report from worlds best crappie lake

Weiss Lake in northwest Alabama claims to be the worlds best crappie lake. After fsihing there yesterday I believe this is true, Chicago Bear Mark Bortz and I had a ball trolling 1/8 oz fuzz-e-grubs w/ the trolling motor, fishing with guide Jason Tucker–caught 60 slabs to 2 lbs.

This shallow 31K reservoir is located south of Ft. Payne–home of the group Alabama. Saw a 3 lb 4 oz crappie caught. Stayed at JR’s Marina–best place on the lake. Fishing should peak here in 2-3 wks….but 60 in three hours not too bad! Did a quail hunt in the p.m., drove down to the Big Easy last nite, luxury hotel and dinner at Emerils, tomorrow headed offshore for yellowfin in gulf, then three days redfish/specks around Leeville in south Louisiana.
On the way down stopped at Sangchris near Springfield in central Illinois, crappie just starting here. Big muskie hitting on Spring Lake not far away. Crappie bite is going great guns in southern Illinois at Lake of Egypt, where we plan on stopping on way back from south.

I’ll have fotos for y’all by early next week, with more complete report…but if you can get south and fish Lake of Egypt in southern Ill. or Weiss Lake in NE Alabama near the Ga. line soon you won’t be disappointed!
Sure wish I was sitting on a bucket with you guys on pool 9. NOT!

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Retired pro firefighter/medic, guide 30 yrs, outdoor writer & broadcaster since '73, power stick for ICE TEAM, fish/hunt 225+ days/yr.


  1. Nice post Ted.
    I know of some of the places you are talking about and yes very good fishing. Much different than our ways here though. And when In Leesville eat some of that good cajun food for me. Great fishing there too.
    Been a week since I sat on a bucket on the ice. This week maybe yet.
    Will be looking forward to seeing some pic’s

  2. Can’t wait until I retire Sounds like you having a great time. See you when you get back, the Rock is starting to open up , lets go fishing

  3. Stopped by 2 of my fave places and didn’t take me. Oops that’s right I was working. Let’s try and keep them Il. waters secret.

  4. Ted when you report on the Redfish please tell me where you stayed and whom you fished with .My wife and I want to do that next winter.Thanks Stuart

  5. crappies are a unique strain of white crappie with a stripe along their nose…if ya wanna catch a three pounder this is the place!

  6. We stayed at the Bourdreax motel in Leeville, $60 nite, $90 if you want a kitchenette. phone is 985-396-2215, email: boudreauxsmotel@ biggest reds about 9 lbs. tore up the specks, biggest about 6 lbs. Drove back from Leeville to Wis/Ill stateline straight thru, 16 hrs, but a real easy drive. All ya need is a bass or jon boat and a pile of those B-Fish-n tackle paddletails. Purple with chartuese paddle was the hot one when we fished

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