Pool 1 St Anthony Falls Channel Cat Bite

Too early for open water cats?

That’s what I thought when Urban Cat Expert Fisher Dave and family invited Ralph Wigams (Ryan) and I down to the Mill Ruins Park in downtown Minneapolis for a try at some early season channel cats. Fisher Dave has been predicting a March bite since last November and he was dead (bait) on!

Photo to the Right is Urban Expert Fisher Dave and myself. You kind of have to watch Dave, he’ll sneak a cat kiss in if you’re not watching closely!

I was happy to see the finest of the MN DNR out today checking licenses, number of rods ect. One friendly CO jumped in a picture with Fisher Sherry. The DNR folk need to have a photo smile training class though . Both CO’s were very professional and friendly…thanks for stopping in guys!

The bite started around 1:30 today using cut jumbo shiners provided by (our own) Suzuki’s Bait Shop. The shiners seemed to have more activity early, although it might have been bait placement. Many light bites, swings and misses and dropped baits were happening until about 4:00 pm.

Photo to the Right is the youngest member of the Fisher Family, Fisher Tylor holding is first ’06 open water channel cat.

The golden hour started about 4 pm. At that time it was every man, woman and Briank to himself. If your rod wasn’t bouncing, you were reeling in a nice plump channel cat. During this hour, fatheads and cut shiners worked equally well. The bite became much more aggressive. In fact during one bite, Fisher Dave’s rod was being lifted off the ground and sort of met him half way.. when he was running to grab it! It really felt like spring was here when you felt them whiskered wonders nail the bait.

The photo to the Left is Ralph Wiggum and Fisher Dave with a couple dandy fighters.

The final count for the day was 22 cat’s released.

The Mill Ruins Park area will be getting better and better as the water warms with the ice melt.

This is the same location that we’ll be holding the April Fools Catfishing Get ToGether.

Everyone is welcome. For details, check out the Mississippi River Catfish forum.

Location: It seemed like these fish were feeding in one area. If you cast to the left or right of this spot, you might get bit, but it would take longer.

Presentation: Our terminal tackle ranged from #2 light wire octopus style hooks to #5 circle hooks. 1.5 to 2.0 oz sinkers held the bait in place well as there wasn’t much current to contend with. Our bite started about 1:30 with the most activity coming from large shiner steaks. When the peak active period came, a couple three fathead halves worked just as well. We had one rod down with a worm on it, and it didn’t get touched. Since most of the bites were light, I would stay towards the light side of the hook sizes. Might help get that hook into the cats mouth resulting in fewer misses.

The spring cat’s have started and will continue on until it’s time to start working on the flatheads.

Katch a Biggun!

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. Great job guys and great report BK! I’m truly bummed that I left before the action started, but oh well. They better be biting today because I’m not leaving until I catch something, darn it!

    Oh, by the way, thanks for the real-time fishing report text messages…they kept me entertained while I was waiting in Super Target’s checkout lane

  2. lol No problem, Manny. We just wanted to keep you posted. And maybe make you a little jealous at the same time. Did it work???

    Nice report, Brian! It was a blast getting out there with you guys! The weather was perfect. From the looks of this early bite, its gonna be an awesome Catfish season!!

    I hope to see you all April 1st! Its gonna be a fun time!

  3. Still planning to head up. Its a nice lil 8 hour ride. The new 04 Vue will be ready. Wondering if I sleep in the park I get ticket or if I don’t get the license I get to sleep in jail and if that’s cheaper than hotel. That CO looks a little pale and puffy maybe the dipbait will hold him off. One of my local guys asked what you using once. I thought the gagging noises were uncalled for from a law enforcement type. Oh I forgot nice kittyfish.

  4. It was a blast.. I need not say more.

    I have been looking forward to this since the end of waterfowl season? There is nothing like enjoying the weather on a nice spring day and reeling in an ice cold channel cat! No ice auger, ice house, heater, flasher, or fishing rod less than 3′ long needed, or desired!

    I think Brian set a new record on the number of bites on one bait.. He was the only one who could get a bite for a couple hours all on the same shiner steak. I think he only managed 3 fish on that one piece of bait, but I dont think I am over estimating the number of bites HE had if I were to say 15(probably far more than that)? All I know his rod was bouncing every few minutes and it was becoming entertaining to say the least!

    No real brutes this trip. The fish size ranged from a few young kitty cats, lots of fish in the 2 1/2- 5 pound range, and the largest couple fish of the day were probably around 7 or 8 pounds (no scale and I am terrible on guessing weight)… but they were fun to reel in none the less!

    If Sherry ever gets out of bed I am sure she will add a few more photo’s of the trip… if Brian doesnt get to it 1st.

    Brian was accurate on the type of hooks to use. I prefer #2 gamakatsu circle hooks. They are very light wire hooks which the fish pick up like nothing and the super sharp point has no problem finding that leathery flesh of any size channel. Different hooks can work well, the proper size is dictated by the size of a bait. Anything from a #4- 1/0 from some manufacturers seem to work well. The lighter wire hooks will stand out on hookup ratio. For weights.. whatever you need to cast the rig your using the proper distance is enough. I was using 3/4 oz of weight and it was doing just fine. There is no current right now, but can change when the water levels come up. The fish were closer to shore than they usually are yesterday.. but you never know what the next day will bring on the location of the school. 2 of the 22 channels yesterday were caught outside of the perimeter of the school.

    It was a blast guys.. I look forward to seeing everyone down there at the April Fools Gathering! The water temps will have climbed a few degrees by then and should provide some excellent fishing!

  5. I agree. It was a ton of fun with great company, and it was especially nice to get on (or next to) the open water. Lots of actvity, with several doubles, highlighted by Dave getting bit while I was manuevering a fish underneath his rod. I think I almost lost my head!

    I had luck a #4 light wire cirlce hook, a 1 oz no-roll, 10 lb mono, an 8’6″ rod, and cut shiner, but everyone was doing well on different things, as mentioned.

    I look forward to many more cats this spring!

  6. Quote:

    Still planning to head up. Wondering if I sleep in the park I get ticket or if I don’t get the license I get to sleep in jail and if that’s cheaper than hotel.

    I have fished down there all night many times before without any problems, but I am never alone. I dont know how much the police would appreciate someone sleeping in their vehicle? It is a park tecnicly(sp?), and if any type of enforcement officer preferred you to leave, they can tell you to go anytime after midnight(park legaly closes). We have never been asked to leave no matter how late we fished and the police have always just waved at us. The police do check our licenses on occasion(their way of knwoing who’s there and making us aware of their presence), and usually share a polite conversation when they do so. I am glad to see them keep on top of things.. it keeps the park reasonably safe and the majority of the riff-raff away.

    Sleeping in a park in any major metro area on the 1st of the month in the spring of the year(assuming fair weather), on a weekend night to top it off… I would lay odds the police might ask you to leave for your own safety.. but they wont bother you as long as your fishing.

    If I had any extra room here, I would offer you a place to stay for the night.. but unfortunately I dont.

  7. Ok ok. I’m awake! Here are a few more pics from yesterday…

    I think you all know this guy..

    And a couple of Dave’s catches for the afternoon…

    A couple of Ryan’s catches. He’s another one you gotta watch around these fish.

    Here are Dave and Brian unhooking the double you saw in Brian’s original post…

    And Tyler reeling in the last fish of the night on Daddy’s rod…

  8. Nothing like interactive catfishing I guess?

    Wow what a difference the weather can make this time of year.. Its 50 outside and the fish are biting.. next thing you know the wind picks up a little and with a few icy cold blast of air.. all of a sudden you realize your getting cold and the fish quit biting too. A few fish coming in towards the end but few and far between.

    Bring back the 50 degree temps!

  9. Great Cat’s Crew and more importantly Great smiles I feel almost as good as you guy’s look.

    Good to see Sherry and Tyler out of winter hibernation I was starting to wonder!

    Nice Job!….

  10. Very slow this afternoon. We picked up 2 in about the first ten minutes but not a bite for the next 1.5 hours. The last picture posted was my girlfriend’s first cat. Like Dave said, bring back the warm weather!!!

  11. Very nice report, fish, pics and follow up posts everyone. Nice colorfull looking green color on the fish too.
    Thanks, Bill

  12. Although the temp went from spring (51 degrees) to ice fishing temps (41 and a strong wind) in a couple hours…a guy can’t complain about the 10 or 12 cat’s that were caught today. Fisher Dave’s being a 10 lbser…was real nice.

    Ralph, it always brings a joyful tear to my eye when a young lady holds her first cat for a picture!

    Stephanie’s a keeper too!

    Anyone hear how the “Special” bite was doing on P4?

  13. Great report from all you guys. It is good to see some open water catfish. Looks like another cold snap coming – I’ll be right behind you on the next warmup. Thanks for all the wonderful pics.

  14. I didn’t see any live carp. A few nasty dead ones.

    Brian, she does like to fish. I can’t wait to get her into some more cat action, maybe even a flattie this summer

  15. Hey Mack! Thanks for posting this last photos in real time for us!

    Next time, we’ll have to arrange it so you can come out and play!

  16. Glad I was here to offer IDA some real time cattin’ photos. Of course working oncall all weekend isnt my cup of tea. Definatly will be up for joining you folks next go round.

  17. I was going to take today off until Mr Wiggum pointed out the forecast to me.. the rain/snow stuff is stalled out to the southwest for now.. 7-9 inches tonight?

    Slow in the cool air or not, I’m going to try to reel in a few more this afternoon!

    I will be glad when winter is a thing of the past. This blast of cold air for the next 10 days or so is probably going to give us perfect conditions on a warming trend for the April 1st gathering. The snow melt and precipitation should only improve things when the weather gets back to decent.

  18. As I was reading this, I was thinking the same thing Dave.

    I looked at the 15 day forecast, which this time of year is worth about as much as a Culpepper jersey. Looks like cold right up to the 1st. Two days where the high might be 40, but the rest are in the 30s. If anything, maybe that will make the April 1 trip a success if it can hold those cats in a tight school that eventually moves back up in there to feed on the 1st? A guy can dream, can’t he?

  19. Just one fish caught today that I know of. We only stuck around for about 30 minutes after Manny left which finally got the fish biting(He’s a great guy but bad luck). There was about 6 bites in that 30 minute time frame?

    It doesnt take much to warm the water just enough to get them biting.. but it doesnt take much to cool it down to stop it either. Pretty quick its going to be far less of a factor when the water comes up a couple degrees. The cold weather will not last for long.

    Pug.. you go ahead and listen to that weatherman, I’ll be fishing.

  20. I must admit that I have (gasp) never gone catfishing before. But, I noticed that you guys were fishing about three blocks from my brothers apartment, which peaked my curiosity.

    What kind of rig were you using? and how deep of water were you fishing in? and what kind of structure were you fishing on?

    thanks for any info. I have been looking for info on pool 1 since my bro moved into his new place. I need to get him out on the water since he isn’t much of a fisherman, and this looks like a great oportunity.


  21. Brian, you were in my neck of the woods. Let me know when you go again. Does the Warden always follow you around? If so, I’ll pass.

    I’d love to catch some kittys, PM me next time

  22. Hey Ty! Welcome to In-DepthAngling!!!

    First off…I have to invite you and your brother to our April Fools day gathering at Mill Ruins Park….Here’s the link> Click Here

    We were bank fishing…on cement. This is the channel for the locks there. Not realy any structure there. Heck we didn’t even pull out a tire! I’m guessing the depth to be around 15 feet and that’s just guessing by the time it took for the sinker to go down.

    For the type of terminal tackle, check out this thread…

    terminal set up click here.

    All the real good info is in our Mississippi Catfish Forums.

    Hope to see you and the weather inprove on the 1st!

  23. Ty… Brian was correct, its about 15′ deep in the area we are fishing. There are a couple holes in the area that gets deeper(about 25′). There is structure.. all man made. We have the lock just upstream, 2 spillways constantly running right now, and there is also a culvert that has flow most of the time. The upper St Anthony dam is just upstream but not accessable to fish near in any way, and there is a big Rock jetty that separates the main channel current from the locking channel.. so it is tecnicly(sp?) a giant eddy with a couple man made creeks feeding into it… It might not be natural structure, but it is structure none to less.

    This recent snow is going to bring water levels up in a hurry which should improve the fishing once we climb a couple degrees in water temp. That location is between 2 dams, so the water will never reach a flood stage, but the current flow will increase in the main channel to a rate where all the fish must come into the locking channel or be swept downstream.

  24. Where/how do you get the mooneyes for cut bait? I am thinking of hitting the area next week with my son when it warms in the 50’s

  25. If your lucky enough to know anyone fishing the st croix and catching a couple here and there.. have them save them for you. I am down to fresh fatheads and the occasional little piece of sucker or shiner steak and doing just fine.

    Some baits do work better than others.. but any bait works better than no bait at all.

    I’ll be out there catching fish until it hits 50! The bigger fish are starting to mix into the bag now, and I had a couple today that thought it was 50 degrees peeling off drag.

    Things are looking real good for the 1st.. lets beg mother nature to be nice to us that day!

  26. Hey Ron! Welcome!

    Fisher Dave hit it right on…My Mooneye was a gift from Don Hanson…well, he was going to toss it back into Pool 4 when I darn near tackled him in the boat. It’s been in my freezer since last Oct.

    The easiest bait that we know works is fatheads.

    But if you know someone that fish’s the river…ask them nicely…then bribe!

  27. Don’t they pile into warm water discharges this time of year? (like the power plant on the croix south of stillwater)Or are all those gizzard shad? I remeber fishing for white bass down there and seeing them piled up.

  28. I just heard reports of shad half dead in the Power Plant discharge area. The plant isn’t running and the shock of the cold water might be effecting them.
    I’ve never seen mooneye down there…but I sure would think there would be.

    Shad worked well tody…after the bite started.

  29. I’m goining this Saturday. Wife, son and whoever else I can scrounge up. Probobly be there a little before noon. Sounds like too much fun!


  30. Went out today. Everyone was out there.Lots of cats caught but not by us.. We did learn some good info for next time.Just need something that will cast a little further. Thanks for the sinkers Alvin.
    Will definetley be seeing us again.

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