Upper Miss River Bass report 9-19-2005

This past weekend proved that smallies can be as temperamental as a walleye after a cold front at times. The bite had fell off the mark a bit the last couple days, showing full well that smallmouth bass are capable of turning the feedbag on and off as quick as any other species. Having said that, there are always fish biting somewhere on something right? That’s exactly what was going through my head for a few hours Sunday afternoon.

Jeremy Lavelle of New Hope, Mn joined me on Saturday for the day chasing the mighty bronze backs of the Mississippi River. We started the morning out looking to take advantage of some active morning lowlight fish on top waters. As we probed my milk run of spots, we encountered a few fish here and there. With this approach, I had Jeremy equipped with a Rebel Pop-R topwater to work the shallow areas, while I probed the deeper edges adjacent to these shallows with Jimmy D’s 1/8th oz River bugs and 3” & 4”YUM tubes. Throughout the morning, we encountered small flurries of action with not a lot of fish in any one spot. With these initial results, I decided to cover water and look for the biters. As the afternoon approached us the bite had fell off the pace by late morning and picked up again by early afternoon. One small stretch of shoreline had big fish going in very short order. 3 fish estimated around the 20” mark took aggressive half hearted swings at Jeremy’s Pop-R. 2 fish were on just briefly until they were able to shake the lure as they do best. These were very big fish! Jeremy was able to raise one of the 3 bruisers back up on a follow up tube, but the fish turned away at the last minute. Next time Jeremy they will all be in the boat!!

Sunday I was joined by Fred (aka….Professor) Bartling and his son Ian. With a pleasant forecast for Sunday, the morning started out looking promising giving Fred and his son some good topwater action. Fred and Ian each boated some quality fish throughout the morning. By late-morning, things gradually slowed down to a HAULT….all the productive spots that have been showing fish recently, were void of producing any fish. One area in particular was a shallow current swept island with lots of shallow gravel around it. I slowly worked the boat shallower and shallower until were got into the 2-4 foot range. At this point we were able to see these fish very well. Keeping a good distance away to prevent any spooking, we probed these fish with little Jimmy D jigs and about everything else under the sun only to see the fish turn away. As frustrating as that can be, we moved to a couple other spots to see the same thing. By days end, the midday bite (that typically is best) went south and we were only able to plug a few fish, the last remaining hours.

We are in desperate need of some cool nights to help get this fall schooling feedbag bite going. Finding the larger pods of fish right now still remains to be seen, But on a positive note, the fish are starting to sit on their fall spots, but need a little help from mother nature to brings in the herds! Look for this bite to take shape very soon as the cooler weather is undoubtedly going to come eventually.

The section of river that I have been fishing the last few weeks has been known for the best shot at fish in the 20” class and above. Fortunately, we have boated at least one at 20” or above in the last 7 trips, but the numbers have been a little bit off compared to pools north and south. Most all my customers have been willing to sacrifice the numbers game for a better quality fish. Until next time…I am banking on a real good early October!


  1. It’s wierd that you mention the bite falling off Sunday afternoon. I had the same thing happen where I was in Aitkin. It was like somebody flipped a switch. I haven’t looked at fish/game activity charts but I have my money riding on something to do with the moon cycle. Nice fish Steve, you might see us up around there looking for Ski’s in the not to distant future…

  2. Dan,

    Yeah, Sunday afternoon was brutal. Seeing those fish in several different spots being so negative was mind boggling, yet frustating to say the least!

    On Saturday, I hooked up with a 44″-45″ muskie that grabbed ahold of my buzzbait. He was on for about 10 seconds or so and came unbuttoned.

  3. Quote:

    Steve don’t you work? great smallies, WOW,

    Man your on a roll.

    Thanks for all the great reports and fish pictures.

    I think Steve is having way tooooooo much fun to work? Thanks for the report. Very nice fish Bud.
    Thanks, Bill

  4. Quote:

    Steve don’t you work?

    I sure wish I didn’t!
    Lets just say that this window of opportunity is so short, that I feel the need to get as much of it as I can!

    Little work + lots of fishing = fuel for the soul and even a little bit more patience when it comes time to dig out those dreadful backlashes!!

  5. I just want to say a huge thanks to Steve for an Awesome time on Saturday. It is an absolute blast to experience a day on the mighty mississippi with someone as knowledgeable and experienced as Steve. If you love reading his posts, and wishing you were there, schedule a time and go, it is worth every dollar and then some. Like Steve said I had the chance at 3 true trophy fish and it just wasn’t my day I guess. I even had another one on earlier in the day in the current that was probably right around the 19″ that came undone after about 30-40seconds. Trust me, even on the tough bite days, if anyone can do it, Steve will put you on big fish. He stated, “Let’s go get you a 20 incher”, and no joke, I had 3 fish right in that range blow up on my topwater, or even on and come off within a 20 minute stretch. So he did his part, I just didn’t quite do mine. Not a day has gone by since that trip I haven’t re-played in my mind how each one missed or came undone. I can’t wait to do it again. It is amazing how there is virtually no competition out there on the water, and the scenerey and peacefulness is therapy from your work week. The total experience is very professional and extremely enjoyable. Thanks again Steve I had an Awesome time, again, just wished I would have stuck those 3 pigs!!

  6. You are very welcome Jeremy! I’m glad you had an enjoyable time. I had a great time fishing with you. You deserved those fish after the crazy hours you work!
    THose darn smallies are absolutely the best at shaking anything out of their mouths at any give moment!

    Thanks again and I look forward to the next time we can get together and try our hands once again with those bruisers!
    Take Care

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