Last Tip Up Hurrah on Coon Lake

Well, I finally got pictures downloaded from last weekend’s final hurrah on the ice chasing pike, bass and walleye. My brother had his in-laws in town from Montana for my niece Kylie’s birthday party. So it was out to my brother’s shack, on Coon Lake with my other niece Sierra, my brother Ron, and Sierra’s Grandpa Joe from Montana. It was a nice Sunny day to be out on the ice and the fish were biting consistently but far from a rapid pace. The house was set up just on the East side of the channel in 6-7 feet of water, with sparse weeds below on a sandy bottom. Tip ups were the name of the game for the afternoon, with Shiner minnows about 2 feet off the bottom. My brother has had some decent luck on Coon with LM Bass and Northern through out the year. But this day was Sierra’s day, as every time a tip up would go up she beat the boy’s to it. Her Grandpa Joe said she kept “hogging” all the fish.

She pulled numerous fish through the ice last Saturday, but this one in the first and last pictures, was her largest fish ever. This pike was in the 5-6 pound range. She handled that fish like a “Seasoned Pro” and made Dad, Grandpa Joe, and her Uncle very proud. She surprised everyone with her willingness to hold that fish as she was very proud of it. I think by day’s end she showed everyone in a 100 foot radius the fish she caught.

My brother has fished this lake for two years and has yet to pull my favorite species from it. Well, in the middle of the afternoon in 6-7 feet of water with the Sun beaming down, our new little Fisherwoman pulled a Walleye of the tip up that was just shy of the 14.5” mark. She showed Dad and the Boys up one more time. It was just another one of those days, where I did not even catch a fish or get a bite, but I had one of my best times ever out on the ice. It looks like after this last weekend the Stenger family might have another family member “Hooked” on this thing we call fishing. Perhaps next year Sierra will let the boys pull in a fish or two?????? Probably not, but that is just fine by us.

Only two more months until we are back on the lakes chasing Toothies! I hope everyone had a great year on the ice. I will only be back out a few times on the hard water, as I will be chasing Eyes and Saugers on the open water of the Mississippi from here on out!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Thanks guys. It was a great day. I remember looking back when my Dad took my brother and I out fishing. We would be there form Sun up until 10pm. Chasing flags and playing in the snow all day. Fishing crappies at night. Man that was some fun. I’m seeing it come full circle now with my brothers kids are getting that age. Last Summer I had a day like this in the boat with my other brothers kid Mitchell. He caught his first real fish (non panfish)trolling with 9′ rods. Now Sierra got into it. I still have another Nephew and Niece to watch grow up also

    Everyone should experience watching kids do this thing calle dfishing. When things start to click for them it is awesome. Take a kid fishing you never know what you might start.

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