The Fourth of July was the first chance I have had to get out on the water bassin with my wife Jenn. It has been quite a few months since she set the hook on a smallie and she would not be denied on this trip.

We started off in 8-10 fow throwing my few remaining chunky butt tubes in green. I use an 1/8th oz internal weight and a 3/0 gammie. The fishing is getting more and more predictable with the water starting to settle down. The fish were relating to just about any change in shoreline mainly points and inside turns with the majority of the fish comming off of the points.

Here are a couple of the bigger bass Jenn caught. Both on tubes.She would have had a few more but she tends to let the fish "walk" but she learned after the first big one got away "keep your rod tip down honey" The first one was on a point with alot of smaller gravel, and the second hooked up as soon as the tube hit the water 2feet from shore on another gravel point. Unfortunatly she caught all the fish worth taking a pic of"I hate when she does that"

All in all it was a great day on the water with my wife. The St Croix is a great fisherie and it just keeps on getting better. By the way if Jenn keeps on catching fish like that, my partner for the IDA Bass Classic might be in trouble.Just kiddin Joe! Just a reminder the IDA Bass Classic is July 17th on the St Croix and Miss pool 3.


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i have been a long time resident of hastings mn. i enjoy bass fishing, and hunting, i have a new bride as of oct 04.


  1. Man, everyone is taking a shot at Lip Rippers title belt lately by posting pics of their gals in summerwear attire

  2. I know, I know. I just had to do it. I think that will be tought to beat 4900 views and counting. She really was the only one to catch one worth taking a picture of. BUT LIP is still the man

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