Sharing your knowledge ~ Pool 4

Just one more benefit of registering on In-DepthAngling!

Our trip to Evert’s on Pool 4 yesterday started off in an odd way. A couple weeks ago, I read a post from a fairly new In-DepthAngling member TSCTSC (Vincent) saying “I’ve been down to P4 three times and haven’t had a bite, what am I doing wrong?” I consider myself a rookie on P4, but I have the basics and posted a response. Then thought, I haven’t been down there in a while…wonder I we could hook up? With a couple PM’s, date changes because of weather and the willingness of one of our own P4 experts, Chappy, Mr. TSCTSC has fish and more importantly experience under his belt!

The photo to the right is Vincent with his first P4 Sauger.

We all met Evert’s Resort and bait shop to find out the latest bite info from Dean the Manager. BfishN Tackle just dropped of their new colors of Ringworm and H20 Precision Jig Heads. The new colors are Cotton Candy, Fire Cracker w/Chartreuse tail and Fire Cracker w/Blue tail. These colors and the 3.32 and 1.16 oz Precision Jig heads have been called for by the top guides in the area for quite a while and I’m glad to see that Evert’s is stocking them.

Photo to the right is Mr. Hospitality himself Dean the manager of Evert’s proudly holding the new colors of Ringworms and H20 Jigs.

Armed with the currant info, off we went to try and jig up a sauger or walleye using Ringworms. Although we were marking fish, lots of fish, Chappy was the only one to bring in a sauger. Using Chappy’s under water camera, we thought we’d take a looky see what was down there. Walleyes and sauger everywhere! We were all amazed at how many fish were concentrated in one area! We also notice that each one had tape holding their mouth shut. They just wouldn’t bite!

We move down river to a spot the Dean told us to try using a green hair jig tipped with a minnow. I forgot to ask Dean what the jig was called, so when you stop in, ask him. Within 5 minutes Chappy was sliding another chunky sauger into the boat.

First off, I don’t pretend to know what I’m doing walleye fishing…but the area we were fishing was not what I would call a fishy spot. In fact, I would have never fished there had it not been for Dean’s advice!

It was getting close to the golden hour, so back towards the dam we went. For this time of year, it was a beautiful day with a little wind keeping us from over heating.

Time to switch up and start “dragging” ringworms. Lime Green seemed to be what they wanted most regularly. When the switch was turned on it was the kind of action the P4 is known for. Vincent caught the first of two walleyes that were boated and had his first P4 walleye and sauger under his belt.

This outing worked out very well because of In-DepthAngling members Chappy and Dean. Dean with all the currant info and Chappy with all of the on the water instruction from how to use Dean’s info, boat control, reading the sonar, under water camera and even how the flow of the river effects positioning of walleyes. I’m sure Vincent will agree that we both learned a lot about P4 and it’s treasures.

The photo to the left is non other than Chappy…(I hate to say this, but Vincent and I together couldn’t out fish him! I can’t believe I said that out loud!

Thanks for a great time fishing Dean, Chappy and Vincent!

We’ll have to do it again!!!!

Here’s another report on "Dragging"by 192- Faser

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. No, I didn’t get skunked!

    I think this was a “pull ahead” fish although Vincent and I counted lost fish and snagged fish to end up with a higher count than Chappy.

    I think I had tears in my eyes…

  2. Brian

    Is that color ringie a chartreuse green core? (Pic Below)

    I think you called it a lime green in your original post and I was worried BFT had colors even I didn’t know about… lol

    I checked their ringworm page >>> 4″ Ringworm Color Chart – B FISH N Tackle and didn’t see anything.

    Awful nice of you and Chappy to get Vincent out on some fish. The best is yet to come. You guys planning a repeat performance closer to April and the arrival of the big mama walleyes?

  3. You see James…if it’s not a bullhead or a 4 oz sinker, I get all messed up!

    Yes, your photo and observations are correct!

    April Porkers? Only if we can find someone to take them off the hook for me!

  4. Thanks for the report Brian! I too had very limited success on P4 last spring. Now I’m not trying to drum up a boatride with you or Chappy, but could either of you share some more general information or tricks regarding boat control, depth of water, positioning of fish based on current, time of day, etc?

    What amazed me on my first trip to P4 (beyond the shear number of boats) was the number of different presentations being used in such close proximity to one another. Between the guys jigging live bait in the strong current under the dam, to drifting with live bait, to dragging ringworms, to pitching ringworms to structure, trolling cranks, the list goes on and on. Any thoughts on when each of these presentations make sense or limiting ones presentation to 1-2 different kinds for the spring run?

    Thanks in advance and great report!

  5. Quote:


    Is that color ringie a chartreuse green core? (Pic Below)

    I think you called it a lime green in your original post and I was worried BFT had colors even I didn’t know about… lol

    I checked their ringworm page >>> 4″ Ringworm Color Chart – B FISH N Tackle and didn’t see anything.

    Awful nice of you and Chappy to get Vincent out on some fish. The best is yet to come. You guys planning a repeat performance closer to April and the arrival of the big mama walleyes?

    Wrong, It was Chart. Pepper color. I think Brian’s color blind too! That and a 3/32 oz. jig head “dragged”upstream was the ticket.

    Thanks for a good time boy’s. It truely was a great time.

    I hope Vincent did’nt get ruined by your constant stories about Catfishing!!!

  6. Say, that’s a fine lookin’ young fellow holding up the BFT tackle! I think signing him to a modeling contract could up sales at least 1000 percent. It’s something to think about Koonce, I’m rarely wrong!

  7. I wasnt too worried about Chappy getting himself or Vincent into some fish,but the third guy,honestly?I had my doubts!If there was and I think there ought to be an award for Chappy being “guide of the year”when Brian K caught more than one fish!Congrats and a heck of a job Chappy!

    Roy shown here with a limit caught and released on chart-pepper ringies and ugly-bug bucktail coming off the water the same time as Chappys group.Good job Roy!

  8. Another regular guest, Bill showing some very nice eyes dragging the new firecracker-chart tail B-Fish ringie.Good job Bill!

  9. Thanks Brian and Dean,
    mid to late March can not come soon enough. will have to make it down soon to start to get into river shape.

  10. Jack, we’ll have to get hooked up and go some morning. Since I’m working until 2 or 3am now we could get there just in time for breakfast.

  11. Quote:

    Just to make sure I don’t loose face here…

    Thanks again Chappy for showing me how to catch Flathead bait!

    BTW, I think that was one of the biggest fishes caught that day on the chartreuse pepper by Brian. Very memorable day out. Guaranteed fish, trash talk, and great jokes, what more could a man ask for? And also not forgetting Dean who sponsored our trip out that day and put us on mid-day fish! Thanks so much Brian, Chappy, and Dean!!

  12. Nice report Brian. It reminded me that we also tried draggin’ Ringies yesterday on P2 and Mike hauled in a nice 5-6 pounder. The only problem was … was a Buffalo fish

    Nice to see you guys share some knowledge and boat some fish

  13. I was just wondering if the super-doos are working at all. A gentleman I guided this summer gave me some 3in and 5in. in a shad color.(gray and white) Can’t wait to try them down there. Is the water still fairly clear?

  14. Super doos only come in 1 length. I think it’s 4″. My goto color is the Chart. pepper in those too.

  15. I agee Rob. It was great of you guys to take TSC out there…thats what we’re all about!
    I hope everybody doesn’t start believing DEAN!!!

    There won’t be any fish left for ME!!!

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