Mille Lacs Lake Report 2-26-05

This past Saturday Liberty Beach Resort held their 22nd Annual Perch Extravaganza. This event has been looked at as the "end of the season celebration". Yesterday was no exception! This first photo shows our group!!!! just kidding…….the winning perch weighed in at 1.75 lbs!!!

Yesterday our group fished an area north of the Boot Flat. We started our morning fishing 200 hundred yards off the flat in around 33-34 feet. We were seeing perch on the cameras and Vexilars but no takers. Fishing this spot was our only down fall of the day. After very little action I decided to make our move going back to "the spot". I had been fishing the edge of this flat for 3 weeks and just didn’t want to have to go back after not doing well there our last trip. Well big mistake……at 9:30 we made a quick move, I hooked up the Otter to the hitch on my truck and off we went. Joe Hukriede and I starting catching jumbo’s immediately with the biggest weighing in at 1.16 lbs.

Joe and I caught our perch jigging weasels and small buckshots with the head of a minnow. Glowing the lure worked pretty well for our house. The bite slowed up around 11am giving our group time to get the grill going! We enjoyed some great brats and cold beverages.

Winners in the raffle from our group were Puddlepounder and yours truly! We both won a bag of goody’s……I had a pair of binoculars, a diamond studded watch that I gave to Jon J. and a leatherman and a couple other items! It wasn’t a new shot gun or 4 wheeler but I still won something!

The perch action should continue now up until late March. The conditions are in good shape for the most part. Bring a shovel just in case you might get stuck?

Hunters Point Resort will be offering $5 road passes for the reminder of this ice fishing season. Take a trip up to Mille Lacs and catch a few jumbo’s. Mark your calendar for the White Cap Inn 2nd Annual Perch Pounder which will be held March 12th.

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. Bob summed it up well, thanks for letting me and Dino tailpipe you guys yesterday!

    And thanks for the diamond studded watch! I’m wearing it right now. Bling-Bling Baby!!

  2. Here is a shot from Bob’s Otter shortly before heading in to get his perch weighed. Couple of true jumbos and an example of what to expect out on Milly right now.

    I just finished fileting up my fish and am getting ready to cook ’em up soon. Yum!

  3. As you guys know, we got stuck more than our share up there this weekend! But even more unfortunate, my brother-in-law Scott flipped his brand new GMC Sierra pickup over on HWY’s 18&47 in Malmo during that freezing rain. He was OK, and the truck should make it too.

  4. Wow Scott, glad you made it out ok……..
    Tuck, yes I helped out more than my share stuck in the snow. The best one was out front of White Cap. You can go cross county if you are carefull, just have to look out for deeper spots!

  5. Nice pics.. Glad to hear nobody got hurt.

    Jon, nice watch!! Now you just need a gold cap on your front tooth and you’ll be ready for opener!!

  6. Jon, you could’ve attended the Accademy Awards tonight with that bling….Nice to see you at the raffle, least YOU got something for standing out there!

  7. And I can’t go without a picture of the last three standing at the card game friday night.

    Left to right. Antone, Jimmy and Bartie were 3rd, 2nd and 1st.

  8. I just have to say publicly to Putz–sorry the cards weren’t with you, hope the “dealer” didn’t have anything to do with that! It was a fun time.

  9. As always, a great time on Mille Lacs. Don’t worry Hook’s Wife, I had more fun bs’ing than playing cards anyway.

    Did manage to get the Ford stuck Sat. also. Went off road and was watching the GPS instead of where I was going. Half hour of shoveling and a push from Winston and on the road again.

    Sorry to see that about the flipover but glad everyone is ok. That being said may I mention that it was a GMC and not a Ford?

  10. Just thinking about my previous post. Poor guy flips his truck on bad roads and I get on him. If anyone finds that comment offensive, I apologize. Sometimes my brain is in 4 low when my mouth is in overdrive.

  11. Yes….Puddlepounder posted some info over on the Mille Lacs walleye/perch forum. He an acouple others got a bucket full!!! go over and check out his report.
    Good luck

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