My plan was to get out fishing Tuesday and Wednesday the 19th and 20th but with Mother Nature’s plans to rain on my parade I opted to get out on Monday with a couple hours of sleep after working the night shift.
I have been pulling floating rapalas in 18′- 23’feet of water.I try to use a sweeping movement in and out instead of just a straight forward troll pattern. This is not all that easy when there are several other boats out so small S pattern works well.
I had snuck away after catching around a dozen male walleyes in a short time. I went back to some areas to use the NEW Gander Mountain Exclusive Shad Raps. I was using my St. Croix Tide Master rods. They are 8’6" of pure fishing fun. These rods have the perfect amout of backbone for handling any size fish or even run boards but yet has a real nice mid section and tip to run some of your smallest crankbaits.
I met up with Jim Baily while in some of the back sloughs and after some talk we decided to tie up his rig and do some more handlining before we called it a day. Jim has spent a lot of time on this river and knows a lot about it,conversation is always interesting.Thanks For putting a great ending to my day Jim.
click on the pictures to make the walleyes look like 10 pounders
Hey Dave,
Glad to see you made it out, short night or not, beating ma nature is a bonus. Good looking fish, keep ’em coming, please, it’s reports like this that keep me sane.
Thanks for the update, Pahoo! good to see you’re still getting out. I’ll be back at Genoa for a week starting next Tuesday. Bought a newer place, 4B same park.In the turkey mode now, several guide jobs and I’m gonna whack one with my crossbow. Have you tried those Lucky Craft baits? $15 a pop–and worth it!
Dave I clicked on the pictures and for some reason I can’t get them to look like 10lbers
. All though the one does look close to 9lbs…. 
Nice report Dave. Seeing those fish makes me wish I would have taken you up on your offer.
Next time!
Dave, I clicked on the pictures and you look like you weigh 400 lbs, the walleyes look bigger too. Glad to hear you have been having some better fishing. Hopefully I can get back up that way in the near future. Mama’s got a honey-do-list longer than my trolling rod.
Hey buddy, remember to stash that fish basket in the back slough full next Thursday night…

The Iowans will be infiltrating Prairie next Friday!
Darn it Dave. Don’t know why the bowling had to be the day you asked me to go with you
But am glad to see you did ok and had fun. But next time Dave nothing will stop me. Thanks much for the offer. 
Looks like a good day…….then any day on the water is better than work!
Way to go!!!
Great report Dave and pic’s
I got to get out this afternoon for a half day. I split the day with a turkey hunt with the Riebe brothers, Jaaren and Dan….Dan, next time shoot and don’t ask questions
We landed 7 walleyes missed a couple and also missed a mooneye… here are a couple of male eyes that were boated this afternoon…Thanks guys..we will plan on a Deer/Walleye trip this fall
Dave: Thanks for the invite and the good time on the water.
I can see now, I am going to have to set my boat up for handlining. I had a great time and learned a lot.
See you next trip.
Dave – any thoughts on the colors of those new GM SR’s? Any favorites yet??? They do look good. Just wasn’t brave enough to take the plunge yet. Chuckles
I have pulled the pink and the fire tiger looking one the most with the purple sharing equal time with the pink one…the FT looking one has caught the most fish so far…
But the wildest thing is all three colors ran true right out of the box
The fire tiger patter dave is refering to would be the sunset tiger. Glad there workin’ for ya
yea !!! Sun Set Tiger !~!! I knew that