Pool 4 Fishing Report 8-27&28-2005 Mikes Last Trip

Well the summer is over, and our thoughts turn too school and football. Mike returned home on the August 30. He had missed a few football practices and is anxious to start playing.

This report is from his last weekend. Before I broke my trolling motor we managed to catch five walleye’s. Nothing big the largest was 19 1/2 inches. We kept a few walleye’s for our last fish fry. Didn’t take any photos of the eyes, but we had a great day on the sheepies they had the feed bag on and some were monsters.

Here is Mike with his biggest todate. She was just under 15 pounds.

His words were "Hey I think I’m snagged". Then the fight began.

Our last Saturday was spent in the boat with Jerie E.

It was a great time story telling and reeling in lots of fish that just made you smile.

Hair jigs took all our fish.

Here is a photo that I’m sure I will get grief over.

I think mine is bigger. But Jerie got his in first.

Thanks for a great day Jerie.

Even though we ended early cause of a break down.

I probably should have called this The Goat Report.

I really had them dialed in.

This is Mike with another that was around 10 pounds.

We did manage to get some nice Crappies and the sunfish are on the channel edges and are very willing to bite.

A small jig and piece of crawler will take some really nice sunfish now. We even took some sunnies out of 16 feet of water.

We caught all our fish on small hair jigs.

There are also some very large schools of strippers feeding on the channel seams.

Here is the last Photo of Mike with a mere 6 pounder.

But check out the smile who’s is bigger?

Well we have one day left on the water this is our Saturday Goat report.

Sunday we will chase some bass, even though I don’t have an electric trolling motor. Broke the cable drive. New one on order.

I have a couple more photos of Mikes last day as a Bass man.

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When I'm not fishing or working I'm looking for nitecrawlers...and Tournament Angler for the past 20 plus years.


  1. This is Mike with one of his Large Mouth.
    I was using my 9.9 to hold postion for him to cast he did a great job. Swimmming jigs and fishing slop frogs.
    This is his last Bass of the year.

  2. Well I had better get my boat cleaned up and remove all that Bass stuff.
    Have to get my new motor installed and lower units changed.
    Then I will be ready for the heavy fall feed that is going to happen in a couple weeks.
    Mike it was a great season.
    I can’t wait until next year buddy.
    Keep your grades up and study hard.
    See ya next year.

  3. Great report Greg. Mike is now crown Sheephead King I see. I take it you finally decided its time for a new kicker motor. What kind did you get? Sure gonna miss the reports without Mike. Great to see Jerie get out fishing with you. I see him at the bass weigh ins at Lake Zumbro but hes chasing smaller fish there [bass] instead of huge Sheepies.

    Thanks, Bill

    ps. Mike you need to come back and teach Uncle Greg how to catch bigger bass. That pic was a good one Greg.

  4. Holy goats guys! Those are some mongo sheepies . Greg, you might want to let me know where you are getting them things so I can stear clear of that area……

  5. Next time you go out take some crawdads with you. Big sheepies just love them. Oh yeah be sure to have your pole close by, my buddy had one pull his over the boat into the water the otherday and the other guy snapped his bionix in three pieces on a hookset.

  6. A quick-update.
    I went out with Paul and Sue Read for five hours today.
    We got five eyes..some sunnies and a few large crappies.
    Paul got his personal best Sheepie.
    This was a 16 pounder…
    Dustin just stay away from the south end they are all over down here.

  7. Hey Bill

    I broke the cable drive on my eletric trolling motor.
    So I have decided to switch back to a 24 volt system.
    Hope it is not a mistake.
    I have been 36 volts for the last 10 years.
    Just trying to lighten my load with the gas prices going out of site.
    Plus I would like to purchase a T-8 Kicker this winter and it weighs 30 pounds more than my 9.9.

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