It is that time of year when the phone starts ringing for SD fishing trips. I decided I better take a weekend and spend some time getting the bites dialed in out there. I couldn’t think of a better guys to take with on this trip than my dad Gary and Rick Nascak a FLW teammate of mine, both of which love to chase big Bluegill.
On the weeekend we fished about every good panfish lake in the Northeast corner and the combination of Wind and a big cold front made things tough, but not tough enough that we couldn’t get some nice fish. This first picture is a nice gill that fell just short of a pound, taken from deep water on Enemy Swim.
We spent the evening hours each day looking for active crappies. Most of the bigger fish were still relating to deep water or what we call a "basin bite". The size was excellent with most fish falling between 11.5 & 13.5 inches. This picture is Rick with a nice slab that went 1.7 pounds.
As I said earlier, the conditions were tough but we were lucky enough to get quite a few fish. None of the fish this weekend were trophy class by our standards but many really quality fish. We easily kept our limit of crappies and gills, but our real goal on the weekend was to get a bluegill over 2 pounds. That did not happen, but hopefully late ice will give us the conditions we are looking for.
This last picture is Rick with another one of his big slabs. Rick was using very small plastics to jig up those deep basin crappies. He will tell you he caught the majority of the big crappies, but I am not sure he can count very well!!
Those are some dandies
Scott, those are some absolutely fantastic fish!
I am really focused this year on getting a Bluegill over 2 pounds. My goal is to have one that big before Labor Day, I was a few ounces short last year
Hey Scott- I love to chase big Bluegill’s how come I didn’t get a phone call? Just kidding of course-

I wonder how far a drive it is say from Iowa City, Iowa, to South Dakota…
My old man is going to Key West, this week, and left a whole bunch of stuff for me to get done…I guess he has put in his time so that’s alright- I am still upset he didn’t invite me though, I highly doubt he is going to do any fishing
Great report Scott!!!
Wow Nice fish
Now that is what I call a true bull gill and sone hugemongous crappie
What is a non resident fishing license run in S.Dakota?
Nice fish Scott. What plastics were you guys using?
Very nice fish guys! Those aren’t trophies, huh?? Wow. Do you have some pics of last year’s big gills? I’d like to see them. Can you put up a link?
Thanks Scott,
Very nice Gills and Slabs.
good luck with the 2 pounder…
Nice pics thinking of goiong to either waubay or enemy over the weekend. I know the bite has been starting by the refuge on waubay I take it youo where on the south side of enenmy over by the sunken island?
VERY nice fish there Scott.
I think you are having too much fun this winter.
I know, hec of a job but somebody has to do it.
Good luck on getting the 2 pounder. 
Thanks, Bill
WOW!!! A pounder is awesome in my neck of the woods…2 pounds is OBSCENE!!
You da Man Scotty!
That gill is a pig. I can’t wait to see a pic of a 2 pound bull
Don’t get me wrong guys, I would drive many miles to catch a 1 pound gill. However, I have set my standards very high for this year. I want a 2 pounder!
As for where we were fishing, we fished all by our selves off the Big Island. It was a new area for me but none of the traditional spots were going so we had to come up with some new spots. Enemy only has one Big Island so finding where we were is not to hard.
A couple over 1.5 pounds
This one was from 2004, just over 1.75 pounds
Impressive to say the least Scott! Wow!
Sure DO LIKE the pic of the two 1.5’s WOW.
Actually see BLUE water behind you, nice reminder.
Way to go Scott! Those are some nice fish. NE SD is one of my favorite areas and have made a few trips out there myself. I can remember the first year out there pulling up nice walleye, perch, and crappie from the same hole!