I have been pre-fishing the past couple of days looking for some active perch. Tuesday I fished both the mud flats and deep water basin’s near shore with limited success. The perch are there, it’s just difficult to get them to bite as many have been reporting.
Today I concentrated my efforts to just one area. I fished an area with 32 fow that held fish on Tuesday and again today. The perch would come through in schools, sometimes in very large school’s!!! Best times today was around 8:30am and again around 10am.
My big fish today came in at 1 lb 4 oz’s. Most of the perch that I was catching were around 10 inches!! I hope to improve on this mark for the Hunters Point contest this weekend. As always I’m never surprized as to how big some of these Mille Lacs Perch are this time of the year!! I have been jigging small spoons tipped with a minnow head and sometimes rigged with wax worms. The colors that have been good are perch and also white has put some fish on the ice for me.
Today while driving off the lake I noticed this Bald Eagle feeding on a pout in a snow bank. You start to see some of these big birds this time of the year around Mille Lacs. I noticed Hunters was busy moving the rental houses for their busy weekend coming up! Just a reminder that this Saturday is the Hunters Point Perch and Pout contest.
Good luck to everyone, hope to see ya up at the lake this cold Saturday!!!!!!!!
Dont touch that fish Bob. It might take a eye out or something when it explodes.
Nice report Bob!
We also saw 2 eagles just west of our house last saturday enjoying a smoregasbord on the ice.
You getting them down by that ugly pink fish house???
looks like fun
nice report 
That perch looks like a football
Great report Bobber
You definitely work hard and know the lake well

Beauty perch!!
Would that be Farah’s boss????
Nice sumo gurch bobber.
Were leaving around 2pm on Friday. Should be there at Hunter’s around 4:30 for check-in. Then will head out to the house and fish for a couple hours.

Any night time action for Eyes were George has moved the rental to??
I know they were moving the rentals over around us and we have picked up a few eyes at night.
See ya friday night or for sure Saturday!
If I remember right!!! HAS……you said you were in rental #7?? If so, your about 150 feet from Hook’s house!!! You could get your lines tangled!!
Lucky # 7.. Well if that’s the case. I will have to bring my underwater remote control submarine and mess with the boys in Hooks shack.
Will see ya on the frozen tundra. 
Is George still going to hold that awards outside, it sounds like it going to be really cold.
I doubt it. After someone tangled all the lines up in the house I don’t think we have 50 ft. left on any reel???
150 Ft……..That’s kinda close ain’t it???
You mean 150 yds. I hope!
He is on the other side of your driveway!! oh what used to be a driveway!! it’s now a road going by your house!
Sorry….I did’nt say a word to anyone about your hot spot!! remember, I’m fishing down by the “pink house”
There is a road going right through there
. Well atleast will be able to find it. 150ft is a little to close, hope were not down wind come Saturday morning. 
Man……….. They’ll let anyone in the neighborhood???
On a frozen lake it’s better to be downwind than uphill from us!
Well, at least we won’t have to look to hard for you!!!
Oh by the way…………………..Bob Carlson’s cooking Johnsonville brats!!!

George won’t cancel the Tourney because it’s to cold will he?? Were planning on leaving at noon
I don’t think so, it is going to WARM UP TO 3 above by 3pm SATURDAY!! just in time to stand outside for the drawings!!!
PS- need not be present to win!!
WHAT!!! Last year I won that T.V. and we were not present. Better has plenty of anti-freeze in ya, if your going to stand outside in the cold.
Hunters contest has been that way…..while the Liberty Beach Perch Extravangza ya need to be there, or you are SOL.
Oh, you need to be present for the White Cap Perch Pounder also!!!
I think I might come up for the
…..Just checked out wether.com,……?…… -20 at 6AM tomorrow. That doesn’t even count the real feel wind chill. I’m pretty hardcore but In my life time I’ve only fished twice in that kind of cold. Whats grand prize again???? 
$300 for the biggest perch…..won’t make me do stupid things either! I am going to see what the wind is doing b4 I decide to setup the Otter!! I do have acouple of big perch trained for me Saturday!!! I hope they come on their cue!!! See ya at the drawings!!
Would that be one of your “Big Butts?”