May 21 Pool 10 Bass Report

After finishing up school for the year and before I take the plunge into working everyday again, I thought I better take a three day weekend and do some fishing. The action was consistent on Thursday and Friday, with only a few keeper fish being boated. I found fish holding in the grass or in emerging pad fields. Throwing a spinnerbait or swimming jig through these areas proved to be the trick.

Saturday started off very good and tapered off as the day went on and the rain moved in. I still caught some fish in the weeds, but more of my fish and better fish were caught flipping tubes and craw tubes to isolated pieces of wood that were located in small bays or ponds off of sloughs. My best five on Saturday weighed around 12 lb.

Sunday I again hit areas where the bass were building beds and had fish getting ready to spawn. Flipping tubes and other plastics was my most succesful method of catching them. An interresting observation that I found was it seemed the bass were reluctant to bite when I was using a tungsten weight when the sun was out compared to a lead one. Enjoy the weather and go fishing, please remember that these females need to be released to guarantee the future of the fish.

One last picture, here is my younger cousin with a nice bluegill he caught on tube. Take a kid fishing if ya get the chance.

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Live in the Twin Cities and do marketing, advertising and PR in the outdoor industry. I fish for bass across MN and on the Mississippi River. Check out my site,


  1. Thanks Slop. I wish I was stayin at the river all summer, I need to skate and workout for hockey, so I will be in Madison still, but I will be down at the cabin every weekend. I’ll have ya down sometime

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