Mille Lacs Lake Perch report 3-4-06

I finally made it back on the ice yesterday. The March weather has been pretty nice in this area so far…mild temps, perfect for fishing off the tail gate of the truck!!!! I just wish the perch would cooperate better.

The past few trips out on the lake I have been using a eye dropper from Northland bait. The colors that have worked best for me has been white and white/blue in color. These are glowing bait’s so hang them in the sun each time you bait up!!The other key is to go small. I have been using wax worms most of the time. Jigging a minnow head has not produced for this angler in some time. It’s seems that I have had to go small in my presentation. The areas that I have been targeting have been the 32-34 mud areas near the rock reefs on the eastside of the lake. These areas have produced better for me than the mud flats lately.

My big perch today came in at 1 lb 4 oz’s shown in the pic above. This perch measured around 13 inches. I caught a few smaller ones but not big enough to put in the bucket! The perch fishing has been slow for the most part. The best action today was early morning. It slowed up as the day went on for me.

The lake condition’s are good with very little snow cover. You do need to watch for snow bank’s but truck travel is ok. The lake access out of Hunters Point Resort on the eastside is in good shape also. They still have the pressure ridge out front bridged. They should be plowing and maintaining the lake roads for a few weeks yet!!!! As long as the shoreline holds up. Next Saturday March 11th. George Nitti at Hunters Point will be offering free access to all IDA member’s!!!!!along with free breakfest starting at 6am Saturday morning. Just their way of saying " Thanks " for sending some business his way.

Also don’t forget about the Annual White Cap Inn Perch Pounder contest also held next Saturday March 11th from 7am to 2pm. Followed by a pig roast……..This last pic show’s my button for the perch pounder!!!!! I’m hoping that by carrying it around will bring some good luck in the drawing’s? We hope……. come on number 10 !!!

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. Nice report Bob

    Since I seen you on the lake yesterday I will just add a few pics and a little more about how we caught our fish.

    The most important key is mobility…If you are looking to set up a big shack and hope to catch perch….well this is not the time or the lake to do so…If you were not reading a fish in your hole or couldn’t attract a fish to your lure it was time to move. Not far maybe only 10 feet away, but nonetheless moving was the key.

    The first picture is my dad who doesn’t remember the last time he had to work so hard to catch perch

  2. Great report as always Bob!
    Sooner or later these sumo’s HAVE to turn on!
    Looking forward to seeing you all of Friday!
    It is shaping up to be abother great weekend on Mille Lacs!
    I hope they change the weather report!

  3. Another huge key to putting these fish on the ice yesterday was to downsize your lure and presentation.
    I am sure most of you have heard about all the food that is in the lake right now for these perch..those little red worms, smaller 2″-3″ perch.
    Well that is our competition fellas.. Like the old saying goes if you can’t beat em…join em!!!!
    That is what I mean about down sizing your lure and presentation.. If it takes going to a small ice ant and a split shot to get your bait down. or simply switching to a smaller jigging spoon like Bob mentioned. Pay attention to these small little details and try not to get frustrated when those fish on the flasher don’t bite.
    Try something new, you might be amazed!

    This photo is me with my 2 biggest of the day!!!

  4. This final picture is a fine mess of Mille Lacs jumbo’s that will taste might fine tonight in the frying pan..

    We ended up keeping 17 fish total between the 2 of us..We also had 3 bonus walleyes.. Would have made nice eaters also if the season would still be open, but oh well I search for these same walleyes this summer.

    Just to mention a few things like Bob already said…The lake is in good condition as far a vehicle traffic goes, minimal snow, great roads ( thanks to Hunters Point).

    One more point, please respect Mille Lacs lake and what it has to offer! A couple times yesterday I seen full sized trucks racing up and down the roads, I would imagine that some speeds did exceed 35mph! The water was jumping out of my holes and I was over a mile away!!
    Please don’t ruin the good ice conditions we have right now cause they won’t last much longer!

    Hope to see you on the ice!!!!

  5. Thanks for the report and pics along with some good tips. Down here in southern Minnesota we had no snow on the beech at Everts Resort on Pool 4 of the Mississippi River yesterday and its snowing today in Rochester. Bobs remark about ice for weeks to come kinda blew my mind but then again its different weather up in Mille Lacs area. So if anyones looking to get alot more ice fishing in Mille Lacs is a good place for perch and these guys can put you on the perch. Sure is nice of Hunters to do that for everyone.
    Thanks, Bill

  6. Bobber, nice report. Does Dickie have buttons left ? Pam & I plan on heading up friday night after work. See you then.

    big g

  7. Yes, he’ll have some…Stop by White Cap Friday nite and get your button’s and an education!!!!!!!!! if you know what I mean..

  8. Quote:

    Yes, he’ll have some…Stop by White Cap Friday nite and get your button’s and an education!!!!!!!!! if you know what I mean..

    Why is Lazy Jim back in town???

    Or are you referring to your buddy Dickie, Bob???

  9. I just talked to your buddy Dickie!!!!

    And he said he would be open at 6am selling button’s!!to anyone needing one. He also said he has 3 pig’s to eat after the drawings……..better come hungry!!

    I asked him about access from White Cap. He said he and Jim Staricka were going to move the bridge today…but they spent too much time in the bar last night…go fiqure! He’ll get it moved Friday I hope….other wise better access from Liberty or Hunters Point or some other place of your liking.

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