Mille Lacs Lake Report 12-31-05

This report is going to be my last fishing report for 2005! As it’s New Years Eve tonite and we will start another great year of fishing on Mille Lacs Lake!

The past three weeks I have enjoyed some pretty good walleye fishing. The rocks have been kicking out fish in 17-18 fow and the mud flats continue to put fish on the ice for this angler. I have been catching fish on set lines as with jigging. The rocks and mud bite has been the best early and just before dark from 3-5pm has been the best. This first pic was a walleye we caught on a set line just off the flat in 31 fow. The fish are so healthly…..big fat belly’s just like mine!!!

Today I caught my fish from 8am to 9:30am on the mud. I have had the best luck with perch colored and with a yellow jigging spoon tipped with a minnow head. The bite on the mud has been a little on and off the past week. This weather that we have had may have had something to do with it? Some trips I will catch fish on a spot and not the next. You really have to keep your sorts about yourself. It really gets to me when you nail the daylights out of them one day and nothing the next. Oh well….thats fishing!!!

The lake conditions are ok, I did come across some wet areas going out this am and again coming back in. There are a few bleeder (cracks) that have flooded under the snow. I did check out a few houses and have seen some flooding around them also. The cracks that Hunters Point and a few other resorts have had are not freezing up with the mild weather. If you are planning a trip to the lake, please call ahead and get the most current lake access info. You might need to bring the atv or sled along to get out on the lake.

Head to Mille Lacs and enjoy some of the great walleye fishing we currently are having.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. We did well after meeting up with Bobber and Hook! Hook got a really fat tagged 26″ right off the bat! My son Aaron Tuckner got 2-24’s and 3 16’s on rattle wheels, and I followed up with a 24″ of my own, all between 9-10:00 PM over rocks. Here is an eerie picture of Aaron with one of his 24’s from my cell phone, as my camera was home in my plastics box after my river trip!

  2. Here is Hook’s fish. Sorry Hook! These phones need a lot of light! Sweet fish though!
    If anyone is looking for a guide trip to Mille Lacs, both Bob Carlson and Scott Steil are on some really nice fish right now! We went home with 3 walleye and 14 Jumbo perch!

  3. Well, it’s a “Thing” called Hook!
    Sure was a beautiful fish!
    Hey Denise, good to see you are finally awake! Get enough rest this weekend?
    BTW, can I borrow the horseshoe in your pocket? I want to go down to the casino!

  4. I can see the Hooks in that pic. Looks like he’s a little well done though don’t you think? It’s either that or Tuck has his stubby little finger over the lense!

  5. What lures or baits are working well? I will be there in two weeks..think the bite will still be hot? Any info would help. Going out of Rocky Reef resort in Onedia.


  6. He has had the “Hot Hand” on the Pond this year! In September he ran the table on perch and smallies, and now n the hard water he has picked up where he left off!
    I had to deflate his head to get him through the fish house door!

  7. Update on the pond 1-3-06

    After Hook and I caught a few fish yesterday on the flats! I went back to the same location this am. The fish went again…but not as many, only one big fish……….this 28 incher bit at 9:30am!! Man are these fish healthy!!!!

  8. Great fish Bob! We were back out on the 31st and did well on numbers of keepers and big perch again on the mud. No big fish this time around.

  9. Quote:

    Update on the pond 1-3-06

    this 28 incher bit at 9:30am!! Man are these fish healthy!!!!

    Neat pic using the seat in your Otter, Bob! You’re on a nice roll this winter with the piggie ‘eyes. Make sure you save a couple for the GTG coming up!

  10. I think Bobber needs to be band from the pond for awhile…..He`s hook training too many fish.

  11. AAwwww man…..I don’t know if I can make it 3 more weeks until the GTG
    Keep feeding the fire Bobber, pretty soon I am going to spontaneous combust
    Sweet looking fish

  12. You’re on a Roll Bob
    Keep ’em coming,
    all I can see out the window down here is dirt and grass YUCK


  13. I want to be like Bob,
    I hit the flats on Monday with some people and got out at 8am. The fish did not hit for me till 10am. got 6 with a 25″ that came in at 20′ in 33′ of water, that was fun. Also hooked into a 13 1/2″ & 12″perch. Most of my fish came via tip up, the jigging seemed to scare them away as they would come in and when I moved my jig they took off.

  14. Nice eyes! And one SUMO perch!
    I noticed the same thing when Hook had his camera on. We could see the walleye and perch often swim up….And you would jig or twitch, and they would bolt! Our fish for the most part came on rattle reels!

  15. Same here. Last night they would come up and nudge the jigging spoon with their mouth closed and then bite on the dead stick. Nothing hot and heavy but had fun with the camera.

  16. Putz, were you up here? I bet that was you sitting in the Honey hole? You should have followed me to the flats! I was on the Hunters Road and thought that was your rig…….

  17. Yep, that was me, Bob. Should have stopped for a beer. Glad I laid off them last night though. It was a nasty trip home. Did you hear any details about the propane tank blowing by the highway. I had to turn around and go down through Ogolvie.

    I’m bringing Mama up on Friday and would take you up on that offer then if you are out.

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