What a weekend!! ’06 Mille Lacs Get ToGether!

The 1st (hope to be annual?) In-DepthAngling.com Mille Lacs Get ToGether was a Great Success! Numbers of 20+ inch walleyes Jumbo Perch and at least 6 Eelpout were iced and released. The buffet style dinner at Hunter’s Point http://www.hunterspointresort.com/ was… well, spectacular! Many folks came home with door prizes and Good Ol’ SliderFishn came home with a New Color T.V.!

Saturday was the official start of the GtG. The dropping temperatures allowed Bobber [email protected] to give the ok to drive to IDA Alley were registered members could pick up name tags and their ticket for the raffle that would be held at Hunters Point Lodge at 8 pm. From there, everyone split up to chase the wily walleye and perch. There was a rumor floating around that a few folks who didn’t know how to fish elected to play cards. -)

Photo to the right is BigCrappie with one of his OVER 20 INCHERS!

Photo to the left is Puddle Pounder with his 24" "Big Pond" walleye, which was released.

Most were fishing in 20 to 28 feet of water in an area that contain rubble, rock and sand. Many used Glow Devils with the head of a fathead while others used whole like bait including Shinners. Wax worms were used for perch along with fatheads.

I made it to a number of houses and shack with a Marcum camera to check out the bottom and just to see what was down there. Everyone was surprised to see how many smaller perch were in the area. Mille Lacs is a perfect body of water to use a Marcum underwater camera. Just like watching T.V.!

When noon came around, Eye Guide and Bobber started the charcoal for the brats along with Putz and his famous onion and green peppers. If you watched closely, you could see the shack doors popping open like the giant wave at a ball game as the irresistible aroma worked it’s way across the lake!

Photo to the right show a portion of AM Watsons catch.

Back to fishing! The reports came in from a number of areas along the IDA Alley of fish being caught. Wayne, from Iowa, will be posting his fish. I think long time lurker and new user Winston schooled Putz in Mille Lacs fishing and I’m hoping that they will be posting the pictures soon. It seemed like I was always in the wrong place when the fish were caught. Even when I was sharing Lip Rippers shack with him…nothing was biting. I go back to the house and wham! A nice jumbo perch is tricked into biting Rippers lure!

Personally, I think the walleyes and perch are over rated on Mille Lacs. Why fish for 24 “ or bigger walleyes and 14 inch perch when you can land fish like this one here. This honey was my first eelpout. Yes, I did say what everyone says when they land their first one….."EEEWWWWWW!"

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. If you walked out of Hunter’s hungry, you wanted too!

    When the evening came around, everyone headed for Hunter’s Point for the buffet, door prize drawings and connecting faces with names. George and his crew fed over 60 hungry fishermen in about an hour and 15 minutes. The food was EXCELLENT! Hot and Tasty! Thanks George and Staff!

    The drawings for door prizes were next on the list. As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Sliderfishn was the lucky guy that went home with a new color T.V.! Not to bad for you’re first GtG huh Ron!?

    Thank you goes out to all who donated door prizes!

  2. Pictured above is from nose to right, Lenny, (Gator Hunter), Josh Hukriede (Josh) and Tim Hukriede (Hooks).

    Next, it was time to start meeting folks. I know I didn’t get to meet everyone and the ones I did meet I didn’t get a chance to talk to long enough! Many folks that just registered (and I hope you chime in here!), many that have been around, but haven’t met before.

    Bobber worked with George and his staff to ensure everything went safe and smoothly. It did! Thanks guys! I know there’s a bunch of us looking forward to next year!

  3. Some of the comments from this weekend….

    I didn’t want to leave this morning.

    Blue Fleck almost had to pry me away from the shack ~ AM Watson

  4. Some Saturday night photo’s.

    There’s no question that this is the best bunch of guys you’ll ever find! Special thanks again to Slidefishn, Bobber, and Hooks. ~ Rootski

    Is it just me? Or is there a draft in here? ~ Buckshot ***

    …ended the day with a 26 1/2, a 24 that hit a shiner and took 4 eaters home with a lot of missed fish. ~ BigCrappie

    Now we just have to figure out a nice time to set-up a launch out of hunter’s point for summer ~ MN RST Rider

    Captain? You got a light? ~ Jeremy Crawford ***

    Thanks for every thing this weekend. I got lucky and won a new Emerson 20 inch flat screen TV. ~ Sliderfishn

    Sliderfishn? You suck! :-) ~ Alvin Mack

    George? Your snowplow would be awesome to drive drunk! ~ Kooty

    Not too bad sober either. ~ George

    Picture this…. ~ Gator Hunter (To another IDA member well after closing time at the bar)

    Picture you’re a** out the door ~ Hunters Point Bar Tender

    I just thought I was supposed to ring it on the hour every hour. ~Matt Grow Referring to the Round Bell. The person that rings the bell buys a round for the bar.

    (*** You would have to have been there.)

  5. Thanks for the report Brian. Sure great seeing faces [pics you posted] I know and ones I don’t know yet. Great seeing Hooks [pic] there. Now all you need is a summer fishing GTG up there.
    Thanks, Bill

  6. Great Pics BrianK, I was there but you miss things It was a blast meeting who I did, great bunch of people with IDA. George always has great food. He was very busy but when he saw us girls coming to the resort he flagged us down and drove ahead of us to show us where the houses were….that is service

  7. I think next year, there is a new rule. Much like ringing the bell, whoever pants’s buckshot, buys a round.

    big g

  8. Like I said in this thread: Mille Lacs GTG

    I would really like to thank the following people:
    Bobber for all the time spent getting this GTG organized.
    James for having the best site on the net.
    The Mods for doing a great job and having fun doing the work.
    George from Hunters for a great place and some great food
    To all the people behind the scene that helped throw this together.

    AND last but not least:
    To all the registered members that make this site sooo fun and informing.

    Thanks again for all the laughs and great time on the lake,
    and of course the new TV.

  9. Quote:

    As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Sliderfishn was the lucky guy that went home with a new color T.V.! Not to bad for you’re first GtG huh Ron!?

    It was my second GTG. I know in your mind that the Mille Lacs Smallie GTG is for Bass fisherman and does not count as an official IDA GTG


  10. Man that was a fun weekend. I got to meet a lot of new and unique people, to say the least, a few ice cold ones, and even a few fish for the pan. Here are a couple of pictures of the perch that myself and “the other Putz” found under the ice.

    Thanks to Bobber, James, Scott and everyone else that had a hand in putting this together. The accommodations, and food were great.


  11. Where you in shack 10 friday night when Putz pulled out the lutey?
    That will clear a place in a hurry. I was outside and almost got trampled.

    nice jumbos ritt.

  12. Hey Kooty for the right price I would not post the pics. from the title match, where you got your handed to you by Koonce

    Lord help us all if Kooty’s wife has a boy

    Thanks to everyone, especailly Bobber for lining this one up and being IDA team Captain . Thanks again BOBBER It was a blast and looking forward to the next time we can get together. Perhaps opening weekend on the pond

    Nice meeeitng all of you that I haven’t before, especially you guys in Capt. Tuck’s house. JC, Gator, BK. Nice seeing everyone else again. Too many to mention here, but it was a blast

  13. Nice Jumbo’s there Ritt

    It was great meeting eveyone. That was a fun time to say the least. Big thanks to Bobber for his organizational efforts. BTW..was that food good or what? Thanks George and everyone at Hunters Point.

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