My spring milk run on pool 9 looking for smallies yielded only pint-sized fish…until Friday when the big gals came to the ol familiar places and started whacking spinnerbaits
Light penetration was a factor Friday with fish lookng for warmest water. This has since changed. Now the location seems to be geared to staking out the best spawning area—and Chompers are starting to pay off more than white tandem spinnerbaits as of yesterday
It’s a wild thing about some of the "milk run" bass spots on pool 9…when the smallies get done the largemouth move into the same habitat. Rat-L-Traps, spinnerbaits and plastics all seem to work. No whoppers over 20 inches yet this spring…but its only a matter of time.
Thanks Ted..but please feel free to be just a tad more specific as to where on pool 9.
Under old man rivers dock theres some, the third tree in the first chute I had some, the 3rd wingdam is stacked, and Duncan’s pond is loading up with em. So just go to those “spots” and you’ll do good.
Just joking.
Hmmm! Me tinks me knows where he is
Nice fish Ted. Good to see you back home for a while. I wonder how ACL is doing.
Ted has posted more than enough info already.
Thanks for the post but if you can conceal the background a little more some of us tourney guys would be willing to send you a little money to keep it hush hush.
The BFL guys will be beating the heck out of it on saturday just like last year.
Best spot I’ve found is up there where the crow sits on that stump.