Saturday brought a cold front and a stubborn fisherman together and the end results were FISH ON! The weather didn’t cooperate so I dressed warm,turned the ”oldies” radio station on and stubbornly jigged myself up some nice bluegills. Its called ”Rock-n-Roll Gills.”
The bite was slower Saturday due to a cold front that had moved in but I wasn’t going to let that keep me from a day on the water. There were only a few other boats out so I almost had the lake to myself. After checking out a few spots and only getting some strippers and small gills I moved to some deeper water spots where some bigger gills usually hang out.
The choice of bait/lure today was the ones I have been having real good luck with the past weeks-”Mini-Mites ” tipped with a waxies. No sense in reinventing the wheel here when you have a combo thats proved itself over and over again. The fish were deeper with 18 ft. being the best depth and they were tight to cover which was wood and branches on the bottom. Placing a splitshot 6” to 12” above your jig depending on if you are fishing cover or not [6” if fishing cover] will get your jig down quicker and help get your jig through the cover better which results in more fish and alot less snags. Make sure you stay vertical when fishing cover.
The past few weeks I have been fishing Lake Zumbro alot as its very close to home, very cheap on the gas bill as close and using the elecric trolling motor or anchoring to position and hold the boat where I want it. And that equals alot of fishing for the dollar. I also wanted to share what good fishing the Zumbro has to offer and also bring to attention that other bodies of water near you will give you the same results so its too early to put the boat away. Fall soft water is far from being over. Great Fall fishing is just starting so get out and have the time of your life catching fish without crowds and listening to the ”oldies” will get you jigging up fish for yourself.
Thanks, Bill
Hey Bill, Are you getting quite a few nice ones too? Putting any in the freezer for winter?
Hey Dan, I don’t eat fish [I just LOVE to fish] so they all go back to be caught again.
That way theres fish for you and whoever wants to catch and eat em.
How and where have you been catching your fish?
Thanks, Bill
And I am wasting time down here catching crappie, actually keep expecting gills to hit but not takers.
Ive been working alot now so i don’t have to work so hard in the winter so i can fish the winter water and hunt. Im going to buy a 2 1/2 old evie from Haywood for my boat and canoe to get into the shallow water to fish those isolated pools below a few dams i know of and thats where the walleyes and smallmouths lay during winter months, plus a guy can keep thier minnows alive for weeks at atime then. My seasons just about ready to start here in a couple of weeks. I’ll fish open water all winter looking for walleyes and thats when i’ve got the whole river to myself. You can hear a twig break 300 yrds away it so quiet and peaceful, some of the heartier souls are out there and catching a few too. Fish out of winter water are great tasting. I’ve caught some of my nicest walleyes during winter months. Its longjohns, warm insulated socks, boots and clear water ahead for those out of the way pools in the smaller river systems.
I sure wish Bill would teach me how to catch those gills here!Good info Bill!