Mississippi River Upper Pool 4 Report 7-24-05

Since James last report on upper pool 4 not a lot has changed. We are still seeing a good number of fish come to the boat on jig/crawlers or leeches. Trolling cranks has been very effective as well over the last couple of days.

On Friday, July 22nd ARM (Anglers As Role Models) held it’s annual kids fishing day working with the BB/BS program:). I had the pleasure of fishing with Chris Backhaus and his little Rashad. I was lucky enough to fish with these two last year as well. Our day on the river together found us chasing those ol marble eye’s! The first part of our day was spent dragging jigs with leeches and crawlers in 5’ to 12’ of water. The walleye were more than willing to bite but convincing them to keep the bait in there mouth long enough to hook them was another story. The fish were a bit off on this day basically gumming the bait. We never did come up with a winning strategy to keep the hooks in them long enough to get them in the boat . Seemed once you had a fished hooked up you got about 2 cranks and the fish was gone. However, we were lucky enough to boat 4 eater walleye, a 25” walleye, a catfish and a fair amount of smaller walleye before heading in to lunch.

In the afternoon hours of the trip we switched gears a bit and stuck with trolling crank baits in 5‘ to 12‘ of water. The second fish of our afternoon outing was another 25” fish that Rashad is seen with in the first picture at the top of the report caught on a fire tiger jointed shad rap . Nice eye Rashad! With the miserable luck we had in the morning hours keeping fish hooked up on jigs I decided to troll the rest of the day. More hooks on those crank baits ya know ! The heat made the afternoon almost unbearable at times to enjoy ourselves . Jumping the boat up on plane running and gunning from spot to spot helped keep us cooled down a bit. By days end we were one fish short of a two man limit of walleye with a couple of bigger walleye in the mix. Several small walleye and sauger, white bass, sheepies, crappies and catfish to make it another successful outing with Chris and Rashad. I am happy to say I am looking forward to fishing with the two of you again next year already. The only thing I would have to drastically change about our trip was the heat …………man was it hot out there!

On Saturday I fished with dad focusing our efforts on trying to get a big walleye for the IDA get together fun tournament. We started our day trolling cranks in the area that was good to me on the day prior targeting 5‘ to 12‘ of water. On Saturday we were faced with cloudy skies V.S the bright sunny days that we have all become accustomed to over the last couple of weeks. As you have read in past reports, fire tiger colored cranks have been the predominant crank color in my boat. This was a big swing in color selection of cranks for us. With the cloudy skies we started out trolling 2 of the red craw jointed shads and 2 fire tiger. The first 8 walleye we put in the boat all came on the red crank baits. Not so much as a short fish on the fire tiger cranks for me on this day. The average size of our catch in the am hours was in the 20”-21” range with three 17” to 19” walleye as well.

Once 11:00am rolled around we had went about 1 ½ hours with out a decent fish in the boat . That’s when we switched over to dragging jigs tipped with crawlers and leeches in 5‘ to 9‘ of water. The fish were cooperative right away boating 3 nice eaters on our first drift on an orange jig with a crawler. It wasn’t long and the low 20” fish showed a preference for a blue jig tipped with a leech. Once it was obvious those nicer fish wanted leeches on this day we only had one jig rod rigged with an orange jig/crawler. We called it a day shortly after 2:00. Dad was fortunate enough to catch a 7.1lb walleye putting him in first place for the best walleye category in the IDA get together fun tourney. Nice fish dad……..must have had a good guide……….…!!

Right now the river is in great shape and the walleye fishing has been good. Get out and get fishin!

I’ll see ya on the river !

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When not at work I'm busy playing fishing guide on pools 3 and 4 of the Mississippi River.I will fish Lake Pepin but the bite has to be really good on the lake to get me off of moving water.


  1. Congrats to you and your Dad. Rashad and I had a great time on Friday and we want to thank you and everybody involved in the ARM event. You and the rest of the guides and vendors are giving Big Brothers/ Big Sisters a great event. THANK YOU!!

    Chris Backhaus

  2. Great report Dustin…I really enjoyed being a part of the Big Brother/Big Sister Event on Friday and I thought it was great how both you and James helped put boats on fish to help the “littles” have a fun-filled day. Also thanks for helping me learn how to make it through the back channel after lunch…next time I think I’ll just hook a tow rope on the back of your boat!

  3. Dustin, great report. I am launching at Evert’s Tuesday morning. I have 2 of my sales guys in from Texas, and they want to catch a walleye. I have not been on the river since father’s day. I here good things up north. Can you point me in the direction, without revealing your spots? I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Bill.

  4. Chris,

    Good to see you signed up on IDA. You will like it here .I know you have been around as a lurker but it is good to see you took the time to register. It was a great pleasure fishing with you and Rashad again.

    The ARM event would not be possible with out the help of the people you thanked. I would also like to personaly thank all of those that attended and donated goodies to make this event possible

  5. Crawlerking,

    As I stated before I am sorry we lost track of one another but it is good to hear you found a way to make down with out any damage. It was nice meeting you and thanks for helping with the event

    Don’t be a stranger when you run in to me on the river

  6. Hi Bill,

    If you put in at Everts Dean will put you in the right areas to catch some of those gold fish. He has a pretty good idea of where guys have been fishing……

    If you guys are still around on Tuesday night I will probably run in to ya

  7. Thanks Dusty. If I go I will be of the water by 1. Look me up sometime, I will buy you a coke or cold beer. I run a Lund 19Pro-V with a Merc 225.

  8. Dusty is fine Bill. Like dumb said……I have been called a lot worse . I would gladly take you up on the offer of a cold one if we cross paths sometime. Good luck on your outing .

    You must be feeling better Steve? Your full of spunk and all that

  9. When are you going to make it down again. Maybe next time we will get to fish…… only if I feed you waters and Mt. Dews the night before though….

  10. I am heading out in the morning Dustin. I will have some cold ones aboard in case you are out there. Depending on the bite I will be out early morning to mid afternoon. What kind of boat do you run? have you goten out this week at all? If so, how did you do?

  11. Bill,

    Sorry I missed your message but at least I had the chance to meet you on the river.

    Just an update on todays bite! The cooler weather that moved in gave the bigger fish a case of lock-jaw for us today. Plenty of small walleye, catfish, sheepies white bass and a couple of nice crappies to keep a guy busy re-baiting hooks .

  12. It was good to meet you as well. We boated alot under 15’s. Took 1 15.5 that we threw back. Couple of 10# cats to boot. Anyway, maybe I will see you out there this weekend. I still owe you a cold one. Bill

  13. Hey gents,
    Have not been back to the river since last Oct! But my good fortune has found me a break in my Green Bay and Lake Winnebago fishing so I decided to hit the Miss.

    Dustin are you finding fish up in the river jigging and trolling or have you been hitting Peppin also? Just a heads up so I don’t spend a day playing on Peppin if the better fishing is being found up the river. Any info would be appreciated.

  14. I have been fishing from the foot of the river up to Everts resort. Not much help to you on the lake bite. I have not been on the lake since sometime in June. I have heard a lot of success stories from the lake over the last couple of weeks but it is hard to get me off of moving water if I don’t have to be to get bit.

  15. Thanks Dustin,

    I will plan on starting out on the river and Maybe if we have time Sunday go check out Pepin.

    Hope the fish will cooperate this weekend.

    IT was a good weekend to get away from some of my normal haunts sounds like a big lake fly hatch over here on Lake Winnebago.

    Maybe see you guys on the river, I am running a Gray Tracker Tundra 20′ with a Walk Thru and a Merc on the back and a Yamaha kicker. Stop by and say hi Should be two of us in the boat. My name is Bob. Taking my buddy from Menominee. Would be glad to chat. Good fishing folks!

  16. Well we had limited sucess. I would be interested in hearing how others may have done.

    We had a mixed bag Cats, Whities, Sheepies, and Smallies with only a few Eyes. Found a White Bass honey hole if we would have stayed there longer could have packed those in.

    Fished all over the river, of course my biggest issue is I only get here a few times a year. Wish I lived closer and had more time to explore that place and get to know the water better.

    Well back to Green Bay and Winnebago. If any one is in my Area and looiking for Walleye info on Green Bay or Bago I would be happy to chat about what I know.

    Good fishing and see you in the Fall.

  17. Finfanatic, I tried the jig/crawler and leech bite on the upper part of the river and little success on saturday. 6 walleyes, with two being legal and one small sauger. Did get the usual other fish too including sunfish, catfish, and sheepy. Didn’t see too many good sized walleyes caught either. It was pretty busy on the river this weekend.

  18. I was out on sunday for about 6 hours, didn’t get to early of a start . Fishing was slow for me as well. I only had 5 nice walleye in that time frame with the biggest going 20″. A bunch of short fish along with the sheepies and small cat’s. Crawlers and leeches took my 5 legal fish. Never tried troling. I was by myself most of the day, except for the 3 hours my dad made it out and felt like fishing jigs so I did

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