The First Annual IDA Rochester Area Get Together took place on Lake Zumbro today at the Fisherman Inn location. Even after receiving snowfall and very cold temps for a couple days right before the Get Together it was still held. We had a nice crowd of fisherman and the First Annual IDA Rochester Area Get Together Bluegill Champion was crowned.
Briank was not only the bluegill winner but since the only fish spieces caught today was bluegills that win crowned him our Champion. The first pic is Briank holding up a bluegill. This was a special bluegill because it was the smallest fish caught [the pic really makes it look bigger than it really was for some strange reason] and I couldn’t resist making it the first fish pic. In the 2nd pic you find Briank with the winning 11 oz bluegill. Notice HOF adding the special background effects for the pic. Brian caught this fish right off the bat so I was paid to sit in his ice house with him to jinx him so he didn’t catch anymore big gills. [and it worked, lol]
Dave Cutler, formerly from Rochester, and now living in Prescot, Wisconsin was the hot stick for today catching more gills than anyone. He is pictured in the 3rd. pic. Most guys were fishing in the 7-10 ft range for water depth with jigging and also bobbers catching the fish. Several tip ups were set but only a lost fish took place with them. I was very pleased to see people from not only the immediate area but also from Bloomington Mn and from Iowa too.
The fourth pic is IceJohn on the IDA Messageboard from Iowa who made the drive to come up and fish with us. This GTG is something I personally would like to see happen more often. Just setting aside a few Saturdays during the winter and also during the summer months too would be fun. We don’t need the prizes except for maybe biggest basket or something but just a bunch of fisherpeople getting together for a day of fishing together and sitting around talkin fishin afterwards. I want to Thank everyone for coming. It was a blast. We need to do this again.
Thanks, Bill
Looks like a great time!!! I wonder if there would be enough interest to do an IDA GTG in Iowa?
Thanks for the great pictures and report Bill!
I had a great time Bill…even though the fish left my hole everytime you sat down!
Doug showed off his skill as the Panfish Professional! He finessed many a gill today.
I was happy to see a number of “lurkers” fishing too. Come on guys! Register…we can’t talk about
golf if you don’t!
Mr. HOF…and Mr Muskie,
You guys did a great job keeping everything running smoothly. Special thanks to Hooked on Fishing for the Graphite ice rod, reels and gift certificates!
I don’t think anyone went home emty handed!
I believe a couple guys left early before the drawing…I’m thinking they would be kicking themselves if they knew what was given away in the random drawing!
Let’s do it again!
Who the ‘ell ever thought of bringing along GOLF BALLS as a fishing contest door prize!!!
Answer is someone who knew you like to talk golf.
[Sgt. Rock] Ever tried catching fish with a golf ball like on your trophy with a hook on top? 
Thanks, Bill
Well I want to say I had a super awesome time.It was with the long drive up from Iowa.Meet some great guys learn a thing or too.Thanks for the musky lure I traded it to a young guy for a smile and help getting my stuff up the hill.Hope to see some of you this summer down south in IA. pond fishing with me.Thanks agin for making me feel welcome.ICE JOHN FISH ON

You and everyone else are more than welcome Bud. It was great meeting alot of new friends and seeing old friends. We need to do this more often.
Thanks, Bill.
Looks like a great time.
Luke,YES,try to get some of these northern guys to come down to Iowa for some fishing someday.We really need to get a few GTG’s down this way.See what you can do.
Ice John,how you been?? Looks like you had fun.
Ryan Hale
Sounds like you fellas had some fun! Beautiful day to be out!
It really was a fun day. It was great to meet everyone and to put a face with their screen name on IDA. Thanks to Mike at HOF and Mr. Muskie along with everyone else who helped organize the event and donated prizes. I was surprised that a couple of crappies or a perch weren’t caught today.
So whens the Iowa GTG
Count me in 
Look’s like you had a great time!!