Mississippi River Pool 2 Fishing report 4-27-05

It feels good to get back on the river again after being away for awhile. Getting into a routine after a newborn arrival is something that you think you can control…..but you really can’t! Believe me! I have spent the last couple of days on Pool 2 looking for those traditional high water walleyes. After some searching for a few hours, we tapped into some quality fish. The bite is not gang busters by any means, but with a little persistence some good fish will show themselves eventually. Go shallow and stay shallow is my best advice right now!

Getting back in the groove the last couple days left me with a lot of water to explore. After some short time on the water, I realized that a lot of water could already be eliminated. With water levels and flows up yet, I began my search pitching Jimmy D’s weenie hair jigs in those ever so important current breaks. The bigger and more pronounced current breaks seemed to give up better odds for producing some nice walleyes. Most of all our fish coming in recent days have been real tight to the banks in these areas. Some fish have come from water in 2 foot or less. I felt like I was bass fishing already! Chartreuse weenie hair jigs got the nod these last couple trips for the big fish, while a 3/16th oz BFT’s Precision jigs rigged with a Yum 3-1/2” Croaker Tail and 4” Ribworms took the rest of the smaller fish.

With the water levels dropping each day, I would expect these walleyes to be on the move to their traditional late spring/early summer haunts in the coming weeks. With that, I am expecting also a good trolling bite to take shape during this period. Look for these walleyes to get more and more aggressive with some stable levels and weather patterns.

The last couple of trips have produced about 10 walleyes with a pile of white bass and sheepies mixed in. The biggest walleyes the past couple of days for my boat have both hit the tape at 28” and over. The rest of the fish have been very respectable at 19”-23”. This is kind of a short quick report. I should have a more detailed report in the coming week after a few more outings.

Good luck to you all!


  1. Congrats on the new addition to your family It’s great to see your reports again-it just goes to show, them muddy highwater eyes can be caught It’s been a tough nut for me to crack Good Fishn to ya!

  2. Hey Steve, how’s the new found sleep deprivation? Congrats to you and your wife! It’s nice to see you are getting back on the water. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get back out to pool 2 since I went back in Early March with you and Jesse but am anxious to get out and try some of the techniques you showed us that evening. Hopefully I will see ya on the water maybe this weekend…ya never know. thanks again for a fun trip this past March, I got alot out of it. Hope ya catch up on the sleep soon!! See ya and good luck on the water!!

  3. Quote:

    Congrats on the new addition to your family It’s great to see your reports again-it just goes to show, them muddy highwater eyes can be caught It’s been a tough nut for me to crack Good Fishn to ya!

    Jim K,
    Thank you! High water walleyes are not that easy to stay on consistently from what I have found this time of year from previous experience. Here today and gone tomorrow. There should be a crankbait bite start in the weeks to come here. LAst year at this time, we were well in to a solid crankbait bite…both trolling and pitching. Different year…Different conditions I guess.


    What’s sleep? ITs amazing how your body begins to get used to minimal hours week in and week out. One of these days, I am going to collapase. All kidding aside, my wife has been an angel gettig up with Megan for the middle of the night feedings. Thanks Hon!!!

    I would love to tell you that the same areas of the river that we fished back in MArch were still good right now…but those fish are no where near those areas due to the amount of current. MAybe in a month or so, things will come back down to where they were when you, Jesse and I were out. Until then, look for those tell tail current breaks and work them methodically and go shallow. Hair jigs have been very good for me recently, which is good because I have been looking forward to a good hair bite for sometime now this spring.

    Maybe see you out there!

  4. Congrats Steve and good to see ya back.Is there still a lot of logs and debris coming down river or has it cleared up a bit.

  5. Great to see you back on the water. You will have to get the kids hooked on fishing when they are older so you can tell her you are ”taking the kids out to play.”
    Thanks, Bill

  6. Castaway,

    Thanks, its good to be back at it. The debris has cleaned up considerably as water levels are dropping daily. Still a few misc logs floating, but even those are few and far between currently.

    I cannot wait for the day when my little boy wants to spend the day out there with me. I am sure many days will be spent taking boat rides, hikes and picnics on the shore, etc…. can’t wait!

  7. One of the cool things about pool 2 is that there is alot for the kids to see. Barges, trains, critters, sitting under the aproach for the airports, jumping big wakes. If they are like mine you can get on the best bite going and a few fish into it they are ready to try something else. Cant waite to spend anouther summer fishing with my kids. Stop by and say hi if you see us down there. We have the jon boat that is over loaded with kids and trolling for eyes with snoopy and barbie rods in the rod holders.

  8. A little late update on the bite before I left for Lake Erie last Friday.

    Spent the day on Pool 2 last Friday. We ended up boating close to 30 walleyes with a 27 inch fish taking the top honors. (Lost a 29 inch fish )
    We ended up longlining light Jimmy D’s weenie jigs in 9-12 foot of water within the current breaks and slack ater areas. The fish were really on the chew last Friday.

    I have been away from the river for several days now. Looking at the water levels and flow, it looks like things have changed quite a bit. I will be back down this week to get ready for a bunch of trips this weekend and next week. Look for the wingdams to start showing fish on a consistent basis now that the flow is fishable!
    Anyone been out over the weekend?

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