Mississippi River Pool 4 Bass; The Last Hurrah

Today is the day that Mike Anderson leaves for Duluth to go back to school. Mike and I have had a chance to fish bass four or five times this summer. Mike has been very helpful on scouting trips for guide outings and great company. So we picked Thursday for our last trip of the summer. We started in a deeper channel along the edge of pads and eelgrass. We picked up Mike’s first good one along the edge but the northerns were on the rampage. We were going through swimming jigs at a dozen per hours. It was fun but sure hard on equipment. We didn’t land many but the ones we did were dandies!

As the day progressed the bit slowed so we moved into an area of slop and started fishing frogs over the top. It was slow for about an hour and the attention span slipped a bit. The picture is of Mike is a fish the hit Mike’s frog sitting dead still as he “spaced out a bit”. The laps did tell us what to do till the bite improved.

After the lull we did pretty well. Fe found a couple of sand drops that held some smallies and Mike and I both caught a quality fish. The slop continued to produce so we had plenty of action. The hit to land ratio wasn’t the best but the blow-ups were spectacular.

Well, the old war cry, “wait till next year” is appropriate. I know Mike is ready to go home and see his family and buddies. He has missed some football practice so he is eager to get started. He wouldn’t admit it but he sounded like school even had some appeal. However, I suspect it won’t be to long till the thoughts turn to fishing the Mississippi next summer.


  1. Nice Report John I met Mike while I was up at the BFL a few weeks ago….Glad to see him out fishing w/the good guys..lol….Now all we have to do is get him a new Hat

    Nice Job Fellas

  2. Nice report John.
    Mike, nice to meet you this summer!
    Enjoy school, football and we hope to hear some fishing reports from the Duluth area.
    Good luck and I am sure the pool 4 fish are partying tonight knowing that you won’t be sticking a sharp hook in them for another 7 months.

  3. Mike,
    It sounds like you are a really great fisherman. Keep up the great work. You always impress me with those big bass and nice walleyes. Maybe sometime we could team up and fish together.

    Nice job man!

  4. Thanks for the report and pics John. Thanks for taking Mike out fishing as he loves to fish.

    Stay in touch on the computer Mike. Am anxious for next summer so I can see you again. Young Walleyeboys are great to see out fishing.

    Slop, I’m kinda partial to that hat. Must be the Lund Fever that we have.

    Thanks, Bill

  5. Thanks John ,

    but could you try to not cover up the background so much. 5 day weekend coming up, you know where I’ll be.

  6. thank you for taking me fishing all summer john i had a really good time!i hope we can do it again next summer..
    See you all next summer.

  7. Mike, Your welcome and I hope we can do it again next year. Greg, thanks for the photo. If you look closely that our 18-month grand daughter in my wife’s lap. She was with us all week and we had to work on getting her used to the water. Her mom and dad like water-skiing and grandpa likes to fish, so she’ll see her share of water in the future. Alex was OK but I didn’t qualify for the regionals.


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