Pool 4 Report – Feast or Famine Post-Spawn Walleye

It wasn’t that long ago that we had a post in the Mississippi River forum that basically focused on how high the water needed to get in the spring before it was "too high." I remember replying "about the time the water gets high enough that lake guys stop coming to the river and start focusing on panfish… that’s when our walleye bite really gets rolling." This year has been no exception. As soon as the water put the fish on the edge of the flooded timber, the big fish went on a binge and we saw one of the best big fish bites I’ve ever seen on Pool 4!

All the photos in this report, or at least the first 9 I’ll throw up here, all came from one day on the river. Not all days have been this good. Some have been as good. Others have stunk out loud. But that’s post-spawn walleye fishing on the big river. One day the fishing is so good you think you died and went to the big fishing hole in the sky. The next you pound the water to a froth hoping that the big girls from yesterday show up only to settle for male walleyes and whitebass. But that’s a typical late April – early May pattern and although the slow days leave you scratching your head a little the good ones are nothing short of unreal when every fish you catch for hours seems to be bigger than the last.

Shown here with me in these photos are Chad and Evert Miles. Neither of these two gents had ever set foot on the big river and they came looking for "one big fish." The gods smiled on them. They caught a bunch.

The pattern for my boat the last week or so has been pretty straightforward. When the fish are aggressive a 4" ringworm in firecracker chartreuse tail or firecracker blue tail has been just about impossible to top. Early in the AM, or when the fish fall off the hot bite for periods during the day, a 1/4 oz. purple or kelly green hair jig has put some darn nice fish in the net when nothing else was getting bit.

Our water clarity has obviously fallen off since the water levels have risen so sharply over the last couple weeks so a bright colored jig mated to the two color ringies listed above has made a HUGE difference in the number of fish we’re catching. Sour Apple and Orange Chartreuse Precision heads in 3/16 oz. have been the top producers although if I had to point to one color right now as a "must have" the sour apple gets the nod accounting for 90% of my catch over the last week or better.

We’ve been targeting large eddies next to flooded trees to find our better fish. Sand has been kicking out the numbers but if you’re looking for a big momma to put the big bend in the rod and sag the net bag deep, you better be working the edges of the timber that would normally be high and dry at summer water levels. This pattern should hold for another week or so as the water levels slowly receed. Of course the nice steady rain I’m listening to out my office window right now might have something to say about how long the water stays up out if the banks but at this time the river is falling steadily.

Predictions for the next 4 weeks:

We’ll continue to see some incredible catches as we move into early May. The jig and ringworm bite will continue to account for some pig walleyes for both Dustin and I on guide trips thru the middle of May if water levels stay at seasonal levels. Of course the higher the better in my opinion. As we move into May more and more BIG fish will start to come on 3 way rigs and bait… crawlers get my nod this time of year as do willowcats, when I can find them that is.

Fish can and are being caught trolling deep diving cranks already and this pattern will become dominate as we move further into the month of May. By the time the water temps hit 60 degrees a #5 or #7 shad rap fished in 6′ – 10′ of water out on the lake or in the last couple miles of the river will account for impressive catches. Or if the water levels stay high, casting these same crankbaits to the edges of the flooded willows and rip rap can produce dynamite action.

May and June are the top walleye producing months of the year… not March and April as most assume. If you only fish the river during the early spring and leave the big river for some northern lake, you’re missing the best walleye bite of the season.

Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

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James Holst

James began his fishing career as a fulltime fishing guide, spending more than 250 days a year on the water, coaching clients how to catch walleyes on the Upper Mississippi River and Minnesota’s Lake Mille Lacs. In 2000, he launched Full Bio ›


  1. First big fish of the day fishing with Chad and Evert. I got the ball rolling and basically got the heck out of the way after this first fish. They picked up on how to fish a ringworm in a hurry!


  2. Chad wasn’t going to let his dad get too far out in the lead and put his first piggie o’ the day in the boat not long after his dad had put the camera away.


  3. At this point I basically just tried to stay the heck out of Everts way… lol But not to be completely out paced by dear old dad, Chad took the next turn.


  4. These guys were a blast to fish with and I have to take the opportunity to thank them for the way they treated the fish opting to release all the big girls to fight again another day.

  5. James- UNREAL!!

    Yeah, so I saw the first four pictures in the report, and then you continued posting pics…I kept clicking refresh, to see the next one…my heart was pouding each time I clicked refresh!! Did you get to do ANY fishing with Evert in the boat???

    Awesome report and photos!! Again-

    I wonder how many views this report is going to rack up..

  6. Quote:

    James- UNREAL!!
    Yeah, so I saw the first four pictures in the report, and then you continued posting pics…I kept clicking refresh, to see the next one…my heart was pouding each time I clicked refresh!! Did you get to do ANY fishing with Evert in the boat???

    Awesome report and photos!! Again-

    I wonder how many views this report is going to rack up..

    Who said I was done?

  7. These shots are from the day prior. I did my typical “get one good one and get out of the way” routine with this 29″.

  8. On this day I fished with the Winter group… Joe, Mike and Leon. Leon’s last name is Trout. He only caught walleye on the day in question.

    Before I post these photos I’m going to head off anyone that might get worked up about putting big fish in a livewell to take pics later on. We were catching all these big fish near a LARGE number of boats. On this particular day we landed 16 fish over 25″. They were on a tear. Anyone could have caught them. But we were the only boat working the area. All it would have taken was ONE photo session and this spot and these fish would have been pummeled. Instead we quietly put the two best fish from each guy in the well and snuck off a couple hours later to shoot pics. All fish were released in tip-top shape and nobody in the area was the wiser.

    Mike with his pair o’ pigs! I believe both were over 28″.

  9. Quote:

    Bring em on!!
    I’ll stay up all night to look at some more of those beauty’s!!!

    I got one nearly 13 lbs coming.

  10. All I can say is HOLY COW!!! You guys rock!!! Nice job James… just remember – you can lead an angler to the fishing hole – but then they have to catch their own fish (or maybe just the jig from one right James – inside joke guys, sorry.) Anyway, nice catch guys


  11. And finally Mr. Joe Winter. This guy is a BIG guy at 6′ 6″ tall so he finds a way to make a 29″ post spawn piggie look small but that’s the curse us lanky guys just have to live with. I believe the fish on the left was a “runt” 26 incher.

  12. Quote:

    I got one nearly 13 lbs coming.

    Haha…just kidding- I’m ready…!! Getting my heart prepared for the big ‘thump’…

  13. I think I can go like this all night Chuck, those are some sweet photos!!


    This guy is a BIG guy at 6′ 6″ tall so he finds a way to make a 29″ post spawn piggie look small but that’s the curse us lanky guys just have to live with. I believe the fish on the left was a “runt” 26 incher.

    I come in at 6’5″ 250…I have that stupid problem as well…except, I am not so “lanky”…

    So the fish look even smaller-

  14. I post this next photo for Joe. Joe hooked up a MASSIVE pre-spawner that came up next the boat in heavy current while we were anchored. The fish did 4 or 5 frenzied flops and wide head shakes and ripped the hook from the jig free as I was frantically working to get the anchor rope untied to allow the boat to drift downstream toward the fish and to relieve the pressure. He asked me how big I thought this fish was… I told him 12, maybe 13 pounds. I was literally sick to my stomach for over an hour over the whole deal as I told the guys when we decided to anchor to conserve battery power that we would need to be cautious with any big fish we stuck in that heavy current. I NEVER should have said that out loud.

    Joe went back and forth from believing me to doubting any fish that large were in the area. I can’t blame him. I wouldn’t feel real good about losing the largest walleye I’m likely to EVER see in my life… less than 10′ from the back of the boat.

    In this shot Dean’s shown with a 30″ walleye that weighed in at 12 Lbs – 10 Oz. Dean had been stuck in the shop most of the spring as once the bite kicked in, he hoped in one the rentals to get in on some of the fun we were enjoying.

    So here it is for all of us here at IDA, and for you Joe. Look familiar?

  15. And visions of fatty eyes danced in their heads!!! Goodnight all and pleasant dreams – and I heard him exclaim as he trailered his boat out of sight – happy fishing to all and to all – A GOOD NIGHT!!! Worth the wait for that eye candy.

    Nice one Dean – glad you got out – I can see your weapon of choice sitting behind you in the pix – that Legend Elite of yours catches some nice fish!!!

    Send us some nice sturgeon pix James – did you catch my story on the flathead??? It’s in the ‘sippi walleye forum under bigGER fish… Chuckles

  16. WOW. That is an awesome report. Most guys won’t have that many big fish in their boat in a lifetime, let alone a couple of days. Thanks for making me think of fish for all day Friday at work!!

  17. James, thanks for posting those pictures. My dad and I had the time of our lives fishing with you that day!! We have caught some nice fish in our days, but never had a day like that! I would also like to congratulate Dean on his beautiful walleye. I am glad we could be there to share the moment with him, it was unbelievable.

  18. James those are truly some awesome fish. Sure you weren’t fishing Lake Erie….

    Nice work…


  19. Unbelieveable fish James…Well Done!!!

    I’m going to apply your tactics on Pool 2 for the post-spawners this weekend…I should be able to get out early and have my wife and kids join me later in the day when it warms up to target white bass.

    Thank you for the report.

  20. WOW! Awesome pics and a great report. Thanks for sharing the pics and info James. That’s at least a years worth of big fish for me on each day! I think maybe I’ll have to mix up my plans and hit the river here NOW!

  21. When we were down a week ago Thursday we heard rumors tht Dean had just stuck a biggun. Would that have been the fish? Come on Dean, inquiring minds want to know!

  22. James,
    Thanks for the great pics and information. I have just recently joined this great website and am having a good time revewing the forums and getting some good response in the cassified section. I am new to fishing the river by Red Wing and am excited about learning more and becoming successful in landing a few fish this spring and summer. I read your suggestions on what to do from mid-May and into June and will follow your lead in detail. Will the boat pressure lighten up a bit after the Minnesota opener? Thanks again for your input to all of us trying to become like you!

    Bull Cans

  23. Congratulations to Chad and Evert Miles, Joe, Mike and Leon on having the time of their life! That’s a day of fishing every walleye guy dreams about. Way to go on the release of thiese big girls as well!

    James, excellent report as always.

    Dean, that’s just a typical day on the water for you, aint it buddy?

    Nice job guys!!

  24. James – Great report!

    Thanks a ton for guiding us to some incredible fishing. I would never have believed we would have done that well… What a great day with those giant ‘eyes. Can’t wait to get out on the water with you again!!

  25. This has to be one of the better reports you have had in some time James. The info, the pictures, the piggies released, the suspense for late nighters…
    Sure has to beat the heck out of computer bashing

    to all the anglers

    now I know I won’t get much done today


  26. Wow great post and awsome pics .Thanks for showing us what kind of eyes pool 4 can produce, outstanding job on the walleyes. Dean that is one dandy of an eye , good to see you get a little break now and then what more could a guy ask for when he lands a fish like that

  27. My heart is still racing from those fish guys!But even more incredible was to see the looks on the other guys faces after the day they had on the water…..PRICELESS!Truly an outing of a lifetime!Congrats to all.Yes Chuckles,the legend-elites you noticed are incredible!Just a fair warning to everyone that tries one,you WILL end-up owning one….even at the price they sell for!

    as james mentioned,the bite has been feast or famine for alot of folks this week with not much for middle ground.There was a 10 plus pound fish caught yesterday and numerous 26 plus inch every day this week.Attention to detail and a willingness to adapt to the current seams have been the key to our anglers success.The river is in good condition and very little debris as of now…..but always a reminder to use caution whenever you are on any body of water….you just never know.Good fishing to everyone!

    Zach H shown here with his personal best eye at just shy of 28 inches.Black magic bucktail and minnow was the ticket.Zach also put a 26 incher in the boat this week….congrats!

  28. Geez James! I was just thinking yesterday you were due for a report. I didn’t think you’d be reporting “fishing trips of a lifetime” Holy smokes those are some incredible catches. Those guys could have won major walleye tourneys anywhere in North America with those catches!


  29. WOW. I might have to give the bass a rest next spring and try a day or two for some of that. Those are some amazing walleyes!!

  30. Thanks again James for the great experience

    I now have a father-in-law that believes in plastics and My wife will be more willing to let me buy more if her Dad doesn’t have that “those will never catch a fish” remarks anymore. We hit the water two saturdays ago for a couple of hours and have bait in the boat( big step for Leon). We didn’t catch anymore pigs but we did catch some 17-19 inch saugers and walleyes.

    Can’t wait to get on the water again.

    The day we had will be remembered for a lifetime.

    We’ ll have to do it again sometime.

  31. Woweee.. that’s just a dream for me. I was wondering what was the biggest walleye caught by an IDOer??

  32. Its great seeing some of these old reports come back up every now and again. Wow are those some fish.

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