Lower pool 4 crank bite

Lower pool 4 still has a consistant crank bite going. After hitting some Lakes and rivers in western Wisconsin, with minimal results- it was good to have solid rod bending action for most of the day.

The wind direction set up nice for the area I was trolling. I was targeting shoreline areas close to the main channel. Early in the day, depths between 13 and 16 feet were the most productive. As the day wore on the active fish slid out a bit. Most of the afternoon the biters were found in 19 to 23 feet of water. Trolling speeds between 1.8 and 2.4 worked the best for me. Both up and down stream produced fish. Perch colored shad raps and chrome wally divers were my best colors today.

Saugers were the most prolific biters today. With some eyes and crappies thrown in, it made for a nice mixed bag. No whites or sheepies was kind of surprising though.

Until the water temps start taking a nose dive, there is still a decent crank bite on the lower lake. get out and enjoy.


  1. Thanks for the report Don. Some very nice crappies there. Gray carpet, did you get a different boat or were you and Bob fishing out of his boat?

    Thanks, Bill

  2. Thought your boat carpet was a light tan color. [did you get a new one?] Must be paying too much attention to all those eyes in your boat and not the carpet.
    Thanks, Bill

  3. Ahhhhh RINGWORMS!!!! I cannot wait!!!!
    I have a new technique I tried with much success at Mille Lacs this summer!
    Great report!

  4. I new I should of went fishing instead of changing oil on the vehicles and other chores. Some nice eaters there Don. Too bad we couldn’t have hooked up with a Sturgeon on Friday. Maybe next time. I think the tan look was a coffee stain. Steve

  5. Tuck, you peaked my curiosity in your new technique. Let me know when you unveil down on pool 4 so I can observe from a distance!

  6. Thanks for the update Don. I had my handed to me on Sunday on Lake Wissota. Four short eyes, a short smallie and one decent crappie for 5 hours work. I should have headed south instead of north.

  7. Will be on the south end of Pepin on Sunday (Wabasha area) Any key areas to look for? I will be bringing the wife and she loves crappies.

  8. The best crappie action for me has been in areas of rock to sand transition. If you are going to troll cranks, run a couple of them suspended. Lot’s of fish up in the water column.

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