Put the boat in the water for the official first trip of the year. Larry Pakyz joined me for 7 hours of late winter walleye fishing on the river.
After spending and hour or so fishing in unproductive waters while using nonproductive lures, (hair jigs/plastics) we finally started to figure out a few of the clues which worked for us today.
As usual, when the fishing is tough, going simple is usually the best idea. Today was no exception to that rule.
The best baits for us today were a plain jig tipped with a large fathead minnow and a plain minnow on a bare hook. It doesn’t get much simpler than that.
We still didn’t slay them by any means. Between the two of us, we pulled 15 walleyes/saugers to the boat of which three were legal. (16, 16.5 and 17")
All of our fish came frome 20-28′ of water. Water temperatures were running at 34 degrees.
Although it wasn’t a great day on the water, it wasn’t a bad day either. Not a bad way to start out the 2006 walleye season!
I was out there with you Joel, but only for about 4 or 5 hours. It was definitely slow. We managed 3 keepers and a few other shorts, with everything coming to the boat between 11:30 and 1:00. Firecracker ringworms and the new Firecracker / Chartreuse tail I picked up at the Madison fishing show were the productive colors for us. Even though it was cold and windy, it was better than work.
Not a bad day indeed. I wish I could have gotten out yesterday. Can’t quit my day-job.
Well done guys!!!!
I was out there too, in my 12 ft. Lund winter boat…what boat were you guys in…talked to a couple boats yesterday. We got the big skunk, so had nothing better to do than to yak-it-up…..but like you said earlier, better than being at the salt mines.
I was in a 16 foot tan Fisher with a 75 merc on the back and an IDA sticker on the front of my console. Was out from about 9 to 2.
Thanks for the info guys. With I could get out there this week. There is always next week
Yup, saw you out by the cable , which is where we ended our day at about 1:30 or so. Felt like we were beating a dead horse, so called it quits a little earlier than normal.
Same here, quit early. Got really tired of the wind. Next time you see me, say hey. I think my boat is the only Fisher sporting an IDA sticker around the dells or Lake Wisconsin.
Yeah, will do. Couldnt see the sticker from where we were…too busy trying to shield my face from the wind: brutal. Otherwise I would have struck up a converstation. gonna try to take advantage of low water and no crowds and get out to Nekoosa in my 12 ftr. before everyone and their brother head out there…You ever fish that stretch?
Thanks for the report Joel, hope all is well over there in Wisconsin
I have never fished that stretch, but have heard some good reports lately from up there.
Hey guys,
Sorry for the slow response. Work prevents me from playing on my favorite fishing sites. For the most part, its something I can only do in the evening now.
Mendotaeye, give a holler or stop by my boat and say hi next time. Its always nice to be able to put a face to the names. (same to you Z-Man) Pretty sure I saw both of you guys out there. (18′ white lund, 175hp evinrude)
We didn’t try the plastics to long. Hair wasn’t working at all for us though. When they started biting on the minnow rigs, we kind of stopped with the experimenting. Should’nt do that, but we were having fun catching fish.
Scott, things are going pretty well here in Wisconsin.
See you’ve been staying on the fish right through winter.
I spent a small amount of time catching some bluegills in early winter, but the rest of the season was spent cutting firewood, working on the house and fixing gear in the boat.
Didn’t matter to much though. Around here, we didn’t really have much good ice for most of the winter.
Good luck on the tournament trail this year!
I always check to see how you and Jarrad did.
Maybe you already fish there…but don’t forget about going downstream from the cable…usually not a lot of people go much further down from the cable….it starts just about past where the last houses end…by the narrows…. and just to upstream of the rapids…..vertical jigging will do it there…. fathead… you have to play with the depths there…..this can be a good spot to hit with a lot less people….
We fish there and much farther down stream than that as well. It can depend on the water level of the river though. Sometimes, its kind of hard to get past the rock bar with my boat.
Right….you have to hit the area just right to get through the rapids when they’re low…..some good fishing down from there….good luck
Would highly recommend going past the rapids, when you’re in your buddy’s boat.
Been tempted to try it myself a few times, but came to my senses before giving it a try. You’re right, though, that there is a good amount of safe water between the cable and the rapids.
lol yep….buddy’s boat or a tunnel hull…
How do you get a fishing report on this area??When I click on post nothing happens??
Wisconsin River Forum
Follow the link posted above. It will take you to the Wisconsin River Forum. this area is for housing all the Field Staff and Pro Staff reports coming from all our areas of coverage. Members are encouraged to make fishing reports in the forums relating to specific bodies of water.
Thanks for asking. Some times we forget that some might be unfamiliar with our set-up here.