Rock River, Lake Koshkonong Weekend Walleye Report

Spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday looking for those post spawn walleyes and saugers. Sunday finally paid off.

Friday I had vacation and after I took the kids to school at 8:00 A.M. I got the boat ready and change fishing lines and picked up my pound of leeches at the bait shop went home grabed only what I needed for the day and some crawlers and headed to the Rock River. At NOON I meet up with a friend at Anchor Inn for lunch then fishing the afternoon. I wanted to have a pattern by time I picked up Corey but that wasn’t the case. Fishing was tough Friday and all we caught were four small pike and one nice 15 inch whitebass.

Saturday was just a little better which the two walleyes I caught was dragging 1/4oz nuckle ball jigs in the nickle and glow/green colors. Live bait was the best that work for me like leeches and night crawlers. Tried trolling with no results. Caught a couple of small pike also. Here’s the best walleye of the day.

Sunday was a whole different story. Finally I hit the pot of gold. Sunday I got a late start around 10:00 A.M. I had my limit by 11:00 A.M. and was at home by noon. I found a wing dam that I didn’t know about on this part of the river, they were stacked in there feeding just before a cold front that moved in. Timming was perfect for me. That’s what happen when you put in your time, it will pay off in the long run. Once the cold front moved in the fish shut down. Two times I had doubles on my jigging rod and had to net both fish at once. What a rush, I had other anglers ready to move in on me which I didn’t let happen because of good boat control. Here’s the first double I got which was two saugers and the other double was two nice 20 and 22 inch walleyes which I CPR this day.

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Sponsored by Fin-tech Tackle Co, Guide programs with St Croix Rods, Lamiglas Rods, TTI-Blakemore Fishing Group, Dick Smith Live Bait & Tackle and Select Angler Pure Fishing Family


  1. Nice fish Jeff! Great report! I think that is the key I am missing for these post spawn fish. Can’t get a few days together to fish and find a pattern .

  2. Nice report JP! I am itching to get out this Saturday for your Opener. I hope I can get into a few. Sounds like the weather will cooperate a little better this year than last. I just do not like launching the boat when it is 26 degrees. Nice fish!

  3. Way to go, Jeff Gotta relish those days. Been out of town for a few, but now you got me fired up to get back out there.

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