What a great day to spend of the ice.After our 45 mph winds yesterday we needed a break.It’s been a long time since I’ve been on Spirit Lake so I was looking forward in trying to find some active perch.Here’s the sun coming up.
For all the teachers who read this,sorry for keeping Austin out of school,but I needed help with trying to find the fish didn’t I? Austin was out and about all day trying to find a few good fish for us.Here he is with a nice Spirit Lake perch.
I spent alot of my time in one area while Austin worked a larger area.We had a few slow periods during the day but we kept adding a few fish to the bucket off and on.We used smaller type jigging spoons tipped with waxies and wigglers.Austin with 2 big perch.
It was a great day to be on the ice.Sun and warm temps allowed for very easy hole jumping.My goal for the day was to get 1- 25 perch limit and we almost had it.When I took the last pic of the day I thought we had our 25,nope we were 1 short!!!!
Ryan Hale
Those are some great looking iowa tigers!
Very nice fish! And great report Ryan!!
Hey Ryan,
how much ice do you guys have over there?
Dave,alot of ice on Spirit Lake,about 12-14″‘s.
Ryan Hale
Great report Ryan, glad to see you found some quality Perch. I still want to hit the IGL yet this winter.
I keep hoping to visit my son 

Glad to hear that much ice is left. Sounds like a good day
Even better, makes for some Good eatin
way to go ryan looked like some nice fish.hitting storm lake after work tomorrow,prob be a good weekend to stay away from the lakes with the winter games going on.
we don’t have anywheres near that much over here..
glad to see you found them. we fished the pump house all last weekend and on boji and we couldn’t find them. Looks like a good day on the water.
Good job Ryan and Austin… I can almost see them curling up all golden brown in the pan. Ryan – talked to ducks4me tonight and he is interested in making the trip – besides – I haven’t fished out of his boat yet so need to get over
Well the old teacher in me…..
Great fishing, looks like you had a great day on the ice. Good thing you had a good guide with you!
I would rather have Austin (or any boys) skip school to be with Dad/Mom enjoying the great outdoors than shopping some place! Really glad you and the boys spend so much time together.
I need your job Ryan getting a weekday off to fish
But then again my boss was out of town so I snuck out myself fished Smiths iced 70 gills kept 32. Hope my new boss is as understanding about my obsessions as my old one was traine to tolerate 
Nice job fella’s keep up the good work!!
You guys didn’t stay at Harbor View did you?
Austin I’m gonna narc you off to your teacher’s!!
Unless you slip me some cash.
We don’t have any ice on the river, boats all ready to go. Got to work this weekend but if weather permit next weekend I’ll be out some where. Keep the reports coming Ryan, your on a roll this winter. I think the kids are to.