Hot Lake Wisconsin Fishing Report

Friday May 26th

Last year I spent a day on the water in early October fishing for crappies with Dr. Everett Lindsey, his son Eon and good friend Bob Wenger. On Friday, May 26th, I met and fished with three more of Everett Lindsey’s five sons. Matt, Ryan and Luke climbed aboard the boat to spend a day chasing walleyes and saugers. Naturally, any time you put three guys from one family in close quarters together, you can pretty much expect to see some competition fire up between them.

Everyone was given a night crawler rig and I used the electric motor to keep the boat over 12-16′ of water. Surface water temperatures started out at 66 degrees when we first left the pier but warmed up considerably and managed to reach 73 degrees by mid-afternoon.

Luke got the hot hand early and took full advantage of his chance to let the older guys know it. Matt and Ryan caught their share though and as the hours passed, things kind of evened out. No big fish showed up at the end of their lines but Matt did catch two that ran 18" long. We never had one really good hot spot or even one really good hot time of the day. It was more like one to three fish here and there, and by the end of the day, they all added up to a pretty nice catch.

In the end, they were all pretty happy with the fish they caught and were looking forward to having a big ole fish fry that night. No restaurant fish tonight for these guys! They were planning on washing down fresh caught saugers with a couple of Old Milwaukee’s.

Sounds pretty good to me!

Thanks for letting me show you guys around the lake today. It was fun fishing with the three of you. I think I enjoyed it as much as you guys did.

Saturday May 27th

On Saturday, May 27th, Everett Lindsey, Bob Wenger and his son Neal joined me on a quest to catch walleyes and saugers. Expectations were pretty high after seeing the cache of walleye fillets Everett’s sons brought home from their outing with me the day before.

Since the night crawler rigs had worked so well the day before, we just went straight back to the same program. Everyone was given a rod or two and I proceeded to work the boat over the same spots where we had our best luck the day before.

After an hour or two of no fish and few bites, Everett finally broke the ice and pulled in a nice sauger. Shortly after Bob lost one at the side of the boat. Then it got kind of slow again. I was starting to think we might need to change the program a bit when Everett got a hot hand. It wasn’t to long after that when Neal and Bob started to chip in with a couple of nice saugers of there own.

The hot bite ran from about 10:30am to 1:00pm before slowing down. Everett caught one real nice 21-1/2" sauger, a few more ran shorter than 15 inches and the rest all ran between 15-19 inches.

Around 3pm we all thought we heard thunder. I turned on the marine weather radio and after hearing there was a chance of severe thunder storms in Columbia county, we all decided we had enough fun for one day. We had a pretty good day already and no one wanted to be caught on the lake when a storm hit.

Two straight days of hot weather and good fishing. This was turning into one of the better Memorial Day weekends as far as fishing was concerned.

It was nice spending a day on the water with Everett and Bob again. Neal was about one of the most helpful guys I’ve ever had in the boat. He did just about everything except load my boat on the trailer. All that help is always appreciated Neal! Thanks again for allowing me to share another great Lake Wisconsin fishing trip with the three of you.

I’ve been blessed with the clientele who have spent time in my boat this year. Salt of the earth people everyone of them! And especially so these last two days with this group of fellows from Mineral Point, Wisconsin.

Thanks again guys and good luck fishing this year on Lake Wisconsin.

Sunday May 28th

Today I had a couple of Bass fisherman joining me. (Boo) Actually, Ted Kawczynski is a walleye guy but his nephews Mike and Frank Farias were bass fisherman.

So I figured I had some work to do. These young fellows needed to be converted over to walleyes while they were still young enough to see the light. Well I don’t really know how that’s all gonna turn out in the long run, but I did what I could. That’s all a guy can do. After that its just up to fate and the good lord above!

For the third day in a row, the saugers bit pretty darn good on the night crawler rigs we were feeding them.

12-16 feet of water was again our best depth. The weather was even hotter than the previous two days on the water but even that didn’t seem to bother these fish. We did have more wind than the previous two days and when the thermometer reaches 90 degrees, a good wind is very much appreciated.

Someone in the boat always ends up with the hot hand. Doesn’t matter that all the rods were rigged exactly the same, one rod always ends up catching the most fish. Today, Mike was the lucky one who got hot early and caught the most. Frank caught his share to so the bass guys were doing there share out there. Ted got stuck in a rut and it took awhile break him out of it. He finally landed an 8" perch and later he caught a couple of saugers to break the jinx.

It was a pleasure to meet the three of you. You guys did a good job of picking up the system and taking advantage of some pretty good early summer sauger/walleye fishing.

Take care guys and good luck fishing this summer!

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Joel Ballweg

56, Married (Nancy) no children, 1 yellow lab. Professional Fishing Guide on Lake Wisconsin for past 10 years


  1. As alway Joel great report. The good Dr lives on a farm about 2 miles from my place and I don’t see him very often so it’s nice to know what he’s up to once in a while. It’s great to hear that the bite is still on. Thanks Again Mark

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