I was only able to get a few times this winter season due to a variety of reasons, probably none of them good. But, I knew I would be getting out on the Friday of April 1 when all of the designated streams opened in southeast Minnesota. I was a little concerned about finding clear water, but actually that wasn’t a problem. Since the 20 inch snowfall dumping and thaw, area streams have basically returned to normal flows and the insects are starting to get going as well.
I started out on a winter season stream, that is a stream that was open during the winter season because it was a little off colored and there was a section of it that was now open. I threw small black and olive woolly buggers early and caught two 14 inch browns on back to back casts. I thought it was going to be a banner day, but since the water temperature was only about 46 degrees, the fish were a bit lethargic. I jumped streams around 10:30,and the wind and clouds started to show as well. I caught a good fish early on, pumped it to see what it had been munching on, then made the adjustments to my flies to match their diet that day, and things tok off from there.
Around noon, a small hatch of baetis (blue winged olives) came off. It wasn’t a great hatch, but it was enough to get fish near the surface. They weren’t pounding my dry fly, so I switched to a wet/dry fly (one that can be fished as a dry, or can sink and look like an ermerger). I greased my leader and put on a small strike indicator since I couldn’t see my fly, and had a fun time with this until the hatch shut down a half hour later (weather related). I guess Mother Nature got the last laugh on Friday, April Fool’s Day, as she dumped snow (almost like a soft melted hail) around 2:00. I decided I’d had enough.
I got out yedterday for a few hours and did much of the same that I have described earlier. I did a little more hike and fish, which I guess if you like prospecting, now is the time to do it when the foliage is non-existent. The weather’s good, the water’s clear, and the hatches are just starting to get going. It’s a great time of year to be a fly angler.
Great report and I love the photos. The colors of the trout are so impressive. I have to comment one ones choices. I’ve fished most of my life but have little experience with trout. I grew up with the Mississippi in my back yard. My father bought/bargained a plywood skiff and a 2.5 hp motor for me when I was about 10 years old. I’d spend whole days on the water in that boat, and loved boating as much as fishing. So as I grew up the idea of wading or fishing from shore just didn’t appeal to me. When I was in my 30’s I had a chance to take an honest look at everything around me and tried fly-fishing. The experience was exhilarating but it was the busiest time in my life and I knew it just wasn’t meant to be. Now I have the time but have so much invested in boats etc that I can’t justify leaving them home. I appreciate your passion, I hope you can appreciate mine. Fishing is so diverse! Keep use posted on your niche
and I’ll try to do justice mine.
Hey riverfan,
I actually grew up in Wabasha, but I didn;t fish the river that much (I know, I know, pretty lame excuse). I plan on going out this summer for some smallies and white bass with my fly rod – should be a gas.
Take care,
The D.A. i knew was neighbors with Steve Stark from kellogg; did reading Ernest Hemingway get you into fly fishing?
DM-from wab
Hemingway wrote quite a few fishing stories, a bulk of which weren’t fly fishing, but good entertainment all the same. Actually a couple of friends got me into it in the early 90’s, and I haven’t picked up a spinning rod much (for trout) since. I actually got into it while the fly fishing boom was happening (due to the movie, of which I actually read the book first…sort fo backwards than most).
-The D.A. who used to live near Steve Stark
Thanks for the report Dave. Lets see….Friday April 1st…..Shouldn’t you be at school on that day? No wonder you understod Nates missing some school back in his High School days because he was fishing.
[or were you on spring break that week?] Anyway Bud, great to see you back on the water. Dave shares alot on the trout fishing forum [Mn. Trout Streams] so be sure and keep your eyes on the forum as Dave really knows his stuff. 
Thanks, Bill
Minnesota Trout Streams Forum
wilkinson would be proud, who says that wasn’t a possible world record brown trout in the old man and the sea…the big two-hearted river- thought it had something to due with trout…my memory is good,,its just short…
I don’t allow FLY-RODS in my boat!

Well, you better stay seated and keep a low profile or a streamer pattern may take your hat clean off…
Bill – I was “sick” on Friday