Pool 4 Walleye Report 8/17/05

The walleye bite for me has been tough. One day you get numbers the next you struggle. Mike and I fished the Frontenac Tourney last weekend. Prefishing we caught some nice 16 to 19 inch fish almost at will. Tournament day we could only come up with four legal fish and a bunch of shorties. Here is Mike with the best fish of our tourney day. Keep reading for a strange story.

On August 17 Mike and I went out to chase them.

Well we got into well over a hundred pounds of the sweet gold rubber lips. These things will really put your shoulders to a test, not to mention your equipment.

We took most of our fish on a bucktail. After we tried some live bait and some plastics.

Here is Mike with a dandy.

Of course I have to post one of mine. We caught over a dozen of these mammoths this day and my arms were sore.

They really were on the feed.

I wished I could say the same for the walleyes.

We only boated three eyes all day.

Ok here is a first for me and I have spent the last 18 years fishing this river.

We were fishing this rip-rapped shore line.

And I must say beating up on the carp. All of a sudden Mikes says hey did you kill that carp. Cause about 20 feet from the boat up swims this 30 inch fish. It rolls over and starts swimming in circles. I take one look and tell Mike No sir that is a game fish.

So we proceed to move to the fish. It is a 29 inch walleye.

We bring her into the boat and try to revive her but she will have nothing to do with it. She just keeps rolling over and is in pitiful shape. We fill the livewell and get the pumps running and put her in the tank and Mike works with her. But she just dies. I think this fish just died of old age. She looked like she had not eaten in about three weeks or more. Any way hear is a photo of this fish. She had to have been a great one in her time.

This is the first time I have ever witnessed such a Walleye death. Anyone ever seen this before?

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When I'm not fishing or working I'm looking for nitecrawlers...and Tournament Angler for the past 20 plus years.


  1. Thanks for the report Greg. Is that walleyeboy with you or Carp-King? Very nice looking Carp though. If Mike keeps catching them he will look like a body builder very soon. Never seen an eye die before of old age.
    Thanks, Bill

  2. Good going Greg. It looks like you and Mike had a great time out there. The winter before last a friend and I were out doing some jigging and I noticed a fish swimming circles in front of us. I started to get closer to the fish and when I was about 20 yards from it an eagle swooped down and snatched it out of the water. It was a 17 to 18 in. walleye. I still don’t know why that fish was cutting the surface like it was. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for it.

    Keep the reports coming.

  3. Greg and Mike,

    Fun report, but it’s to bad the old girl had to check out! The good news is we have dying of old age in the Mississippi. We don’t appear to be over-harvesting her.

    I have to add I’m not seeing any carp on our BASS lures.

  4. Yea Bill last year I would hook one and Mike would want the rod to fight the fish this year he catches enough of them on his on and won’t even take my rod. The last three times on the water we have boated over 100 pounds of the other gold fish.

    Tony this walleye appeared to die of starvation. My guess, the cheeks were even drawn inward. I do not know why? If the year class was wiped out and she had no hunting companions or she was just to old.

    Hey John I can sell you some of my best Golden fish baits if you want them…

  5. Nice Report Reef,

    It was nice talking to you and Mike this past weekend…Hopefully those baits I gave Mike will steer him away from the dark side..

  6. Hey Slop,
    It was good chatting and watching the BFL last week.
    Mike is still chasing those Green and Brown things.
    Thank you for giving him those baits he is having a great time fishing with them looking for his next lunker.
    Here is a photo of him with one we got on Saturday before we pulled off the water to watch the weigh in.
    That was a very well run tourney.

  7. Hey Mike, you and Nate should get together as hes been chasing those bass too [in the evenings when no ones looking]. Nice fish Bud. Great seeing you this summer. [wish we could have another summer, its way too short] Make sure you keep checking out the site so we can chat.
    Thanks, Bill

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