Today was a nice day to get out in the boat to find some areas in the backwaters and find some ice suitable for tip ups. We found ice, willing fish, and a nicer suprise on one of the tip ups.
Dodge Boy and myself have been talking about loading our ice gear in the boat and heading south to find some new water that had yet to be touched this year. We found just that with a little searching. We motored around until we found some backwater bays that looked promising, landed the boat and commenced to punch some holes. We actually only went to one bay and stayed all day. This area only had 3-4 fow and a few weeds on the bottom. The water was nice and clear and we hoped we would have some action.
The day was up and down as far as action goes. It would be dead for awhile, and then WHAM, we would have a flurry of activity. AT one time we had a double on northerns. We had the tip ups set at various depths. I ran mine about a foot under the ice and Greg ran his closer to the bottom and halfway between bottom and the top of the ice. I can’t say one had any more action than the other. We landed 4 pike and had numerous runs. Greg also landed a nice 16" largemouth and it was the only bass of the day.
The big surprise of the day came later in the day. We had been getting tripped flags where the spindle just barely spun. We were thinking it was probably just the lively shiners doing this. Then my flag went up and I noticed it just barely spun around. I walked up tp it slowly and just watched it for a little bit to see if maybe whatever it was would take a run. Well, the run never happened so I knelt down to check the tip up when it started to bounce back and forth a little bit. I figured it was the shiner. I picked the tip up up and grabbed the line and felt a tug, I quickly set the hook and into the hole comes a nice CRAPPIE!! I couldn’t believe a crappie bit a 4" shiner on a tip up. This guy was definitely hungary. This was a first for me. We both think that is what may have been tripping our flags earlier. It sure was a nice day out and worth the cold boat ride to get to untouched ice.
Here is the pic of the crappie with the shiner in his mouth. This crappie measures 14″. This is my biggest crappie so far this year

Looks like a fun day of fishing
Hopefully the bite keeps up here 
Way to go guys. Nice slab crappie Wats. I am going to have to look again but, Isn’t that you Wats, holding a slimmer?
Nice job guys!!
He got the biggest of the day, he’s pretty good at sweet talking them in
His was 28 and mine a shade over 26. Both ended up in a pickle jar in my fridge 
Can’t wait till next time we get to
Nice Report Mike!
Too much fun Wats!!
Thanks for the report and pics
NICE Fish!
Looks like tons of fun!
Nice report Wats
Looks like you found yourself a nice northern/crappie hole! 
Way to go Mike

Looks like fun, and that is what I would call thinking outside the box. That is one aggressive crappie
Great post Mike. That would have been a blast.
WOW!!! Thats a big crappie. Crappie of a life time.
Thanks for the report and pics. Best of both worlds with a boat and ice. 
Thanks, Bill
Wat’s! Remind me not to shake your hand anymore…ewe snot rockets!
Looks like you guys had a great time!
Thanks for the phone call> Whats the deal AM ? LOL Nice fish buddy
Dodge Boy, J_Ericks, and myself went out again today looking for pike. Today was very slow with 5 fish making it to the ice. Dodge kept 2 and J_Ericks kept 1, we set the others free to fight another day. Dodge has been keeping these pike for the pickling jar. In a few weeks we should have something to snack on while out on the ice

I gave my jars their daily shake right when I got home.
While cleaning these pike the one on my right had this in its stomach. A 5″ gill, I have seen this before but thought I might post it for others. These fish were every agressive today and we only lost 2 out of 7. 
thats sweet
These northerns have been very fat lately. Look at all the eggs in that fish!