Pool 4 Mississippi River Report 2-26-05 Walleye

Well this is a round tuit. Finally getting some time to get this report up.

I had the privilege to fish with some of the greatest sticks in Southern Minnesota, last Saturday. We were accompanied by the Up North Crew from Detroit Lakes Minnesota minus one and you know who you are.

The weather was should I say very Minnesota like. We started the day with 8 degrees. And a mild southernly breeze.

I was left dock side again with my boat cables all frozen up. But I stayed with it and had them freed up within the hour.

This first photo is our first eye of the day. Mr Eckholdt had the hot hand early.

Continue reading and I will fill you in.

When I picked up my fishing partners and headed to the dam.

The sun was already up and there were plenty of fellow fisherman up there ready to catch fish. We started with vertical jiggin with some Super Doos and some livin eye’s.

We took a few fish but nothing red hot.

Here is Rob Stevens with a live one.

We were trying to figure out something that was consist.

So we opted to drag some ring worms.. Bang again the young guy from Rochester scores Jerie Eckholdt scores on a ringie.

We were working the edges from 10 to 17 feet of water.

3/16 and 1/4 ounce jigs were our best bets doing the drag.

Here is a photo of early spoke of fellow.

Later on that day I think it was about noon this other guy came out to join us.

Here is a photo of my friend Randy Stevens.

I had to word it that way cause he is really going to chew me for this.

This was one of those dragging fish. They would just blast the plastics.

I had a chance to spend the day with a great bunch of guys.

I must take my hat off to all you gentlemen it was a real fun time sharing the boat with you.

Until we can do it again Thank you and take care.

We finished the day with over 30 fish caught..we kept a limit of 24 fish for dinners. The biggest fish for us this day was 22 1/2 inches. Nice fish Jerie.

more photos to follow.

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When I'm not fishing or working I'm looking for nitecrawlers...and Tournament Angler for the past 20 plus years.


  1. This is a friend of mine if you see him out there throw some crackers his way. He really likes them, and he does have a girl friend running around with him.

  2. Here is a boat full of up north guys.
    These guys are from Detroit Lakes Minn.
    Brad Laabs, Brian Tangen, Roger Boatman, Terry Karger.
    Great to meet all you guys Had a great time.

  3. Hey Greg,

    Looks like some fun! You need to be more careful with who you hang out with!

    Good Fishing,

  4. Not only is Jerie the Jig Master, he is also the Rod Master. Wow! does he make some GREAT looking rods.

  5. Your quacking friend and girlfriend attracted another set. There are two sets of friendly ducks down there. Anybody named them yet?

  6. Hey Guys,
    Yes Mike it was a blast having a day with some ole river rats.

    Bill: what you talkin about old faces..dem there is fightin words..

    Thanks Jeff heck of a fun day.

    Yes Tom you needed your long johns for sure ya!

    Nord, Mr E not only makes a great rod but turns out the best Buck tails on the river.

    Patrick I think the critters names are Daffy & Dixie the other pair is Duey & Delaney. Thats if my memory is any good ..
    Later take care hope to see you on the water.

  7. Old faces meaning a long time no see! [many days ”old” since I’ve seen them]. They need to come down more often if you know what I mean.
    Thanks, Bill

  8. As of today there is 3 pairs of the friendly ducks. One of the pairs dont like to come to close to the boat yet. i think they are still a little scared. They really like pringles and nacho cheese doritos.

    Walleye Fool

  9. If you look closely at one of the pairs of ducks you can see that the hen has a kinda yellowish-green bill instead of the orange one a hen mallard has. My dad and I were thinking that it could be a black duck. I second the Pringles, they loved the cheese flavor. Just my two cents.

  10. Hi Cody,
    Well I would have to say it is your preference, to your favorite way to fish.
    Right now you can take fish pitchin jigs shallow.
    You can stay vertical on the deep edges.
    You can take them dragging on the sand flats.
    You can live bait rig them on the deep edges.
    Or you can throw out the anchor and bait them or jig em.
    So all you need to do is pick your favorite technique and perfect it.
    I took fish on all the above mentioned methods this past weekend.
    Here is one I got pulling a Paddle Tail off the break edges in deep water.
    Good luck have fun ..
    It is all in time on the water.

  11. Quote:

    If you look closely at one of the pairs of ducks you can see that the hen has a kinda yellowish-green bill instead of the orange one a hen mallard has. My dad and I were thinking that it could be a black duck.

    There is a group of Black Ducks that have taken up residence in Everts pond. I have watched them for some time now. You don’t see many of them any more. You are probably correct! Yesterday I saw a drake mallard with a hen teal!

  12. crackers????? he loved the dead fatheads that the sauger and walleyes threw from the hook!!!! I had heard of it before (fish eating mallards) but had never seen it in person!

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