Rock River Walleye Report 4-10-05

April showers brings May flowers. It also brings April walleyes. Got to love those warm rains in the spring, at least Stephaine my 6 year old daughter and myself think so. Join me and check out the rest of my report and find out how Stephanie caught her first legal walleye.

We started the nice sunny day out around 2:00 P.M. with the air temp. at 78 degrees, wow spring is finally here. My daughter has been waiting all week to go fishing and it was the best B-Day gift any dad could ask for. Oh yeah Sunday was my B-Dayand my luck finally changed. As you all could tell from me not reporting for a while it’s been a tough spring for me and lots of other anglers also. But this day was awesome. Here’s Stephanie first walleye on the left she caught dragging a 1/8oz gold nuckle ball jig by Fin-tech Tackle Co.

We work the channel in 8 to 10 fow with very little results, I was vertical jigging and Stephanie was dragging jigs. I don’t think I’m ready to try to teach her to vertical jig yet. Then I moved to the shallows in 6 to 5 fow with some current breaks and hard gravel bottom and bingo. Here’s what we found on the right, all fish were milking males which we took four home for dinner in the range from 15 to 20 inches.

My daughter caught more snags than fish but she learned how to cast and catch walleyes on my B-Day. Stephanie lasted five hours out on the water netting and catching fish. She netted all my fish. I took lots of snack and her barbie dolls which she never play with them, but she did eat alot. When it was time to leave she didn’t want to go, I think I got another fishing buddy. Thank you godhere’s one of the biggest walleyes of the day which Stephanie did a great net job. Can’t wait to get out fishing with Stephanie again, which just might be this Saturday if weather permit, and I bet my son Connor will want to come along after he saw the fish we caught. There’s nothing better than taking a kid fishing, so try it you will like it.

PS. Thanks Stephanie for a great B-day gift, I love you.

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Please try to take a kid fishing you will love it for ever

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Sponsored by Fin-tech Tackle Co, Guide programs with St Croix Rods, Lamiglas Rods, TTI-Blakemore Fishing Group, Dick Smith Live Bait & Tackle and Select Angler Pure Fishing Family


  1. Good Job Jeff,

    I have always enjoyed watching you and your kids fishing. Looks like your daughter is your good luck charm this year.

    I can’t wait for Nate to be able to pick up a rod.


  2. Thanks for the report and Happy Birthday Bud. Sweet 16, right? A very happy daughter I can tell. And a happy Dad too. Nice fish. Taking kids fishing is one of the most important things we can do for our sport as they are the future of our sport. And besides we gain a new fishing partner that way too.
    Thanks, Bill

  3. That’s what I’m talking about! Nice job – happy to see you and your daughter out, and also to see you caught a good bite. It has been tough this year for whatever reason – some guys are hitting them but others are not. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a 25″, 24″ and 22″ (not all on the Rock/Kosh) in the boat so far this spring, but I’ve had to work hard for all of them. CPR’d, I should post some pictures. Anyway, good deal. Congratulations and hopefully it’ll break loose from here on out. Maybe I’ll see you out there, or at the Anchor Inn. I put in there a lot last year so we might meet sometime. Good luck and good post.

  4. Nice Report Jeff. I’ll be seeing ya out on the water soon. My boy loves to be in the boat too, but doesn’t have much patience yet, that will come….

  5. Good job, Jeff. Looks like you got a buddy for life. You caught ’em on that goofy looking jig, huh? Guess I’ll have to try the ones Mike talked me into at the sportshow.

  6. don’t tell me he reeled you in to


    Good job, Jeff. Looks like you got a buddy for life. You caught ’em on that goofy looking jig, huh? Guess I’ll have to try the ones Mike talked me into at the sportshow.

  7. There’s nothing more satisfying than the look on a kids face while reeling in a fish. Great going Jeff. I’m sure your daughter will never forget that day. My hats off to ya’.
    Happy belated Birthday.

  8. Happy belated birthday and awesome report. Your daughter looks like she had a past, she sure does look like you too.
    What a way to spend the day, not just anyday thou, your birthday.

  9. Jeff,what a great report dude!!! Nothing better than spending a day fishing with your kid(s).I hope to read many future reports with you and the kids Jeff.
    Ryan Hale

  10. I love you to dad. Can’t wait until this weekend so we can go out again. Your the greatest dad ever, I love you very much, thanks for the great time on the water Sunday.

  11. Awesome! Whether your catching fish our not I always have fun fishing with the kids! When they catch something thats even better! Happy Birthday!
    I don’t know if they have a GTG, but we should try to have a little fishing tourneyt with the kids!
    Fish On!

  12. Dave when my dad got home from work last night I got up and he showed me how to log on IDA. CYA later got to go to school.

  13. Welcome Stephanie.

    Great to have you with us. Tell your Dad to take you fishing with him again and take some more pics of you and the fish you two catch and then you and Dad can post another fishing report together for us all to see. Sound like fun?

    Thanks, Bill

  14. Steph……….just keep fishing and eventually you’ll be teaching your dad that latest tricks on how to catch them walleye.

    Then I’ll have to help you get your dad over to the good side of the road…aka BASS. And if he won’t budge, then I’ll take you out for some real bass fishing.


  15. Nicole Nicole Nicole, I love bass fishing also but just don’t have all the time to fish both. When I first started fishing that’s all I did is bass fish. Now I just take one week out of the year and I go to the Eagle River area and bass fish. My daughter will go with me when she gets a little older. I wish you did live closer so you could take her fishing. The wife might not like it but she would get over it .

    PS. By the way, I’m going bass fishing Sunday with my buddy Ted Peck down in ILL. ACL, unless he forgets which happens sometime

  16. Cool report Jeff! My oldest is 12, going on 20 now. She used to love going fishing with me, now she just wants to ride, does not have patience for fishing. I hope she “grows back into” fishing, I sure miss days like you just had!
    I am surprised you are coming all the way down to ACL, then gonna waste it on them bucket mouthed green carp!
    Do you buy an annual license in Illinois? If so maybe you could make it a little farther south when Kosh dries up this summer and do some pool 14 fishin’ with me!

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