After a long layoff from being on the ice I made my way back out today. I have had some difficult times this past month, and it was good to be back at it! I just wish the fishing had been better. My morning started out pretty good with my first fish coming as soon as my bait got to the bottom! I had just put my transducer in the hole and noticed a mark on the Vexilar!! It did’nt take more than acouple of second’s and I had my first fish on!!
This mark on the Vexilar turned out to be a 24-25 inch walleye! I think I must have drilled my hole right over the top of this fish! As it was on the flasher as soon as I had it in the hole!!! Well things slowed up after that quick start…….
I was fishing in 34 FOW in an area that has produced some perch in the past. This area has a mud bottom and is just a short distance from shallow rock’s. A number of my fishing buddy’s have seen large numbers of perch on the underwater camera’s in this area. Only to have most of these fish act pretty tight lipped. Today I tried fishing small baits with waxworms and also jigged weseal’s tipped with a head of a minnow pinched off tight behind the gill’s. I was trying a small presentation for the most part looking for some presentation that would work.
I hope to improve on my fishing before next Saturday’s Hunters Point Perch and Pout contest. Typically the jumbo perch start to bite during this time of the season. Only time will tell if our past experiences hold true! If you are planning to be on Mille Lacs next Saturday, you should stop by and buy a button for the contest. Hunters has a good turn out for this event and they will have some really nice prizes given away! From Vexilar’s, gun’s, augers to TV’s you just might go home with a nice prize. You could even win some cash for a big perch!!
Hope to see you there!!!!
Drilling holes on top of 25 inch walleyes? Damn your good..

Nice report..
Bob, will you drill a hole over a 29″ for me next weekend?
how come you couldn’t drill some holes like that last monday??????
Awe Chris, I thought you were that good when I went out with you before the RCL tourny a couple years back! What’s a matter, Your not???
good hit on the fish.
I didn’t think would stay around after drilling holes. maybe the sound helped. 
Congrats on the nice ‘eye
My son and I accessed the lake out of Red Door on the north end on 2-11-06 looking for perch in 25 FOW. No power auger so we had set up on a likely spot and hoped for the best. A little slow going, but we managed to catch around 2 dozen perch, of which 9 were keepers 10 inches and up. Biggest perch was a fat 13-incher that weighed in at 1 1/4 lbs, my biggest to date.
Swedish Pimples and Forage Minnows (silver, gold, or green…tried red, but didn’t catch anything with that color) tipped with eurolarvae caught the most fish but only 2 keeper sized perch came in this way. The rest of the bigger fish hit the same jigging spoons, but tipped with a whole minnow, deadsticked and hovering a foot off the bottom. My son also scored his first ‘pout
Might have fared a little better if we moved around instead of waiting for the fish to come to us, but all-in-all we had a great time and left feeling satisfied with our results.
THanks for the report manny.. You live in my neck of the woods.. I’m behind 40th and Univ
You need to hook me into some cats this summer. Are there any left in Moore lake?
Great to see you are still having fun on the ice Bud. Thanks for the report and pics. When you comin down south to thaw out for some pool 4 fishin? [its gotta warm up one of these days, lol] With this month almost half over spring is getting closer.
Thanks, Bill
Nice report Bob

Glad to see your luck back on the upswing
Funny guy’s!!! I know this has happened to you also……It’s just luck! That fish was just in the right spot, right time, etc….for my Weseal to fall right into it’s strike zone!!!!!!!
It’s was fast! going down….fish coming up at it, WHAM.. fish on! I just wish the perch would get that aggressive in their feeding habit’s!!!!!
I hear what you are saying about the perch. Had a good bite goping on friday in the NE part of the lake. Caught perch as fast as you could get a line down for awhile. We gave it a try again yesterday. Fish where still there. Ended up spending most of the day watching them come up and look at the lures then swim away. We averaged maybe one or 2 perch a hour yesterday. Just anough to keep us on them wondering if they where about to turn on.
We also had the same results with an average of a fish an hour. Goofy thing is that each one came off of a differnet lure. (still no pattern) We stuck with larger lures and it payed off with a 14″ perch which weighed out at 1-5.(certified scale) It was the largest perch I had seen. As for the Hunter’s contest, is there a link that explains the rules and requirements? Sounds like this will be the year to give it a try. Also, if someone could tell me how to post a photo, I will post a photo of the fish. My last attempt failed. I think it has something to do with the size of the file.
Spent all weekend in the Hunter’s area. WE SUCKED. Checked out lots of different reefs all day on Saturday, from Agate down to Banana and way out onto the deep mud. Definitely not a shortage of fish in the lake, as we saw fish with the camera everywhere we went, and they would always come to the bait, but just wouldn’t bite. I think I scratched all the hair off my head trying to figure out “what next?”. The one thing that did have the feedbag on, though, was the eelpout. HOLY CRAP, there were a bunch of those critters biting. Better luck next time.
Hey Bobber….. BOO-HOO
, It must be tough having a walleye to hit like that
Thanks for the good report!
Nice report Bobber!