Mille Lacs Report from Last Weekend

Well, I was able to spend some much needed time on Mille Lacs this past weekend! I spent a good part of both Saturday and Sunday chasing those eyes. Even though I fished a tournament with Tuck on Saturday, the highlight for my weekend was watching my girlfriend reel in her biggest fish to date. Read inside on how she landed this fish!

Saturday started off with Tuck and I in the second flight of the 6th Annual Cemsotne Tourney. I would like to thank Stone Construction, Inc. for paying our entry fee and for the goodies. We started out of the gate @ 7:30 and decided to hit the flats. We tried pulling spinners with no luck, so we slowed down our presentation and rigged both crawlers and leeches. Within the first 5 minutes of rigging Tuck boated a nice 18" eye to start the day. We sorted through many smaller 12-13.5" fish until we finally go another over 14". With the day quickly going by and not many in the box, we decided to go for broke and try trolling cranks for a piggie to jump our weight up. Tucks board was instantly smacked, when he had set it out. The fish left as qucikly as she came. So weigh in time came for us and we ended up with 4 fish and 3 spots out of the money (23rd) in a field of 87 boats. Thanks agian Tuck for a great weekend. A couple of us from the site enjoyed a great fish fry at the Huekreide Villa following the tourney. Some stories and good times were shared that evening. Thanks again Hooks!

I woke Sunday and started slip bobbering @ Agate Bay Reef, while I waited to meet my girlfriend. I was anchored on top of the reef in 12 feet of water. I was using a leech on a white and green 1/8 oz jig. I quickly boated 2 fish (14" and 22"). I then got the call that my girlfriend was at the landing, so I picked up anchor to run in and get her only to come back and see that someone slipped into my spot . So the plan of the day was trying to locate schools of fish and to try to jump start the cranking bite for me. I visited some producing flats last year, only to find fish scattered near the bottom with no good signs of bug hatches or bait fish pods. So I tossed out some cranks and boards out to try our luck anyway. About an hour into it and just off a flat in 34 FOW with a Deep Reef Runner crank running near the bottom, one of the boards gets slammed and disappears for awhile. I knew this was a big fish. My girlfriend gets the board to the boat and I take it off only to find that her rod is still bent and tugging. She finally boated this 37.5" pike, her biggest fish to date. We took a few quick pics and released her back to the deep blue. This fish had a rough couple of years. If you look closely in the first pic., it was tagged twice and had its tail clipped.

The fish are scattered through out the lake right now with good numbers of fish being taken at dusk and dawn. You do have to sort through the 12-14" to get some nice slots. Both the rocks and mud produced for me this past weekend. The rocks seemd to prouduce early and late day in 10-17 fow. During the day the fish seemed to slide down the rocks in 20-25 fow. Look for the fish to be in transistion areas during the day (rock to gravel, gravel to sand). in those 20-25′ depths. I will be focusing more time out in the mud these next coming weeks. I spent Sunday night slip bobbering on 9 Mile flat and the fish turned on @ 9:20 pm and went on a flurry till I had to get off the lake @ 10 pm and head home. I boated 8 fish and missed one in that 40 minute period. See the pic of the sunset I enjoyed that evening. I think the cranking/board bite should get better each day as the warm weather has settled in. I look forward to hitting it agian this coming weekend. Take care and good luck!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. You have a winner there Rob, if she can hold something that slimy and still smile!

    Nice fish, I gotta try and make it up to the big pond soon!

  2. You sure know how to get a guy’s attention. By the way, do you find boats coming awful close to you when the little lady is in the boat?

    Thanks for the report. I’m headed up this weekend and a few days around the 4th. Hopefully I’ll have some good news to share.

  3. Quote:

    That’s just wrong

    But darn fine report none the less 37.5″ was there a fish in this


  4. Rob,

    I must sincerely apologize for giving you crap about missing a few open fishing weekends for SD about a month ago. Your last report explains it all for me now!

  5. Why did you waste that third picture on a regular old sunset when there were more “fish pictures” that could have been taken???????????

  6. Lip Ripper,
    As I was once told: “You out punted your coverage!” J/K of course. Great report.


  7. The funny thing is last August I posted a pic of her and a beauty 20.25″ Smallie and no comments were made . What gives ???? This time she catches a decent Northern and BOOM

    Oh…… perhaps it was all the warm baggy clothes along with the rain gear on that did not make her as attractive or eye appealing

    Thanks guys !

    Yes she loves to fish and hunt


  9. Nice report Rob! I’m hoping that the trolling bite gets going by this upcoming weekend. Are you going to be heading up there at all? I’ll keep you posted.


  10. Brian, we should be up there late morning / early afternoon Saturday, doing the trolling thing and then hopefully hitting the Flats for some slip bobbering. Then up to the cabin to celebrate Mom’s Birthday Sunday!

    Let me know what you are doing or finding! You have my # if you find any schools ! Keep in touch!

  11. Quote:

    The funny thing is last August I posted a pic of her and a beauty 20.25″ Smallie and no comments were made . What gives ???? This time she catches a decent Northern and BOOM

    Oh…… perhaps it was all the warm baggy clothes along with the rain gear on that did not make her as attractive or eye appealing

    Thanks guys !

    Yes she loves to fish and hunt



  12. Rob, the only thing that comes to mind is your poor dog tied to the picknic table on the rainy weekends…

  13. I guess Slop Bass and me kinda started this…Sorry.. “NOT”

    I could say something about fish but this is a family site.

    In all honesty, you are a lucky guy to have a cutie like that, that loves to fish and hunt.

  14. That’s it! No one else can post a fishing report now. You’ve sent a precedent, and a fine one at that! Nice catch! Oh and nice fish too.

  15. Rob,
    dump Tuck as a partner and take your girl friend……..looks like she can catch the big one!

    It was nice to meet you last weekend Rob…..see ya agaain soon

  16. Dont be surprised the next time your on the water with your gal if a black crestliner pulls up and drops his anchor right in your boat.

  17. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,…but does she like to bowhunt? THAT”S WHAT REALLY MATTERS, Lip Ripper! j/k
    Great job and report! Waiting on pins and needles for next weeks report!

  18. Quote:

    I suspect this fishing report will get more hits than any other report to date

    Almost 1300 views and 40 replies in less than one day. James might be hiring you on as a full time website marketing genious

  19. Quote:

    Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,…but does she like to bowhunt? THAT”S WHAT REALLY MATTERS, Lip Ripper! j/k
    Great job and report! Waiting on pins and needles for next weeks report!

    Yes, Zimmy she does Bowhunt believe it or not. She shoots a PSE. She started opening day and sat for 4 hours on the 2nd last day in 0 degree temps. She is a trooper

    She even has a robin hood already under her belt I have been shooting for almost 8 years and I still do not have one

    Did I mention she fishes too !

  20. Rob your a luckly man to be able to go fishing with a great looking women like that. As far as taking pictures of her in a bikini and holding a nice pike like that and she let you do it, your the man . Thanks for a awesome report and great pic’s. Smart move, now I know how to get so many hits on a report.

  21. I’m sure the unmarried among us are curious – did you mark a waypoint when you caught her?

    Coordinates, man! Coordinates!

  22. Thanks Guys,

    Yes, Jeff I’m one lucky man. Like the old saying goes “It is better to be lucky than good sometimes !

    She had logged on yesterday and didn’t understand what the fuss was . Whew what a relief . I was thinking I was in trouble. I had to explain to her that it was a picture of a girl in a bikini holding a nice fish and that this was a fishing website that has a high number of male visitors. She then said she did not think it was a very good picture . I just let it go at that .

  23. (She even has a robin hood already under her belt I have been shooting for almost 8 years and I still do not have one )

    Who’s Robin Hood? Is that her pet name for you there, Rob?

    You have never had a Robin Hood? I’ve done it a couple of times back years ago when I shot ALL THE TIME.

  24. what fish,
    I’m having a problem viewing… I keep hitting “SHOW ALL”
    I don’t care about page one two or three… I want show all.

    It’s bad enough being at work and knowing the fish are biting and I’m not out… Now I’m still at work, can’t fish today, the site won’t show all, and my mind is drifting…Thanks to this post my day is shot but with those pictures who cares…..

  25. Quote:

    Smart move, now I know how to get so many hits on a report.

    Ummm, Jeff…I don’t think you would get as many hits in a Bikini…but it’s up to you if you want to try!

  26. I know we talked about doing a website calendar a while back. I was going to be the guys. But, maybe we can get some of the ladies to follow your girlfriends lead and we can put one together. I would imagine that it would sell a ton!!!

  27. Here,Here! WE should all see more pictures of her in bikinis so we can choose a “BETTER?” picture – can you arrange that one Rob? All in favor signify by saying yeah!

  28. aye!!!! boy oh boy this will never be lived down! going to the big pond tom. for the weekend and will keep an eye out for the crestliner with a bikini clad fisherwoman.

    spotting scope–check

  29. Great report Lip Ripper, looks like a couple nice catches. I am going to have to figure out how to get girls in bikinis in my Ice Reports over the winter

  30. My…Oh…My… This place is quickley becoming my favorite fishing website. Grifter, and Lip Ripper sure know how to boost the ratings. I can’t wait till next weeks report.

  31. LiL Ripper WHAT DID SHE MEASURE? And how long was the fish. Great report and very nice pic. (YOUR A LUCKY MAN)

  32. I keep looking, but I just can’t find the fish, all I see is a beatiful woman. Very nice fish and you are one lucky man.

  33. Thanks Guys ….

    I know , but don’t tell her that. I keep on telling her that she is the lucky one . I’m just not sure she is buying it now, thanks to you guys !

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