September Full Moon on Mille Lacs 9-18-05

The September full moon on Mille Lacs is like having a Holiday weekend! The full moon brings out the fall fisherman in large numbers and this weekend was no different. I spent the weekend trolling cranks and bobber fishing, with both methods putting some dandy walleye in my boat!

The daytime bobber bite this weekend was above par! I caught some dandy walleye fishing in 8-10 feet on water on the eastside of the lake. When the wind was blowing I used a 3/32 oz jig head with a leech. With calm winds we would change over to just a plain hook….allowing the bait to move about in the strike zone more freely.

The crank bite was a bit slow for my boat. We managed to catch some fish on shad rap’s trolled at around 2-2.5 mph. The walleye that we caught were really nice fish, running in the 19-21 inch range! We trolled in 8-12 fow over the shallow rock reefs near Hunters Point and Lakeside.

If you plan to head north and take advantage of this great fall fishing, call ahead in search of bait….as the leech supply this time of year can be a challenge. I did try bobber fishing with crawlers with some luck. The crawlers could be a good backup to leeches.

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. Don’t fret it Derek, I filled in as net man for ya! LOL

    He kicked my butt both nights, but I did get my buck back last night!

    You gotta get them proirities outta the way and get up here man.

  2. I know, I know.. I’m going to boot her out of the house so I can spend the rest of my life with my fishing buddies. She’ll understand..

  3. Hey Bob, Just wanted to say thanks for the tip on Saturday.
    It was a treat to bring up a couple of co-workers and not have to spend time to hunt them down, but to plop down and start into the walleyes right away
    We had a great time and sent them home with a few fillets.
    Hope to someday return the favor, or at least a beer

  4. A few fillets? You guy’s smoked um on Saturday night. It was a blast. You can’t beat a good cork bite for leisure fishing!!!

    The trolling wasn’t bad either.

    TommyB, what was you guy’s biggest fish on the weekend?

  5. Great report Bobber! It was great seeing you guys again this last weekend. Gotta love the pond, fish frys, full moons, a little and chatting with good friends Only a few more weeks and it is go time again!

  6. Quote:

    a little

    A little??? Holst had to drive me back to take a nap!!! Of course, when you spend $33.00 on a twelver, you better make a hog of yourself!!!

  7. Hooks, We turned back just one walleye over 22 and that was 22.5 I would post the pic but it wasn’t one of my better attempts at photography We picked up 3 fish trolling on Sat but what a difference on Sunday eve. without the wind.
    I gotta believe the trolling is just going to get better and better.

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