and good luck in your Tourneys this weekend.

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