Thrusday was my time to repay some favors.I was in need of a partner for a thurday night tourney so I invited Chris Tuckner aka Eye Guide out for a little bass fishing action in return for all of the great walleye and cat fishing he has put me on this year.

We started off the evening in the SLOP which is one of my favorite places to be when Im in surch of HAWG largies, and we wouldnt be dissapointed as the bite was going strong. The first fish was 3.5# and came on a standard white scum frog. we were getting lots of blow ups and we lost a few on the way to the boat most of the fish we caught were in the 2 to 3.5 range and let me tell ya its fun to have every bass you catch be a legitimate keeper. NO KIDDING we never caught a dink.

We pretty much stayed in the same bay of lillies and slop for the whole night. we just kept going around and around the bay. We did also get some action skippin a few docks with a 4" salty tube with and internal weight on a 4/0 gammie. Chris pulled off a 3 fish flury to put us closer to a limit in a hurry.

we continued to swich back and forth between the frog and the tube for the rest of the night when it was all said and done we took third. Chris had not been chasing the greenies for a few years so I had to show him what it was like to actually fight a fish "walleyes dont really fight". but boy did we have fun. and thanks again Chris good times with a good friend!! here is one last pic of the "kermit" we were using

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i have been a long time resident of hastings mn. i enjoy bass fishing, and hunting, i have a new bride as of oct 04.


  1. WTG guys. Fishing a scum frog in the slop is one of my favorite ways to fish. Very exciting expecially witht the quality fish you caught.

  2. Thanks again Corey! It was indeed a blast! Now if only walleyes were that easy to catch! I did wear out a C4500 Ambassador though! Bought a new 6000 today. And yeah, I can tell I was out throwing things last night! A little sore in the old shoulders! But yeah, it was fun! It is heart stopping to watch the blow-ups!
    Thanks for showing me the Waller Way to hook up a tube. Pretty ingeneous..But…he hooked mine up so that my weight fell out of the tube! He is a great friend, but you still gotta watch him!

  3. Tuck, since when did you switch over to fisihng for those rough fish

    Nice Fish Corey!

    I though someone had requested one of those stirring the pot icons ! I sure could have used it here!

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