Mike was invited to fish Bass on Pool 5 with John Stears.
They asked me if I wanted to come along so away I went.
We left Town at 8:15 and headed south to Alma.
Here is a shot of Mike at the launch site.
The wind was just slight breeze at launch time.
Read on to see how our day went.
It was a windy Bass filled five hours of whacking some great large mouths.
We headed to some of Johns spots on the water. The first was a little slow.. We moved down river. The ticket today was tubes swimming them close to cover.
Wow what a day we had. We had doubles many time and we also had one Triple. I think by days end we had boated over 60 Bass.
Here is a shot of Mike and John with a double.
John Thanks alot for the Great Day on the water.
You have those bucket mouths wired awesome job in some very windy conditions.
The bite changed through out the day but most of the tubes were just picked up and held you had to give them a minute before you blasted them.
But look out when you hit them they sure were scrappy.
Here is a photo of yours truely with a double, John handed me the secound fish. He put on a clinic.
This next shot is of Mike and this guy can catch Bass.
This fish he brought to the boat hand over hand from a line that he hooked.
This is really my fish….
I set the hook and snapped my line half way to the jig.
I told those guys that it was a fish that I had set on and broke off. But I think they were thinking I was limb fishing. Well Mike hooked my line on his very next cast. I yelled grab it bring it in. Sure shootin he is yelling there is a fish on here. I’m just glad I got my tube back.
We had a wonderful day on the waterin some very brutal winds. John that was awesome boat control.
Thank you for giving us a great time together.
It was fantastic fishing with you…next time you are coming for some of the good fish.
Here is a shot of one of the Green girls putting on a dancing show.
Some of these fish were on the bank some were off in 16 feet.
Here is another that just picked up my tube.
This was a true treat for me to just have the back of the boat and fish..wow John you make it look so easy.
Here is the last photo of the day returning to the trailer.

I have to say it was so windy out there today it blew the sky right out of all my camera shots.
John Thanks for making Mikes vacation one to remember for a life time.
Oh yea me too this was a day to remember I have never caught so many bass in one day.
Awesome and Thanks
Thanks for the report with pics Bud. Mike sure has fun when he comes down doesn’t he. Nice fish guys. Greg, you and Mike should fish the weekly Tuesday night bass tournies on Lake Zumbro in the summer. You can just drop your boat off and Mike at my place in the morning and then just pick them both up after work and fish the tourney. You guys would have fun together.
Thanks, Bill
Hey Bill

The next thing your going to tell me that I’d look good in a Ranger Bass Boat.
I don’t know if I could live with myself if I fished those Green things once a week
Thanks Bill food for thought
Well…yes you would look good in a …..lol. You guys would have alot of fun. Nate and Todd Peterson will probably fish them next year [they did some this past summer] and Mike Smith and I might fish them if I have him convinced.
I stink at bass fishing but would be fun. 
Thanks, Bill
Mike and Greg, It was my pleasure. After the last couple of cold days your title “The Last Hurrah” is correct. The way things were going earlier in the month I predicted bass in December but Mother Nature won this one.
On too those torpedo fish and maybe a session or two standing on the ice. Mike, all I can say is wait till next spring and good luck in the Turkey Combo! 
Great, a couple of weeks ago, you’re telling me we’ll be fishing in December and then just like that you pull the plug?!?!?!?!
The Board may not be the only one’s I have a few choice words for on Saturday!!!